I’m done, I quit

I feel for you . Your server is the only RP-PVP and is 76/24 alliance owned . You cant move anywere and what makes it worse is hardly any alliance player is a RP one they are just there to PvP and wreck horde RP events sadly.

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Problem is there is only 3 PvE English speaking realms on classic they didnt open enough of those so people went to PvP didnt like it and quit or reroll horde for easier time .

I have no idea how to fix the imbalance as its the same on retail horde owned.

Not true. I understand that it can be frustrating to get killed over and over again, but by joining a pvp realm one basically signes up for everything that this entails. Good and bad.

I do not participate in this so called world PvP. I rank exclusively via BGs.

i doubt it.

All alliance players had to roll PVE, as EVERYONE reads tons of information about game what they planned to play before playing,cos it’s very obvious.
How from those superb advices balance would work out,IF everyone would roll horde?

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It’s to make it well known to all, and especially to Blizzard. and apart from that… it’s nice to get something off your chest from time to time.

The more people talk about this topic, the more attention it gets from blizzard.

You’re just being toxic and ignorant for this matter


No. Overall alliance/horde ratio is close to equal. Blizz only need to incentivise faction balance and most importantly pop cap. Faction only queue times etc. Many people rolled PvE to play alliance although they do like PvP but just don’t want to deal with the game being unplayable. If they know that blizz has a working system to make factions balanced, they would have rolled PvP because its actually fun to have a fighting stance. Also many horde pvpers wouldnt mind to play Alliance just for faster queues. Not everyone is diehard horde or alliance but many choose horde just for the racial edge in pvp and not be in an unplayable minority. Might be boring for them but still better than not even playing the game.

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It’s hard to fix anything like this in classic as people don’t want changes to the actual ingame. And rightly so.

But that leaves us with only the ability to make changes to the server rules around population and logging in.

The only thing I can think of that could help a game that won’t get changed ingame, is to make faction population limits that are relevant to the opposing faction. If one side reaches a say, 5% higher population at that time of online players, then a queue system is implemented until it evens out.

I know this has its flawes and I wouldn’t want to queue on a game that I’m paying for but when you do play it will be much more balanced and what the game should be like. I’d rather queue an hour than spend 3 hours running to a dungeon.

And on the topic of not controlling the gamers behaviour. Well the game rules generally dictate that. An honour system that requires you to be on all day every day to get anywhere, will cause people to indiscriminately harvest as much of the player base as they can.

If I had it my way, I’d leave the honour system to BGs only. World pvp is fun and a consequence of two people existing in the world together. It shouldn’t be a zone trawl where it essentially closes off zones to players.

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Far from it according to census+ and ironforge.pop

17 realms out of 18 pvp ones are horde dominated with realms going from 55/45 to extremes of 70/30.

Please dont spread false info saying servers are fine when its obvious they are not.

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actullay even shazzrah fine with ally horde ratio but problem is allys just afk at IF not doing anything, they hate pvp so ppl start to think shazzrah is 70-80 to 20-30 horde ally ratio but its not… allys even dont counterattack at southshore even they have more number and guards at their side…

Well if you go to wowclassicpopulation, choose all realms and put the level range to 60 then you’ll see that its close to equal. Ironforge.pop seem to have 320k players scanned while wowcp has 570k (lvl60) characters scanned. Idk why is the big difference between those 2 sites but if you could explain i’d be happy to listen.

What ? Where have you seen this number ? I’m from ZT and playing is not allowed to us from the horde… When we react and try to fight back there’s always more and more Ally’s joining the fight and we loose, like, always… Submerged by the sheer numbers of associated gankers.
As a warrior i can’t farm even early in the morning.
My server is RP-PvP for me it means that you can enjoy playing a good “hearted” undead, or a lawfull Tauren… the only thing I see on the alliance side is bloody butchers…


They take there numbers from warcraftlogs so no idea why numbers are different but to say faction balance is fine is wrong .

Re read what i said in a calm manner please i said Alliance own the server and i feel sorry for you.

I’ve been group pvping since p2 started and now i only pvp with groups that have coms just to have a chance. Why? because you have to be quick and keep changing locations fast all the time else no matter your number, you will eventually get overwhelmed. I will copy pasta another comment of somebody just so you see that even with relatively ok ratio, its is still hard to play with current pop cap.

It is actually Blizzard’s fault, and anyone who thinks otherwise is dumb as a rock.
WPvP in Vanilla : 2k players per server, 80% of the game was free for leveling, farming, etc.
WPvP in Classic : 10-12k players per server, virtually ALL areas camped by gankers, every single lvl 50+ dungeon entrance and the path to them camped.
I am sorry, but WHO decided that 90% of the people will quit the game, so we will have layers in P1, and when P2 hits, we will have 1 layer of 3k people?
It was Blizzard.
The reality was that far less people quit, and most servers, when layering was removed, had 3-4 or more layers worth of players.
It is 100% exclusively Blizzard’s fault, for not understanding that Classic will be huge, and people won’t quit in droves.
They started with 33 servers worldwide, and now we have 4 times more. They were off 400% in their “estimation”.
They started with 7-8 layers, assuming a 90% drop-off.
The drop-off was less than 30% before layering was removed.They were off by 200%.
I am sorry, but this is a composite 800% error in their “estimations”, and we can clearly see the outcome.
In Vanilla, a 60-40 faction ratio was basically a BALANCED ratio, because out of 2k people, 1.2k would be one faction, and 800 another. The dominant faction would had 400 more people. Spread them over 50 zones, and the advantage is insignificant, 8 players advantage per zone.
In Classic, a 60-40 faction ratio, when you deal with 10k people (which most servers have), means 6k to 4k players, an advantage of 2k players.And you have 40 extra player advantage per zone.
I think you get the point by now WHY this is entirely Blizzard’s fault.


Yeah I have understood, sorry because i think you have not understood yourself what i’ve tried to explain.
It’s just that the number you share is a big diference and i was stunned. Read all my text and you’ll see I just write my experience on ZT as an horde players.
Thanks for info anyway !

I said overall faction balance is close to equal. The distribution in each server is unequal.

You are counting 60s only and sorry to disagree with you which happens on forums but you are giving an unfair impression of server balance by focusing on one level number.

Faction queue is more than just flaw and impacts much larger population.

At least your problem is temporary (honor grind fest before BG), but faction queue will affect other players permanently. Why a player should be punished by queue just because he plays a faction that he likes on a server his faction happens to be majority?

If you don’t want to reroll pve, change faction or transfer server, because you invested enough time and effort in this char, then other players have exactly the same reason.

If faction queue make those players waiting in queue for 2 hours every night, they would rather quit the game than reroll the other faction or transfer server, just like you did.

Faction queue is probably the most possible solution, If Blizzard will do something about pvp imbalance. But it will cause thousands of complaining and mass quit for sure, worse than the current situation.

Is this a langauge barrier thing ? As im saying horde are VASTLY OUTNUMBERED thus making it hard for you to play.

Actually my problem effects the half of the populations on all servers where imbalance is an issue. Shaving off a lower percentage of the more dominant factions to have to wait an hour, in the long run is better than forcing almost 50% of the entire player base to not be able to play the game in certain zones.

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