I have reported 48 bots in 8 days

Most of them

Most are inside instances. The ones in the open world usualy log off if you kill them a couple of times. I guess they log on another toon at another location then

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I don’t think bliz wil start to ban the goldbuyers. I think you underestimate the % of players buying gold. Introducing the token might be a solution.

So the problem is in players’ mentality.
Buying gold in a game can be only an indication of a lame person. There should be separate servers for them. Normal, PvP and servers for boosters and gold buyers. They deserve each other.

You know what, that hardly matters.
So what if they lose a certain percentage of the playerbase? That’ll let them merge servers and save money.
It’ll also give them a better reputation of actually doing something about the problem which is almost guaranteed to have the effect of bringing players that left because of the problem - back.

Nor will all the players get banned, the minute the news break that you lose your account, I’m fairly sure you’d stop immediately yourself, so the ripple effect itself should be enough of a deterrence. I don’t care if people bought gold in the past, they’ll only get banned for doing it from the point they announce it.

You want a game free of bots, this is the only way you’re getting a game “free” of bots. I say “free” 'cos there will always be some that avoids detection for a bit.

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