Icecrown Community is the new Gallywix? (RMT drama time)

Is anyone surprised? I mean even if the majority isnt in it there are always a couple bad eggs. Blizzard should go crushing down on these individuals (and with all possible legal actions available).

Im just glad RCU has set an limit on how much to generate per month and as such staying small.

NOVA is looked down upon even within the whole boosting community for more reasons than one.

Who’s next on Chopin board ??


Buying boosts is paying to win.


I’m more inclined to blame the idiots who will fork out 40k or whatever just to get some purple shinies or whatever makes them think they’ve achieved something.

On a video game.

Blizzard may as well just cut out the entire game and just sell them on the shop.

“Buy your Curve today for only 10 euros!”


Could be someone from any group really. And if icecrown is any smart then they will now work together with blizzard to get the RMT guy out of the system as to prevent being executed like gallywix did. However if its gallywix 2.0 then the community deserves to be disbanded.

Meh. They are still crap in the end if they do it like that. However many do it for alt gearing etc. In hindsight for instance i would have not farmed the N’Zoth wep on my warrior but would have just bought a class stack as to not deal with these cretins.

Implying Curve ever meant anything. Also blame the pugs since everyone and his mother is yelling “CURVE!!! REEEEE!!!”

First , most of them are kids. There is no need to call anyone be name , except bosters . They exploit kids behaviour .

Yet you insulted somebody earlier with an adult body part name which you have been reported for .

The forums are meant for players of 12 upwards so please keep your dirty talk off the forums .

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Lucky me that you read whole conversation , and white knight arrive to defend RMT ! And to be fair I didn’t insult him just state a fact it is tiny
But still thx for up of post , let’s spread a word about RMT . Get attention

US laws have no power whatsoever in the EU. So even if people would get sued in the US then the person that is residing in the EU would say “ye? Tough luck mate.” as nothing would happen.

There is a reason why for instance the ToS for the US are so vastly different than from the EU ones as US laws have no power in the EU (for good reason. From a general point of view).

No one is defending RMT here.

Yeye whatever. Its an insult and thats that.

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Were did i defend the RMT ? thats right no were what i did say was your disgusting use of langauge and i have reported you again time for you to grow up and learn to read .

Ahaha, what? No. US law does not apply in Sweden or any other country for that matter that isn’t the US.

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you should get some air. not like they have destroyed you or anyones life. crybaby.

switching characters to mass flag is breaking TOS

ToS is the ingame rules

CoC is the forum rules

If i had mass flagged the forum system would auto ban you after 2 reports on same account .

If you had read the rules and read blue posts about mass flagging then you wouldnt have said that to me :slight_smile:

If anybody is found to be intentionally abusing the flagging feature, their account may be subject to a suspension. To be absolutely clear: the flagging feature is not the same as a downvote.

Which are forum rules are completely different from …

Ingame ^^

Accusing me of mass flagging is also flame baiting and trolling which is agaisnt the CoC if i flag you but i will not because you are not worth the time .

Also a slanderous allegation so you might want to be careful in future of who and what you accuse people of .

It’s basically known all the big ones do this and why boosting for gold needs to be dealt with, as top end guilds do this a TON.

Damn… I’ve just recently purchased a Tesla and refilled the fuel for my private jet… the end is near :partying_face:

The problem is rather the lack of consequnces. I mean Echo is still running around. Scripe in the very least should receive a permanent suspension and be officially forbidden from creating new accounts or streaming the game.

Im still hoping for Blizzard to flat out perma bann him upon mythic release and respond with a “tough luck mate”

Bit of an over reaction to something I never even suggested.

Boosters can boost whoever they want and charge as much gold as they want and I don’t care.

Anyone that earns real money for whatever (RMT, fixing cars, painting and decorating etc. etc.) and doesn’t pay their fair share of tax on that revenue is a criminal and if caught will go to jail.

For clarification, they would be doing time for tax evasion, not boosting in a video game.

IJ dont even get the point, Why RMT if token is cheaper and sells for more gold? XD