I need friends lmfao xd

I need more friends in game :[ lmao

Tried getting into a guild but I feel like there will be to much pressure on me and I don’t want that, I just want people to hang out with man…. lmao

And if I say I’m 16, I feel like adults are gonna be like “nope” but I swear, I’m not that annoying-


I bet there are very chill guilds who don’t put pressure on anyone.


Saying lmao and xd all the time is annoying but that said good luck making friends.



But thanku I suppose

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just talk with people, sooner or later someone will want to keep playing with you.


Well that’s the thing, I don’t know how to just “talk with people”

Those few times I actually had conversations with people, for example in Goldshire, I have ZERO ideas how it all started.

get into a (casual) guild with discord, join their voice chat, have some fun, group up, all goes by itself by then.

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Do content you enjoy and start conversations with those you meet doing the same, talk about anything related to that particular content?

There’s also this topic of course.


You could try finding a social guild

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Don’t we all :hugs:


Like most people have said join a guild. When I came back in legion I knew no one. Joined a random social guild clearing heroic desperate for people, loved every second of it. Discord constantly full of laughter and chatting, got into keys and they showed me the ropes. Still in there going on 5 years later and got plenty of friends to do stuff every day with. Fun and laughter on discord 7 days a week.

Just bare in mind it takes abit of time. Most guilds will have there cliques, gotta work at it and become one of the boys normally.


I would recommend looking for a Discord of your Realm and make (same-age) friends on that Discord. Works faster and better.

Edit: Since you are Part of Azuremyst / Stormrage, it is pretty safe to say your Realm has given up on the forums, so you should look ingame for people. Also, you mentioned “you don’t want pressure from guilds”. That’s fine. Better idea. Make your own guild/community. Make your own rules.

Look at Communities rather than guilds.
I’m in a Community called Scared of Dungeons, despite the name they run a lot of dungeons but in a non-toxic environment. They do some raiding too.
I tend not to do much of that these days, I joined to do group achievements in Dungeons and Raid for Glory achieves.


But how many times per minute do you jump?


i miss being able to see people on my realm and know them by character name.

i made a lot of friends through Realm Reputation
seeing the same names day in day out on general chat

sharding ruined it


Where is the onion guy that replies to us?

It seems to me like most people of your age don’t really care much about WoW. I don’t know anyone else that young who is actively playing. I would guess most people who still play WoW are the ones who have some sort of history in this game since there’s little reason for anyone to start nowadays.

So you’ll definitely have a harder time finding friends, there’s no other way to put it. Good luck!


You are really 16?

I know how to fix it. Go in-game and open the guild recruitment feature. Start reading after you search for your criteria someone who wrote something you like; there are all kinds of guilds in there (e.g. guilds who don’t care about raiding or pvp); start writing a message to them telling them who you are.

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