I’m done, I quit

I’m sorry to do this and put another post like this on here, but i need to do it before I go.

I’m an alliance player on a pvp server, a player who loved vanilla and played on a pvp before. Retail really bummed me out and Classic was the day of hope I was waiting so long for. But it’s ground me down.

The imbalance is just too much. The ganking is just too consistent. I’m tired of not seeing any alliance anywhere. I’m tired of groups of 5 horde chasing me down. I’m tired of asking chat for help and no one with the spirit to help.

Today was the last day I’m playing on classic as it’s ruining my memory of vanilla. A lot has changed and there really isn’t any support from blizzard to try and sort it out.

People have grown to be so toxic these days compared to before. It’s just mindless gank raids.

For the record I love world pvp that is balanced. I hate pve realms as it just feels empty to me and almost pointless. I love the danger of questing. I love getting out numbered sometimes. I love outnumbering sometimes.

I play the game more for the pvp more than the levelling and questing. I don’t care about loot I just love the fun of fighting in the world. But the imbalance is too much.

The past few days I’ve tried to just run through a zone and I’ve ended up dead 20 times and GY teased to be ganked on GY release. It’s just utter garbage. Yeah it’s an mmo and yeah you should play with others. But this is hair basic gameplay and there is no honour to be found.

No one wants to play a game where you can just never win on some occasions. Call me a whiner, call me a quitter, call me a noob, I don’t care. I’m gutted.

Please just think before you flame this post, as I’m not the only one to feel like this. I’m the opposition. I’m the other half of the game. I’m the half of what makes classic live and breathe. Squeezing every bit of honour from people that aren’t clearly fighting and just want to get through, you’re killing the game.

Call me what you want, but it’s true and many more will follow.

Blizzard, well played. All I have left is shadowlands to try and ultimately be disappointed with. Opposite faction, have fun looking for sport as it will be scarce soon.


Sorry to see you go.

If anyone comes in and says “can I have ur stuff” or “no one cares” - just know it’s not true. I, and many others, do.

The current state of the game is because of a flawed system. You cannot rely on humans to make the morally correct choice when it is more beneficial to them to make the more disruptive, but “legal”, choice.

It’s about instant gratification - hyperbolic discounting. The actions of those today are going to have a devastating long term effect on Classics health - but it doesn’t matter to them right now because they want the honour right now.

BGs aren’t going to fix this. It’s going to require an upheaval of the current system which I just don’t foresee happening.

Again, sorry you’ve been made to feel like this to an extent that you’ve decided the only option is to quit. This isn’t what Classic is/was supposed to be about.


Just transfer to another realm. Don’t have to quit because of that. Or have a little patience. December 10th is in eight days.


December 10th won’t help, horde rankers will have to gank between queues and all the alliance rankers will be in bgs 24/7.


It’s a forum for people to express themselves and discuss things.


On my server, Mograine horde’s are getting farmed pretty much all the time lately, big ally raids in every zone and small groups of ally pvpers just whiping us out as we land.


Maybe you should come back with your balls of steel after getting your as* whipped 50 times a night, every day, just for the fun of getting to an instance. When that happens every day, there´s not much left of the game but corpserunning.


That may be true, but all you people do is telling us you quit, because you cant handle the situation. Noone of you are actually trying to discuss anything, just crying that´s it.
And openly admitting that you want to quit the game because of something as trivial as a gank fest is not expressing oneself, it´s showing weakness.

It doesn’t matter if it’s alliance or horde. Imbalance is imbalance. It’s destroying the game. I wish blizzard would look to make it better somehow


unlikely. I tell you one thing though: I´m doing the mid level range zones at the moment. Like Tanaris or Dustwallow marsh. The ganking there is minimal. Maybe you hyper sensitive folks should give that a try. or do what i previously suggested: Take a break from the game.

The OP is discussing their quitting the game and the reasons why. It’s enough for a discussion. If it’s so not worth discussion why are you even replying on this topic? To call the OP weak? What’s the point…


Just an hour ago we formed a party with a 60 hunter (we randomly came across him) and 3 other level 30s on Stranglethorn Vale because horde ganked us a few times while I was trying to do my lvl 30 warrior class quest. So I made this group and made that zone a HELL for the horde trying to quest there. Random lvl 34 Tauren Shaman and BOOM get destroyed while trying to kill a mob lmao. We searched and scouted the area and ganked some other hordes trying to quest there. It’s so much fun when you /spit them after they die and they just lie there like a dead pig and not ressing LUL. All I’m saying is if you have the organisation and will power you can retaliate, even assymetrically :wink: (btw our server is horde major)

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Thankyou for that.

I had to get it off my chest but also if nothing gets mentioned enough, nothing changes.

Horde will always say ahh come on just play through it. But they don’t experience it on the other end.

Classic isn’t vanilla. Those memories and kinds of experiences cannot really come back. The way people played WoW then is long dead and the ways you don’t like are the norm nowadays. As long as you had some fun with it then that is OK. I had my fun too with classic, but chose to leave it and keep the vanilla memories as memories. This character I am posting as dates from vanilla.


Someone has to do it, even if it´s not nice. The forums are not meant to be spammed with posts about whiners and quitters, they are here for topics that actually matter. Making just one topic would´ve been okay. Every snowflake could post in there, but this madness has to stop.

I would say that posts about the same faction all quiting for the same reason is worthy enough.

In fact it is in your favour these get seen and addressed else you’re playing a game with no enemy


It’s not going to stop. So you are you going to keep replying to same stuff? You say it’s a broken record but so are your types of replies… I also don’t get the people complaining, it’s really quite pointless as Blizzard doesn’t give a crap let’s be honest. But no need to through insults at them.

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Ye i have my HS in Tanaris, and its the same story all over again! Just because the ganking is minimal in those areas on your server doesnt say much about other, also it depends on the balance of the server as well. On gehennes, i saw some numbers like 40/60, although it feels more like 20/80 and maybe it is after ppll migrating lately.

I’ve just looked at the population taken from a census for EU realms. A lot of them show 60/40 or 50/50 but it really doesn’t mean anything. Not everyone completed the census. And a lot of people don’t world pvp. On my realm it definitely isn’t close to 60/40. Each zone you’ll see one or two alliance and then around 4-5 packs of 3-4 hordes chasing down the odd one person.

too be honest. we all kinda knew there was a chance for pvp servers to end up being unbalanced.

and this is the main problem. the under-represented faction, in this case alliance, will not get new players to replace the once who quit, because they cant level up with horde hk groups running around.
this means that unbalanced servers will continue to get more and more unbalanced until it’s basically 100% horde or alliance

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