Wait, I thought they just pressed “w”?
I do not even know what mobs the tank will pull and where on the first pull.
Its my job to know what packs do what as well. And use my CDs accordingly.
And its also the DDs job to know what things to kick, and when to bust CDs to maximize DPS.
Does that make the Tank a gigachad or something because he has to do exactly what everyone else has to do ?
The ONLY job that was unique to the tank roll was choosing the route. THIS basically:
And everyone else had to manage their CDs according to what the tank chooses. Because he was the leader.
There is no choice anymore in this dungeon pool. With maybe 2 exceptions of DB and SB.
So next time there is a tank that goes into SV, he dosent need to make the decision between taking 1 pack with a big AoE monster in it, or 3 small dwarf packs.
From % count perspective, he is obliged by Blizzard to take both. So press W and start pulling.
Not every tank is going to follow mdt routes exactly.
My final anecdotal evidence is 1st pull 12 GB. 1st pack, dragon, patrol pulled to the left so the can LOS at stairs. Standard aggressive open for BL, right? 2 died on the very first dragon AOE as they didn’t bother to LOS it. Someone leaves.
That’s the first 12 GB i tried, the 2nd 12 i didd (we 2 chested 12 mists) and i quit.
A standard pull, ruined by idiots. So i have to second guess myself, should i be doing the “meta” pull? It saves so much time. So next time due to bad experience, its safer to pull that smaller. MDT doesn’t reflect what pugging is actually like at all.
You can do the same pull with 2 groups and one fails. Group has a tantrum.
Yes you do know what the tank will pull.
You know that he will have to pull the nasty Golems. Maybe not the 1st pull, but the 2nd and 3rd yes. So you know exactly when to pop your CDs.
Because its not the tanks choice. He cannot choose to pull 10 dwarfs OR 2 Golems. He has to pull everything. Eventually.
IMO 12+ starts to be outside the realm I was referring to. I was referring to keys <=10+. Its where most people play. Its where most tanks have issues.
Tanks like you that are doing +12s and above are hardliners that will try to perfect every little bit of the dungeon and you find fun in that. And honestly, so should the DPS and that is why they failed in your anecdotal example.
What I am saying is that tanks in low keys should not concern themselves with routes. They should press W and pull whatever they feel comfortable with. You don’t need to pull the whole 1st corridor in SV 5+ to time it. People should take their time and relax.
And focus on what is important: Surviving. Cause things hit like a truck.
Which is very different to other seasons. In other seasons new tanks had to take decisions of what to pull and what to skip. Which was a TON of responsibility because you have to know exactly what everything does… and how much % it gives.
In that case that is very sad.
This comment has made me lol this is what WoW has become “top players recommend these builds” yes the TOP PLAYERS IN THE WORLD might recommend this build BUT… They do not run with the average joes you find in the pug world or in your very casual world of WoW. Same applies to routes.
Its the same reason why people wont invite non-meta classes to +8 keys… because ofc you need bleeding edge meta classes to complete a 8.
Well this is what blizzard wanted, they openly said they disliked tanks being able to focus on themselves and keep themselves alive while stringing the group along, and WANTED them to be reliant on healers. Before, a tank being alive or not was mostly up to them, now their fate is in the hands of the healers that already have their hands more than full
No one asked for this, but it’s the way they want it to be
I mean each of the 3 roles has a specific job to do, DPS needs to kill stuff fast, Healers need to keep the group healthy and the tank needs to keep stuff from punching me in the face because I bruise easily.
Some tanks do have that, and you are a paladin don’t you have like all the “Oh $#17 buttons in the world”? Like I have been maining ret since the end of the DF and it’s not that hard for me to tank a pack (obv depends on the pack) if my tank accidentally dies for enough time to get a CC on them and for them to get aggro back, mostly the issues I have encountered were when the tank dies to a tyrannical boss.
People make mistakes, that’s why cheat death even exists.
Take yoda for example, arguably one of the best M+ tanks in the world. I know this is a hard concept to grasp but, he dies. He doesn’t have 0 repair costs from deaths each expansion. Why did all the tanks last expansion run the cheat death trinket?
You can argue in circles all you like, but even the best tanks die from time to time to mistakes. What do you think this is like for new tanks, bad tanks? They mess up, die and maybe never tank again after the verbal beating they get. The stars align in a negative way, you don’t parry enough or something goes off and you die. It’s not a big ask for all tanks to have a baseline cheat death. It could even be a once or twice per dungeon cooldown. It would still be great.
Remove them from the talent trees if they exist like dk and replace with something interesting. Make it a normal cheat death, purgatory is awful.
As tank I can say that if you’re tank and die, its your fault 95% of the times. And im not talking about when u’ve been trying to hold the pull and your healer been dead for 1 min.
Even more at the key lvls you are doing. Its the responsability of being tank, obviously you are responsible of the rythm of the key and in major part of the succes of it. Because your pulls and how you do them depending on your healer / DPSs CDs will be the diference between success or not.
I don’t like that idea of a “talent” which doesnt punish u if u die. I mean the tank should not die. That’s all.
The only thing I’ll like to point out is that Blizzard should stop or erase tacts that affect tanks and depend of the rest of the DPSs or Healer. For expample 1st boss of Stonevault… Didn’t found a healer that dispell properly the debuff to get the shield until +12. Another example is the Curse that lil mobs after 1st Boss of SoB applies on tank which increases damage taken 15% (each stack xddddd).
Blizzard should stop with all these “Yeah lets nerf tanks damage, survivability, healing and lets do mechanics that doesn’t even go around them but harm them a lot”. Check the labyrinth pull of Mists, even using my Defensives PERFECTLY I hard struggle with monk there bc they decided to change the frontal of Mistveil Guardians to a tank bluster that stacks and deals a massive damage. Yea, funny.
Literally said that mistakes happen and I tank packs with a DPS while the tank gets CR-ed.
This isn’t something to be proud of
Well here’s your problem, you invited/ are playing a bear.
Is a bear not a tank?
I have not seen one that is actually good though, ended up just not inviting them all together.
Bears seem to do up to 17/18 keys.
Great on them, I have not seen one that is actually good though.
Anecdotal evidence.
You should not spread the words people should not invite bears.