I want to go PvE, from PvP, but can't?

I had a look at the server transfers that I can do and all I see are other PvP realms. Can I hope that I will ever be allowed to transfer off of this toxic hellhole? I really, really don’t want to start over from scratch…


Am I understanding you correctly in that you want to go from a PvP server to a PvE server? This isn’t possible because then people would exploit that when leveling. A PvE realm is by far much easier to level on. The ones who went through the ordeal of leveling on a PvP server can however transfer to a PvE server.

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Reroll noggenfogger bro

I think you may have gotten it a little backwards here.


Uhm, what?



NO BECAUSE JUST PLAY WITH HONOR u picked the way of the war And wiill walk the talk

“No, don’t let the last victims I get honor from abandon the ship as well. …”

Just for the record, PvP realms seemed to be ok as long as honor rewards were not introduced. Might want to put that into perspective.

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I don’t care about PvP mate, I never had a problem with it, I am being ganked and I gank, that’s not a problem.

Come to dragonfang, it’s PvP but low pop so you’ll be fine in the open world 90% of the time

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Not possible to switch from pvp to pve because pve is easier to lvl with?


I think you missed what he/she was saying:
From PVP realm to PVE realm <- Correct
From PVE realm to PVP realm <- False

In usual Blizzard style, they will open these transfers when the servers are dead. Looks lile they thought they did, but didn’t.

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