If a tank dies in M+, it's a full wipe usually

what the hell am i looking at lmao. No incarn prepull, use it when already half dead xD

thats how typical players play.
use def cd after you got punched in the face.

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i absolutely hate if tanks do that pull on a +10. most of the times someone or more will die on the pull.
typical dps players just cannot handle that pull where it has frontals, swveral aoes to kick, lots of poison dots flying out and rng web bolts blasting people.
when the pull reach the big spider, the group is already half dead and nobody will ever use any button to help surviving.
this pull is not even necessary as you have sooo much times left at the end in a typical group. thing like that can brick the key though. if it is a wipe, people would leave even though you still can time it

which is why i said tanks need cheat death, a new player will learn only after he “dies”

most players dont learn after they die. they blame someone else for dying.
thebprot warri i had in my +4 run never used ignore pain once, he never spell reflect anima slash and he barely used shield block.
he died 6 times before i just gave up.

btw most tanks do have a cheat death or a fail safe.
dh has a cheat death
dk has cheat death with purgatory
warrior has one but noone skills it because warriors cant die if you play decent
pala has auto shield wall

only bear and brew get the short end of the stick. maybe a reason why nobody play them on higher keys?

I mean baseline, not talents and without caveats. Purg is garbage as you have to heal it off, warriors and paladins have a threshold. You can die before either go off. They aren’t cheat death.

It sucks really hard having to take say Last Resort as there’s usually much better stuff you want.

Usually, was true, but still, was always very dependent on tunings, key levels, particular dungeons, and so on.

This season, 'tho, hardly the truth anymore. For example, imagine you’re a Warrior, prepping for a big tank buster cast with a timely SR. But hey, what’s that, your boy Aug comes over to help and decides to drop an AoE stun at the end of the cast to save you. The stun ends, SR ends, the cast starts anew, and in order to compensate, you pull out one of your biggies that you’ve been holding out for the next pull.

Suddenly you are in a world of pain and uncertainty till the next boss at best, because you can’t just stand there and wait for your CDs to come up – the timer is ticking. And there’re lots of situations like that.

Before TWW S1 you only cared about stops not being cast by your group. Now, you also care about them being cast at a wrong moment which can screw everything.

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Its a 6 key shouldnt need to invite “meta” tanks for that I can tank 6 np on my bear, I have a few tanks that I play Blood DK, Prot Pala, Guardian Druid all can tank 8,s np (Occasionally get insta tapped like that video clip but usually when I forget to use a defensive pre-pull specially on Forti weeks.

I still have not seen a guardian druid that can tank a +3. it’s not the spec, it’s the people playing it.

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In the meantime i time 12’s with a guardian druid.

Every bad player is flopping over, no matter what tankspec they play.

There, fixed it for ya!

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it doesnt matter if they are talents or not, maybe dont make them capstones or whatever but i think it is valid if you can pick safety over output.
last resort was often not picked in DF even before the cheat death trinket

they gave those abilities to the tanks that randomly can flop over very quickly.
if they do good on that part is a different story.

From running lots of m+ over time i must say that tanks are rarely the ones that die first unless you play low keys in which a cheat death on a 10min timer will really not save them at all.

tanks have to rotate def cds like healers have to rotate throughput cds. if either fails, everyone dies.

dps get just a free carry if they are bad, nothing you can do about it

But nobody does. That is the key observation here.

As for the post above, I dont understand what your point is. The “step by step” excution of a specific route is not something unique of tanks. Which is what I said before.

OK… I am not diminishing what the roll of the tank is. I am equalizing it to the rest.

You can look at the glass half full or half empty. Dosent matter. Tanks are not special, they are just 1 team member.

As for “nobody is playing it” que quesion is why ? Because many people THINK a tank has a ton of responsability and then quit tanking. OK. They try healing instead. They find out that healers also have a ton of responsiblity and 1 misscast heal == wipe.

What do 99% of people do? They run DPS. And then they find out that 1 thing that is not dispelled or kicked == wipe as well.

And then they come here to the forums to say that M+ stinks. THAT is what happens.

Thing is… that if they would have simply acknowledged the truth that tanks dont have it worse… everyone does… maybe they would have sticked to their roll.

I mean… people dont want to tank because they say DDing is easier… but then I get these coments:

I mean… the forum is FULL of posts about brain-dead DDs ruining and bricking keys. Maybe that is because DDing is not as brain dead as people think. Maybe DDs actually DO have a job to do. Just as the tank does.

Go figure ! :smiley:

And for the record, I am not saying tanks have no issues. The I am actually saying the reverse. Tanks DO have issues. But we have to address them from a TEAM perspective. Not from a “tanks are snowflakes” perspective.

Because as I also said before: You can buff tanks by 200%. It still wont change the fact that CCs dont count as kicks and people are getting mauled with machine gun casters…

So to solve the M+ issue you have to look at more things than just tanks.


Not really, you can continue if tank dies and in time. Dont give up too early!

Obviously you are correct in your post. And obviously we need other changes for M+ to fix them.
But we had some easier seasons in DF with tanks being a lot stronger, and in those seasons we had quite some tanks available (or i even played myself it a bit), allthough still we had a shortage on tanks (and healers).

With this expansion tanks got nerfed a bit and it and rely also on healers. This only resulted in the lack of tanks and healer got even bigger. So i think we need to get back, or close to, the DF situation for at least the tank-problem.

But yes, it is only 1 of the problems.

To be fair, the only stuff that you should need to worry about on pulls are unavoidable casts, but ye i get the point. U can also prepare the “ramping” and press the active mitigation like instantly or 1s before the cast is going to be success. By this way, ur active mitigation will be for that casts if its not stuned or even for the next one

Well yes and no.

Back to what situation? To the 1-shot meta situation? I mean… I liked S3 of DF, but it still wasnet perfect. All those random 1-shots killing people… And the only reason tanks did not die is because AoE CC did something. Because lets be honest here: packs in current dungeons dont do much more than packs in DF (nokud and Uldaman come to mind).

The dwarf packs in SV are not much harder, or different than the ones in Uldaman for example. What changed is that my cap totem (among other things) cant kick a “grey cast” tank buster anymore.

And to top it all off, half of DF S3 and all of S4 was dominated by VDH tank. Which was not particularelly tanky or inmortal. What he had was double sygils that could shut down whole packs indefenetly.

Anyone other than VDH and maybe Paladings a bit would not be as prepared to say that DF 1-shot meta as “nice” to tanks.

Just saying. Tanks have it tough. But with out a double sygil they would not be “as inmortal” as they think they would be.

What i mean is the self heal of tanks, less relying on healers.
I am not talking about random 1 shots of dps/healers obviously. (which was basically a +27 key problem, which i never reached in the first place)

I can come up with more. There’re these Flamerenders in GB, who cast Slashes on your tank, one after another. Usually, the tank might have one single CD to cover both of the casts, right? Now imagine if someone dropped a stun right after the first cast but before the second connected, when the tank already commited one big CD there…

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Nah I meant it. I just didn’t think I would die that fast. I talent in the CDR for Barkskin and SI so I have Barkskin for every pull. I just didn’t use it because I intended to use Incarn. I use Thrash first so it comes off CD after I use Incarn so I get two in back to back. I had no idea a pack hit so hard in a +6.

Stuff like this even happens to exceptionally gifted individuals IRL. I never studied for any test then in second year of University I sat a test after never even going to the class and it hit me harder than that pack.