I have a perfect solution for supporters of pay-to-win boosts

Alright so following what You wrote; do You expect company that has nothing to do with old Blizzard to deliver You Vanilla classic and tbc?

Well, good luck with that.

Most players currently buy boosts with gold in Classic to skip leveling they hate so much…I am honestly not sure the majority of current Classic pop loves relaxed leveling alone out in the world or waiting hours for -regular- (not bought) dungeon runs.

And…that is way before this 58 boost is even a thing. My point is skipping is already happening. It started as soon as mages started boosting everyone.


Ah so we’re back to the old ‘two wrongs make a right’ argument now are we? I love how this one keeps popping back up like a game of whack-a-mole.

And no, ‘most’ players do not pay Mages to spam them through instances, ‘some’ players do that. Not ‘most’.


What i said was that i will use it if Blizz will provide it and i think overall this is good for some people. Just to clarify.

You can do what You want. We all can, and to me it’s beautiful.

You are sooo right! No i cannot comprehend this.

Yes, because i’ve got nothing better to do… :man_facepalming:
This is pure gold! :joy:

Edit; But do not worry Friend! I wont be responding in boost related threads, as You said:

So continue Your little crusade, while ill have a good laugh. Good day. :slightly_smiling_face:

The reality of the situation is that most players will take the path of least resistance, and companies nowadays tend to exploit that by providing a paid feature giving you exactly that.
You pay to both play and not play the game at the same time, and rob yourself of the rewarding feeling of achieving something through investing time in it.

Companies that care about their game(product) would not let this happen. The idea is for the players to enjoy the game, not skip it. If blizz truly cared, they would not implement this boost, and they would’ve nerfed dungeon boosts as well a long time ago to make people actually play the game the way it was intended. People would complain, but so what? People always complain. A good game will have good limitations, not allowing players to exploit the systems in place to an absurd degree as we are seeing now.
However, since long term quality is apparently of low interest to blizz and the player alike, they implement this boost for a “quick win”. Who knows what kind of QoL is up next?

The reason some fight so fiercly against QoL like this in the “Classic” series is because retail already exists and is full of it, and entirely different if not recognizable from the original game, tailored to an entirely different audience. What good is Classic then if we end up getting two of the same thing eventually?


Indeed, and it’s good to see that at least a handful of people on these boards are capable of seeing the whole picture, and have an understanding of consequences.

People like me will continue to fight fiercely against QOL, and continue to stomach the abuse, the snide comments, the laughing scorn, and the mockery of these shallow, visionless fools.

It’s a battle I’ll inevitably lose, but that’s not the point. Apathy and indifference are worse than not fighting back, even if you have no chance of winning. This was incidently, one of the reasons why the ‘just let them win’ brigade in BGs used to annoy me so much.


I honestly don’t believe it. I have criticized their decision to use those mega servers in classic, which showed that they do not understand how vanilla worked.

Lucky for them I found a very small server that only exists because of another mistake blizzard made.

This is also why I am currently very active in the forums to discuss any demands for changes. Because I can only hope that if enough people understand what made vanilla what it was, their demands will be heard by this god awful company, that right now is on a re-release spree because anything new they create isn’t on par with the stuff old blizzard created.
Think about it: Warcraft III Reforged. Re-release of an original Blizzard title… yet they ducked it up.
StarCraft got a remaster, Diablo II is getting remastered. WoW Classic is an attempt to reuse the genius of the original blizzard developers. Meanwhile they save money by not using GMs as they used back in vanilla. They are now creating a service to start with a level 58 Character, not realizing that this boosted character will NEVER have the same value to the player that a 1-60 leveled character has. Mind you, the boost is to create a main, not an alt. It might get a very short influx of players that we certainly don’t even need in Outland. And they are taking money for it.

So no, I am not expecting Activision Blizzard to deliver a great classic experience. I’d be surprised if they do. And as I said… without the server I’m on, I would call their attempt at vanilla WoW an utter failure at delivering a vanilla experience, thanks to their stupid mega servers.


Im fine with 1 boost per account since i get 2 of my friends in for TBC that dont have the time to level 1-60 as well. It takes months for casual players. But I am indeed worried that we will see more of these p2skip features!

I can play for roughly 5 hours-per week.

I have time to level.

If you argument is valid, forums has no reason to exist.
He just says, that he doesn’t like character boost, or other P2W services, and it hurts the game. And that’s what forums are for. Expressing opinions, sometimes backing them up with argument.

No one will die, even if they implement LFG feature. Or any other “Retail” thing. But we have the right, to oppose these changes. And for dome of them, we don’t even need an argument.

We can and should push Blizzard, when something they intend to do, hurts the game.

In one thing, people who are pro boosting, are right. The game is already infested with payed boosting. In my opinion, that’s sad mentality. These people, ruin Classic.

Edit: I forget to type entire words, and I cant blame T9 for that.

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Nah, that’s flawed as F.

A lot of people are using in-game boosts. Does that mean it’s a good system? No. It ruins the leveling process, even if in this case, at least, you are using your in-game gold that you earned through in-game efforts (at least you’re supposed to).
Everyone pretty much agrees that mage boosting in Classic is negative for the game.

So how the F can people do mental gymnastics and claim that WALLET boosts (even worse) are fine now?

“Oh hey it’s okay I’m here for TBC and not Classic so it’s fine teehee” you start the game level 1, not level 58.

If the paid boosts are a problem, you act to remove it. You don’t freaking normalize it just because suddenly it suits you.


I believe, that it is mainly the same demographics.

I know, we can’t force people to play the game the way we believe its supposed to be played. We just would love to play with people that share our “vision" of Classic.

Everything is biased. I have two 60 characters. Both were decently equipped, from last May. And I stopped playing, because end content is mainly raiding. PvP is either stomping in a premade, or being stomped by premades.
Now I an playing with my buddy, and greatly enjoying questing. Maybe that’s why, I can’t understand people, who want to be boosted (in any way). If it is effortless, it does has no value.


Didn’t know reaching 58 (out of 70) with minimal gear, no professions, and minimal gold counts as WINNING.
Okay dudes time to wake up from dreamland.


I share all of your views, and like you I have found a nice, small server that gives me an almost identical experience to the one I had in 2006.

Those megaservers, with their toxic culture of boosting, meta, raid logging, GDKP and all that other garbage exist because they are modelled upon private servers, and the ebb and flow of the server’s life is still dictated by a hardcore contingent of ex-PS players.

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I generally agree with you. And ofc they have time for leveling. But if its going to take months they feel like it would be no point in catching up. I rather have more players enjoying TBC if it means just 1 boost per account. I feel like this and possibly race change is what I can accept for Blizzard to implement. If it means more and more pay to skip options I would 100% agree with you, that we want nothing or the sort. However, my hope is that Blizzard can stick to this, and this ONLY!

It’s the textbook ‘two wrongs make a right’ fallacy. Self justification. The idea that someone else did a bad thing makes them feel better about doing their own bad thing, because they can mentally abdicate responsibility on the grounds that it’s 'the done thing, so not it’s not really bad’.

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I feel the same way. The boosts are happening. But I’ll never stop hating the boosts.

This thread is good because it a) may convince more retail-minded players to play retail (win-win situation) and b) may affect similar decisions in the future. That is, if Blizz see a strong opposition to the one-time boost, they’re less likely to introduce a multiple-time boost and/or WoW token and/or other cash shop features later on.


Lorran is on a mission to completely destroy the game for millions of players because a handful of classic 05 purists dont like changes.

You’ve said modern talents and systems are different, so you know folks want to play TBC with the old systems.

Another thin arguement from the mob.

“Cry, sob, but blizzard I dont like it”

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I cannot believe the amount of people here justifying and actively saying they will buy the boost just to “piss you off” my god what is your problem in life seriously.

The game you want allready exists, retail. Stop ruining Classic because you have some deepseeded issues irl that compels you to ruin others peoples enjoyment for literally no reason.


Ah, so you’ve reverted to trolling now have you?

You still serve a useful function in ‘boosting’ this thread to the top but I have no interest in speaking with trolls.