I quit DF, looking forward for the next expansion

Is that the choice? Chores or nothing?

Is there even a choice?

I’m just saying that Dragonflight doesn’t have a lot of content at this point in time.

For me that’s a negative. If you think it’s a positive, then good for you.

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Dragonflight doesn’t have a lot of content because it’s not mandatory like it was in Legion.

Are you saying that WoW can only have a lot of content if that content is mandatory?

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I felt that way about WoD and shadowlands only

What I’m saying is what constitutes a lot of content is very clearly reward based. Suramar story and brawlers guild being somewhat of an exception.

Timewalking, people do it to level.
World quests, people do it for rep and/or gold.
Island expeditions, people did it to level up their necklace.

People were lining up for the feast, the siege or the hunt every 3 hours on the dot at the start of dragonflight, now not so much, maybe on an alt.

There’s things to do in dragonflight that were far more enjoyable than the casual things to do in Legion but they were exhausted weeks ago.

The difference between the two being that Dragonflight doesn’t dripfeed you dopamine in increments of 5 azerite and instead you finish something and you’re done, the content is still there but you don’t need to do it so people don’t.

For me content is content.

I can count the number of quests in an expansion.
I can count the number of dungeons.
I can count the number of new features and evaluate their sizes, their scopes, and their gameplay impact.
I can count the number of raids and the extent of class changes and design reworks.
I can count the number of zones and measure their sizes.
I can count how many new hairstyles are added.
I can tally up all the voice acting and the number of minutes of cinematics, cutscenes, and music.

I can do all that and more, and I can do it for every single expansion Blizzard has made. And I can compare the results individually, broadly, and generally as a whole.

If Blizzard made more content in the past – and they did – then I expect to get the same today in Dragonflight.
I don’t get that, ergo I am not satisfied.

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That’s fair but seems like the ongoing theme with those expansions is that you’re stuck with 1, maybe 2 characters for most of it.


I would say that Warlords of Draenor encouraged you to have many alts, because The Garrison was a gold-making machine.
Plus, both Horde and Alliance had their own separate leveling experience, so there was a strong incentive to make a character of each faction to experience all the extra story.

Legion had Class Order Halls which encouraged players to make a character of each and every class in order to experience their respective Class Order Halls, obtain the various Artifact Weapons, and subsequently do the Class quests for class-specific mounts, and the unique challenges in The Mage Tower for special Artifact Weapon skins.

Battle for Azeroth had a unique leveling experience and story campaign for both Horde and Alliance, as well as differentiated World Quests and even a Raid that offered a unique gameplay experience depending on your faction. That provided a strong incentive to play a character of both factions.

Shadowlands had four unique Covenants, each with their own progression, campaigns, and rewards. That was a strong incentive to play four different characters – so you could experience all the Covenants.

Dragonflight has only one leveling experience and only one story campaign. It’s the same for every character no matter the class, the race, or the faction.
There is no Garrison, Class Order Hall, or Covenant that differentiates the endgame experience from one character to another.
You’re not getting a different game experience by playing another character in Dragonflight. You’re just playing another class or race with the differences that provides.
Dragonflight in itself does not encourage or reward you for replaying the game on another character. You just get to repeat exactly the same experience you already did before.

It may appeal to players who just want to have a lot of well-equipped max level characters that they can easily swap between whenever the mood strikes them.
But as far as providing a richer game with more to experience as you play through it the second and third and fourth time, Dragonflight is the least impressive of any expansion by far.
It provides nothing where prior expansions provided something.


We all know he ain’t gonna quit. He will log in tomorrow and go to the forbidden reach, just like I log in every month after quitting to get my trading post rewards

were they not 7.1.5 addons ? i can not remember that far back.

Edit just checked

“Brawler’s Guild has returned with the 7.1.5 patch and Season Three has a lot of new exciting fights and surprises in store”

" Return to Karazhan is a Level 110 dungeon located in Deadwind Pass. It is available in Mythic difficulty; Mythic+ and heroic mode are coming in Patch 7.1.5 In order to access the Return to Karazhan dungeon, players must complete an attunement quest that takes place in several Mythic dungeons."

so those too were not even about BUT Legion was amazing content :slight_smile:

I didn’t say they were.

I said that in the time you’ve gotten patch 10.0.5 and patch 10.0.7 in Dragonflight, you had gotten patch 7.1.0 and patch 7.1.5 in Legion.

And then I listed what two patches of content from those expansions looked like, illustrating that Legion provided a lot more content in two patches over four months than Dragonflight does.

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No need to be angry mate sorry i read it wrong , somebody needs to lighten up :slight_smile:

I’m not angry. I clarified what I had written for you.


It really depends on the person and luck I guess. At the end of BFA I joined a guild where I made a few friends from diff countries with who I play and talk to this day.


You were also having a great time in BfA and Shadowlands, so you don’t really count.

Sure, to each his own … but … yea! There you go! :slight_smile:

Well, BFA was a great expansion.

I wouldn’t say I had a great time in Shadowlands. I just happened to play alot of it.

But you should never discount someones opinion because it differs from yours. especially when yours is so bad :smiley:

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Bfa patch 8.2 and 8.3 were honestly so good (twilight devastation R.I.P).

If you guys stick until 8.2 and 8.3, well … that’s sad, sorry!

Hope you really enjoyed it lol.

And no, BfA was a bad expansion. Sure, YOU liked it, but not the majority!

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Actually yeh, 8.3 was horrible. But it was pandemic lock down so had to play through it.

Define majority with sources please.

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I already did several times on this forums. Majority from voting websites.