I have a perfect solution for supporters of pay-to-win boosts

So in effect, you’re saying yes, it is wrong for us to give feedback to gaming companies, and we should always passively accept their every decision without complaint or comment, come what may. Tough luck all you people who wanted to play with friends in GTA5 - suck it up!

So, if this applies to games, why not apply it to the real world?

Is it wrong for Matthew to write a negative review on Trip Advisor after the hotel he stayed in was infested by cockroaches and he got food poisoning from the restaurant? Or should he just meekly accept the situation, accept his lot, and keep silent about it, because it’s wrong for consumers to give feedback?

I didn’t say you don’t have the right to say what you think, that is all we are both doing. I defend the things I like and you attack the things you don’t like but for the same reason. Nothing wrong with that. Do YOU think I have the right to disagree with you and say that adding QoL features will improve the enjoyement of the game for a large amount of people?

No it means. That Blizz cannot satisfy absolutely everyone. If the roles were reversed and Blizz caved in and didnt offer that 1 one time of boost then I bet my montly salary that you would be fighting tooth and nail to shutdown any thread which as much as opposes this.

Exactly this. You seem so adamant about your right to criticize. Fine! You can do it. Its your right. But if your criticism targets something which others might actually like they also have every right to defend it.
And accept 1 thing:
“What you like. Others might hate. What you hate, others might like”. If you try to “fix” something which in turn may destroy the fun of another. Don’t act a surprised Pikachu face if they decide to defend it.


Because I want to have fun :slight_smile: And TBC simply is fun for me, end of story. It has nice zones, it has nice dungeons, a lot of raids and competitive PvP, very good gearing progression in both PvE and PvP. Its simply a good expansion.

once again :smiley: people want to play END GAME and TBC content 1-58 is not TBC content so


Can’t say I didn’t try.

My issue isn’t that you cant complain about the boost or that you cant have the opinion it’s bad.

My issue is the mob attitude towards players you and others have deemed unworthy of this game.

You have zero knowledge on why other people play this game, you have zero knowledge about those peoples lives. You therefore have zero authority to tell them how they should or shouldn’t play.

You and the mob have declared anyone who uses the boost as being lazy or bad. You dont want these so called bad players in your dungeon run and yet you’ve never met them nor do you know how well they can play their class or role.

It’s the entitled and elitist attitude that I took offence to, not you having an opinion.

But just remember, for years players have had their pick of expansions via pservers, and they dont pick a TBC server to start running molten core or even questing in tanaris!

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When “anyone who uses the boost” justifies it by “I don’t want to put in effort”, it’s not elitist to call them lazy, it’s a fact.

People wanting to get the rewards of leveling without leveling, meaning they want to substitute effort through monetary transaction is by definition : lazy.

Not to mention arguments against the boosts are not based around the lives of the anti-boosters, contrary to pro-boosters’ claims.

What does this even mean?

Also read my post again, you seem to miss the massive point being made.

Why is Blizzard wasting ressource in developping the open world and quests if the players care only about the 70 content = instanced content all day ?

Why players asked for a Classic version of the game if the only thing they wanted to do is doing instanced content all day ?

Retail is better for this part of the game.

TBC affect the 1-58 content too. New quests hub, new talents/spells, level 30 mounts…
What should happen to BE/Draenei then ? They quest in theirs first areas then they should be able to skip to 58 directly because the 20-58 is Vanilla content OMG :scream:. How dare you Blizzard ?

Except it clearly is. TBC content starts at 58 in Hellfire Peninsula. That is an unavoidable, unarguable fact. When the expansion was released it came with new zones, new contents and new quests, not just a bunch of raids.

You may hate everything except raiding, more raiding and nothing but raiding, but that’s just you. It’s perfectly obvious to me that you are one of those people who see TBC as nothing more than ‘a bunch of new raids’, which brings me back to my earlier question on a different thread.

If TBC means nothing to you except ‘a bunch of new raids’, then why the heck are you not playing it in retail using Chromie time or timewalking? Same result, same destination, without all the inconvenience of all that RPG and MMO stuff to get in your way?

That’s fair enough, and a perfectly decent, reasonable answer. You’ll get no argument from me.

chromie time isn’t classic tbc.

A major reason I want to play wrath is for the class spell book I get with it, chromie time wrath is a modern version of a class but with scaling to the older content. It doesnt undo the class changes.

The content was created 15/17 years ago, it’s been played to death thousands of times by millions of players, a quest is a quest, itll never change, it will always be go here do this. It’s a static event, by contrast a raid albeit a static boss that does the same, will be different due to players within the group and then pvp offers the greatest changing environment above everything else.

I’m not a hardcore raider myself and my plan from TBC to wrath is to play my draenei shaman and complete the content as much as possible, that means quests, reps, professions, the lot.

However I can understand and accept there are 10s of thousand, 100s of thousands, probably millions of people who have a specific goal or reason to play. That wont fit my rules or game definition yet I’m not here demanding their access be revoked.

Look at classic servers, they are full of raid loggers, you may not want to admit it but a lot players like to raid!

Maybe folks wanted to raid the old content with the old talents and the old spells? Or maybe pvp with their old characters. Who knows, I dont, and you dont.

I’d dispute this.

Raid bosses are always a series of choreographed steps. Learn the correct sequence and you’ll always use the same tactics to down the boss. Whilst it’s true that the actual raid composition is a randomising factor that can spell the difference between success and failure, surely this is also true for world quests?

If Roger is killing gnolls in the Wetlands the situation will vary according to who’s in the area. If he has the area to himself he’ll quickly adapt, picking off targets around the main camp, using CC or hit-and-run tactics to deal with multiple pulls from the main camp etc.

Add a bunch of other players to the region though, and the situation changes. This is also a randomising factor. Roger must now adapt he play to incorporate the other players in the zone. Does he compete for tags? Does he offer to group up? Does he use the other players to his advantage, waiting for them to pull one gnoll, and pulling another while the remainder are distracted? Does he simply go away and do something else until the other players leave?

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This is a fair point, open world questing can change based on the players in the area.

Although a boost has a little effect on this, you could say it takes the variable(players) away from the vanilla zones but then again the majority of players will be in TBC zones anyways.

If most players are in TBC zones you’ll have a fairly similar experience on all vanilla zone quests, which will be the same solo kill, collect, travel the full length of map 3 times and back again quests. They’ve been done, many times! It’s ok that some people dont wanna repeat that process and if they do it doesnt automatically make them lazy, they could finish TBC in a couple years with more /played than anyone else!

Of topic, I seriously cannot wait to start my draenei.

I’m not even sure if it would take away players from the vanilla zones. I suspect there will still be plenty of players still questing the old fashioned way - at least to begin with. It will probably flatline over the months ahead as people get to level cap, but the same thing happened in Classic.

Most folks who want or intend to hit outland content without a boost are probably doing so atm. I suspect after the portal opens any zone below level 40 will be very quiet.

I’m kinda like you and hoping for quieter zones to quest, I mean it’s always nice to have players about and be able to group for harder content but if they steal my mob I’ll be grumpy (jokes).

Still I think a lot of new draenei will leave azuremyst for more familiar/convenient questing areas which should reduce issues with population etc.

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Hehe, OK, you win. All the shields I erected around myself, and the snotty, arrogant high-handed attitude that I assumed when making the opening post have been lowered, given that I have a similar point of view when it comes to the open world.

I’m planning to the the exact same thing with my Draenei. They will be running straight to Northshire Abbey. I did this precise-same thing back in 2007 and it worked pretty well. Teldrassil would be more convenient, but I want a Mage, and also, as you know, I don’t do convenience :smiley:

Draenei mage is a close 2nd choice for me but I’m holding out for wrath and my wrath shaman :slight_smile:

TBC will be mostly getting as much completed as possible, sure some raids as and when but ideally grinding all the reps (that this human got so easily!) and using questie to work through each zone.

Probably the strangest thing I’m looking for to is getting back into sunken temple, so many dislike that dungeon but ever since I learned the statue puzzle thing it’s always a secret favourite.

I’ve got my road map through azuremyst and bloodmyst, will be interesting to see it pre wrath, not sure how much changed, I believe the shaman water totem quest chain is a little different.

I was in ST only last week, I have no fear of the place. It’s always been a mystery to me why people don’t like it, or refuse to run it. Maybe they find it confusing to navigate?

I have to remember this time to do the extra quest that’s in the cave in swamp of sorrows, iirc I did something with the item on this character so I couldn’t do it.