I transferred to a so called dead server - and I am reborn :)

What are you doing!!
You cant go around TELLING people our server is great! We have a good thing going! We’ll be a megaserver within a week!
We’ve put in so much work on propaganda to keep people out. Dozens of #deadfang forum threads wasted!


I wish every server was 50 - 50 balance but oh well.

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Yah, there was a risk about posting this thread. Now, when people see how this server is awesome, they’ll all come here and ruin it.

Yet I won’t mind if they roll Horde. What we don’t need is Alliance.

I moved my 60 mage to Earthshaker from ZT horde. Best decision i’ve made in wow so far! I actually wanna play the game again


True, it feels there are more alliance in this server, but I wouldn’t like to see the server growing much more. In my opinion, it has the right amount of players right now.

Wish blizzard would lock transfers to this server as of now (yes, I’m being a bit selfish, but the server/community it’s perfect as it is).

Bloodfang looks the best option out of the 3 so far.
Moving a low level alt over to check it out over the weekend

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Welcome to Vanilla. Enjoy your stay. :+1:


For the al…dragonfang!
Agree, i like it alot.

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And now… even one of my ex-guildies, one of the two people who I deeply cared about on Z-T, is on Dragonfang.

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Dragonfang > Bloodfang :joy:

Use Earthshaker transfers while they are available, server is listed as high and there are a lot of people on alliance side

Situation is a lot more manageable than on Ashbringer

10/10. Great, positive post! Glad you found your home. Almost tempted to check Dragonfang out now…

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Turns out the game works better as it was designed compared to when you make huge changes to it. A novel concept.


That pvp phase looks like a secret Blizzard plan to get rid of the queues on full realms.

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I’m happy you didn’t get disappointed when you moved there :hugs:

It is a nice realm to be on :blush:

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Well, you’re certainly quite the writer.

It was a good read and normally I’d be the same as you, but I’m over on Firemaw because my old friends are here.

That said, I play at night. So it’s calm and quiet here during my usual play hours.

You are a low lvl on a dead server.

Have fun while it last because eventually ppls will get bored and quit and it will be even more dead.

Cool story I must say.

But remember, you will miss the action and the crowed cities, zones, etc, once you hit level 60.

Leveling experience is a blast on low pop servers, but if you are going to do lv 60 dungeons, raids, pvp , etc … you will then realize the big mistake you’ve made.

Don’t want to be negative here and if you play WoW just for the leveling experience, then the transfer was indeed a very good move. If not, well … time will tell.

Enjoy the new server anyway! :slight_smile:

What gives you a guarantee that people won’t get bored on high-pop server? People already said what happened to an overcrowded private server - levelers got tired to get ganked and left, then level60s got tired not to find who to gank…


I’m sorry, but you are completely wrong.

The one who’s going to miss those thing is YOU if you ever transferred to a less populated server.

More people than you think, hate this overcrowded servers and long for a normal server to play on. I’m just like the OP, I hate the experience in those mega servers and I’m loving it on a low pop server.

I think people have a misconception when they refer the low pop servers as “dead” server. This low pop servers are just like a medium/almost high of the original vanilla capacity.

We have lots of people forming dungeon groups, lots of guilds raiding, and we also have a lot of pvp. Of course it will be really hard to have a group at 7am, but at the prime time the server is very healthy, we even have fun max scale pvp.