If a tank dies in M+, it's a full wipe usually

Well if its a problem now, then what would you call it before ?

And if routing is making people quit tanking, why dident they in past seasons?

I am talking from the point of view of someone that royally sucks at tanking, and in keys not higher than a +6. So I don’t qualify as “its not hard for me” because it is.

It was a problem before too.

But obviously there are currently also other problems.

Because something known as MDT did, and still does, trivializes such issues and thus the stubborn tanks among us persists! :grin:

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I just proved that it was a BIGGER problem in previous seasons. Much, much bigger.

Exactly. Lets talk about those. Because route planing is not one of them.

It is ALSO one of them.
Are you really going to decide for other players what is a problem or not?

It was bigger. It isn’t gone now.

As someone who regularly tanks I personally found the “routes” quite nice it allowed you as the tank to feel that you were providing more to the group than a meatshield and it was nice to be able to formulate your own routes that you liked doing.

I can understand that this can be quite intimidating for new / potential tanks which is why Blizzard are slowly moving to the braindead “Go from A to B and kill everything between” system.

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Also, it could be less prevalent during a specific season and become more prevalent again later.

Last time i said “you know what, i am gonna tank next season” ended up being prideful and it made me quit.


Pets die too quickly, even an ele doesn’t last long enough for a healer to switch targets. Think devs were worried at some point, the dislike for tanks would lead to 4dps+1healer comps; nowadays even in hc dungeons enemies deal so much damage to non-tanks that even a plate wearer dies too quickly to save the group from a wipe - well, maybe in hc it might still work if they are overgeared, but not in M0+.

Routing being an issue makes zero sense to me because people who have played as DPS or healer have at least seen someone else tank. I have never done M+ as anything other than tank

I just go in and YOLO and it’s so obvious I have no idea what I’m doing hardly anyone ever tries to insult me.

I got a “Come on man” in SoB because I kept stopping to check my map and a “I can’t believe you signed up as tank to +6 without knowing the dungeon” in DB.

Anyone who wants to try tanking should just dive on in. I’ve even blown up pre squish +2.

I am not. I personally find tanking hard. But that dosent mean its hard, it just means I am bad. And because of it I am just forced to remind people of the reality.

To prove a point with a different subject: Its the same thing with healer DPS for example. And how “new players” struggle with that.

And you know what my answer to that is. Reality is much different in lower keys, and much easier than what people realize.

Because sometimes the best solution to a problem is not over-think it. Press W and you will do fine.

OK. So if it was a big issue in the past then it is a smaller issue/problem/responsibility today. That is all I have been saying.

And I have added as well that because its much less of an issue, being imperfect or not paying attention at all to the route because of % will not cause a deplete (unlike in other seasons). So its not a “must have” responsibility anymore, its a “nice to have”. Like healer DPS.

Right ? Or am I the only one that feels like dungeons today imply literally clearing everything in it? Which is kinda boring.

Last night I got drama in one of my runs cause a rogue messed up the orb lieutenant in DB twice and wiped the party twice. Bricking the key.

He got a lot of heat and failed to calm down the situation. But hey. Sometimes that happens.

I’ve seen stuff like that too. For some reason people don’t really talk about how DPS can also cause drama and attract heat by playing terrible.

It’s not like a DPS can aim a one shot at the rest of the group, kill them and then everyone is completely fine with it because it wasn’t the tank or healer.

You really need to stop deciding what is and isnt a problem for other people. Okay maybe its not an issue for you, but it is obviously an issue for others.
You not seeing this as an issue doesnt make it any less valid, even though you seem to think so.

And maybe its less of a problem now, that doesnt mean its not still a problem. Stop invalidating others’ concerns, this is really out of character for you.

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That’s the point i am making.

If you die you are killing not only yourself but possibly the whole team. Guaranteed on a boss and likely to have a death or 2 on trash.

Again it’s not super common, but it just seems lopsided with responsibility. If just had cheat death it would be much fairer i think.

And why is it out of character of me?

I literally spend my days in the forums telling people to stop copying what the +15 title players do and to stop concerning themselves with a 1% optimization. Because in “normal” level keys all that is not an issue and will not change the result.

Fact still remains that dungeons are super linear this season. Its especially visible in old dungeons and how they used to be % count wise.

So all I am saying is for people to relax, press W and just have fun. No need to optimize every single pull to the 1% count because it literally dosent matter. Not this season.

There are other issues to worry about. Especially with tanks.

I think that is well within my character. And consistent with what I have been saying in other conversations.

I mean, if you can’t think for yourself that is fine, but not everyone copies routes.

so you need to have a specific comp for a specific route but you say just copy routes anyway. Lol.

but you just said you need specific comps for specific routes and now you need specific cooldowns for specific routes/pulls also. The mental gymnastics are staggering lmao. But say i DO have omnicd and pull around that i’m still not leading? Or BL timings or w/e? I’ve had to adjust for weaker groups or stronger groups often. The same pulls between 2 groups is night and day in a pug.

Tanks lead. It’s the role by definition, just because you have main character syndrome doesn’t make what you’re saying true :joy:

You missed the point and the whole conversation.

This is the point:

So say 1st pull in Stonevault, how are we holding w at the start? Or rather how hard do we hold w? 1 pack? 2? 3? The spicy 4?

You just make these claims as you just follow the tank and heal. You make no decisions about what the tank does, he is leading the group. If it goes wrong it is his fault, not yours. Easy to just claim it’s np when it’s not you making that call.

Are you tanking also? Do you do the same pulls no matter the group/CDs? If your party is struggling do you change anything?

That is not the route. That is how you execute it.

You dont need to plan ahead, install MDT…

You just need “experience” on how much you can survive. Some tanks go pack by pack, others pull the whole room(s) up to the 1st boss. And for very different reasons. Sometimes smart ones (available CDs), sometimes stupid ones (copy what MDI does)… dunno… not my job as you said. Its the tank’s job.

But that process of getting “experience” is the same process DPS and Healers have to go through. DPS learn that busting/holding CDs for some key moments increases their performance, Healers learn when to proactively put certain totems, and how hard some abilities hit for… ect…

So in that regard is not anything “special” from tanks. Everyone has to go through that process.

Which is the route, when people talk about route they talk about what mobs are pulled with what.

They aren’t asking what scenery you are stopping to take in.

I don’t agree it’s the same experience at all.

I’ll ask again, do you tank?


I do tank yes.

And the route matters. Take Freehold for example. WHAT packs you take matters.

I dont know which packs ones the tank will take. Will he take a big patrol with a giant, or will he take a double pack of small pirates. I don’t know. He decides, he chooses. On one of those I need CDs, on another one I can AFK and DPS. But I don’t know which one.

Whatever he chooses has a massive impact on the timing, quality, and usage of CDs. In other words, the results of the key. Big responsibility right there.

Compare that to SV you mention. I know EXACTLY what mobs will the tank pull and when. He dosent even need to post MDT route at the beginning of the dungeon.

It is a massive difference. And its not “scenery” to stop to take in.