I quit DF, looking forward for the next expansion

Agree with this, the expansion lacks content not gonna lie, especially if you don’t do Mythic+ (like me)…

But than I resubed today. Couldn’t resist, mostly wanted to experience Human and Orc (the two most important races in game by far) heritage aromrs and the story behind them. Also the Furbolgs, to collect the remaining drake customization and complete LFR set.

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The clock is 23:31 and I have time to spare. I would like to play WoW, but nothing in the game is compelling to do. That which I find compelling I have already done.

That’s the problem.


Would you prefer some Choregast objectives that, if you don’t get them done before reset, go away forever?

Thing is, I don’t know what people are missing from SL, and nobody seems to be articulating it. Other than running out of world quests, which I would understand. I do think WoW should shift to new WQs every day, always with a 7 day expiry - and just more of them.

I never lie. I was born in 1949, some things don’t change when you get old, including a bawdy sense of humour or rank silliness. My grandkids, who are all keen gamers, will testify to that.


well not that but something optional and also somehow beneficial could be fun to do in spare time . df lacks that stuff , yes there isn’t anything that mandates you to do something but … there’s also very little you can do to push your gear after a certain point or earn some cosmetics etc. at least a cosmetic version of torghast could be fun

Then in the odd case that your not fooling me. I apologize for my brute out burst.

It’s rare though someone that up in the age plays our game. But i really must sleep now!
Hope your having a good time in wow. Besides your forum experience with me.

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Hey no problem, I’m long since retired and can sup ale, play games or watch Youtube until the early hours then sleep until I wake.


Here’s the people who I hear enjoy Dragonflight:

The ones who do Mythic+, because they can do that forever.
The ones who do Arena Solo Shuffle, because they can do that forever.
The ones who farm old content, because they can do that forever.

Those 3 player segments seem well catered to. They even appreciate not having to do much of anything else, whatever it might be, because it allows them to focus even more on that particular thing they enjoy.

Good for them.

But I’m not one of them.

Here’s what I’ve appreciated in previous expansions at launch:

Artifact Power. World Quests. Island Expeditions. Warfronts. Reputations. Torghast. The Maw. Alternative story campaigns. Faction quests. Class quests. Order Halls. Covenants. Garrisons. Mission Tables. New Battlegrounds.

And Dragonflight has none of that. Where previous expansions would all have some of this in abundance from the start, Dragonflight has almost nothing. And that which it has – story campaigns, World Quests – it has cut down to the absolute least possible.

So what is missing? Anything of the above.


I think the problem is that if it’s beneficial (to let’s say an average Andy who runs M+12s)… it becomes mandatory. And the playerbase at large has really worked hard to get Blizz away from the idea that solo content should be mandatory to progression in other pillars of the game.

Transmogs we can have for renown. Honestly anything else… it ends up part of the power grind. The good news is I believe 10.0.7 in literally 2 days brings something for this!

Thank you, that is a decent list. Honestly, I blank on most of it because not interested in those things. Which doesn’t mean I don’t think they should be in the game, just that I personally won’t engage with them. Maybe mission tables, they are good alt income.

The only things I genuinely object to here are AP and Torghast, because the associated power creep. I for one would be happy with all the rest because I can ignore them on main(s) and consider doing them on alts if I’m bored.

I would welcome a class hall, covenant, etc - as long as it doesn’t lock character power behind it, and doubly as long as it doesn’t only give me 1 week to get each increment and then there’s no catch up. I was very close to giving up in SL because I was so exhausted by the knowledge that any alt I wanted to be serious with, I had to keep up with the chores as well as doing them on main. It sucked.

island expeditions were fun tho or class hall you know this one needs something like that too, maybe a flight hall that we choose and join which would give us rewards , like covenants but not as painful or mandatory as them :smiley: renown doesn’t give the same feeling tbh also renown farm is too boring :frowning: i gave up on that after hearing people used exploits in first few weeks when i was foolishly questing around :smiley:

We’re talking past tense here.

They’re not in the game.

They’re never going to be in the launch experience of Dragonflight unless you have a time-machine.

This is kind of a post-mortem discussion.

The launch experience is what it is. And for some it’s been satisfying and for others it’s been disappointing.

So Blizzard gets to tally the numbers up.
All those who enjoy the launch content because it doesn’t include a lot of extra features and gameplay, and all those who don’t enjoy the launch content for the extra same reason.

The focus going forward lies with the patch content. And again people will have different preferences. And again, for Dragonflight, it feels as if Blizzard just drops entire player segments on the floor. But we’ll see.


Doubth. For me i beliave that Blizzard hardly underestimates negattive impacts of seasonal gameplay what has been plaguing wow for few years now. There is nothing fun about playing game then ups 10.1 all your effort is gone, gear doesnt matter and is meaningless while whole 10.0 got way easyer to complete so players just wasted time bothering with 10.0 content. Do this few times and you will get into same problems as Diablo 3. At the
end of season lot of people quit but less and less players actualy return with new season as more and more people simply doesnt want feel like they waste their time on treadmill.

There should be expansion ane every single aptch content should just increase amounth of content and not reset our progress. And i am not even commenting on powercreep. That thing is completly out of hand.


they should devide the features so when game goes into content draught they can put something out to keep players busy which acutally sounds like what they’re trying to do with 10.0.7 but we’ll see how good that’ll be

the devs fell for the ffxiv meme :rofl:

the game finally respects your time now. unsub till the next patch

See you after weekly reset <3

Then you have zero knowledge about addictions, dopamine abuse and reward system. WoW is built on THE most toxic addictive system there is and its called Intermittent reward system. The same thing casinos are using to keep its players addicted
Addiction comes in many forms and it doesnt matter if its a drug, sweets, sex, alcohol or videogames… Its your brain being hooked on a dopamine release system thats hard to get out of


Is the reason many people are quitting including myself. We put time effort and real life money in a game which has little to no lasting rewards. We burn ourselves out on the treadmill to get gear then two months down the line, its all back to zero?
This system is terrible. Ilvl shouldnt change or at least, change very little and doesnt make your previous effort irrelevant
It just goes against human nature to invest time effort and money into something that goes bankrupt every few months

The solution to this issue is for Blizzard to stop putting its player base on an endless treadmill that only burns people out.

Problem is in order to fix this it requares Blizzard to reduce acessability of end game. And thats kinda problem becouse Blizzard is all about acessability and inclusivity. And they will never admit or accept fact that this insane chase for acessability is what in fact ruined WoW.


What on earth are you on about? The game is not more accessible at all.
The game has been getting harder and in DF it is also significantly more complex and grindy.

I would say this is currently the least accessible mmo i’ve been playing.
Imagine a new player getting to level cap.
Has to learn what a good build is and how to play it, has to learn what addons they need and which specific weak auras they need, needs to have a grasp on the crafting system to know what they need crafting, need to have a grasp on how to make gold, which consumables and enchants they need, which gems, what they are expected to bring to group content, how the loot system works, what drops where, what gear they need, what trinkets, what weapon and face the toxic reality of the game due to it’s difficulty focus on timed runs.

This you think is accessible, do you? This game is a closed club buddy. New players are a rare sight.