One of the most biggest mistakes Blizzard did with warmode is actually the ress timer.
I get ganked so often by German and Russian premade teams that i have to wait 2 minutes to ress.
Enough for me to give up this * warmode failure.
Good luck doing world pvp achiviements and world pvp quests now horde.
I like war mode because i have stealth - you can sit for 10-20 minutes in it and wait while horde swarm will kill WQ mob.
Or you can sneak to dungeon/raid through horde camping group/raid.
Or you can sneak to dungeon/raid through horde camping group/raid.
or maybe, just maybe some of us just arent interested in wpvp? you play as you like and so will i. calling me a coward for not wanting to play it your way sounds rather childish, wouldnt you agree?
Warmode is the best thing to happen to WoW and even if horde is the bigger faction by far I still see plenty of alliance pvping, just gotta be ready to run when horde eventually tries to zerg you down.
All these sad dragonslayers make it sound worse than it is.
All these sad dragonslayers make it sound worse than it is.
24/09/2018 10:20Posted by Karrisimaor maybe, just maybe some of us just arent interested in wpvp? you play as you like and so will i. calling me a coward for not wanting to play it your way sounds rather childish, wouldnt you agree?
For someone who isn't interested in WPvP, you spend an awful lot of time on the WPvP section.
24/09/2018 13:05Posted by Draglas24/09/2018 10:20Posted by Karrisimaor maybe, just maybe some of us just arent interested in wpvp? you play as you like and so will i. calling me a coward for not wanting to play it your way sounds rather childish, wouldnt you agree?
For someone who isn't interested in WPvP, you spend an awful lot of time on the WPvP section.
i post rather rarely tho. i am playing the game as is without being ganked by folks with some irl issues that need to pour all their frustrations in making life miserable for others. but i do play alliance after all and its rather irritating to get called carebear, coward and so on because i simple do not enjoy pvp outside of bgs and dont have the time to do some wq while constantly being killed by horde squads. now i dont agree with giving the extra talents for using warmode but i can live with it, as a frost mage those talents dont help me that much. and yes i can have an opinion on the state of things. and things are not ok. if you believe that one faction in a 2 faction game that controls every aspect of the game is a healthy thing then there's not much more to talk about. but the irony is rather interesting considering you play the coward class aka rogue. loktar ogar....elf :D
Love the Idea of warmode, but in pratice its a you vs 10 horde mode. I dont know how to get gud at that.
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I think in general alliance dont know this feeling. This primal and pure endless slaughter fun.
Alliance need some banal rewards for motivation.
Alliance need some banal rewards for motivation.
1 WQ took me 27 minutes of waiting till all horde groups spawning stopped, 27 minutes!13/10/2018 20:20Posted by Dashiathe room is quickly filled with another group of hordes
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14/10/2018 02:14Posted by Destruct1 WQ took me 27 minutes of waiting till all horde groups spawning stopped, 27 minutes!13/10/2018 20:20Posted by Dashiathe room is quickly filled with another group of hordes
If you are able to do other world quests at normal speed though, it evens out with the bonus.
'Alliance are cowards'
-quote from a Horde behind a 15 man raid group as they ganked one level 115.
-quote from a Horde behind a 15 man raid group as they ganked one level 115.
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I have been playing on the same server since server launch, and I have never seen so many hordes as now. So something happend after warmode mas implemented.
In all privous expansions ally - horde ratio was very similar, but now I will see ally - horde ratio crazy unbalanced. Like 1 to 5 or even higher.
In all privous expansions ally - horde ratio was very similar, but now I will see ally - horde ratio crazy unbalanced. Like 1 to 5 or even higher.
Warmode isn't fun and I'm Horde. But I just keep it on for the bonus
Plus Disc doesn't die in wpvp so there's that
Plus Disc doesn't die in wpvp so there's that
Reason why I transfered Alliance - to actually have something to fight.
The problem: a 1v1/1v2 turns into a 1v5/1v20 really fast.
And should the rare case happen that, for example on a world boss, 2 raids colide - the game can't handle it and it all turns into a huge lagfest.. thanks I guess.
The problem: a 1v1/1v2 turns into a 1v5/1v20 really fast.
And should the rare case happen that, for example on a world boss, 2 raids colide - the game can't handle it and it all turns into a huge lagfest.. thanks I guess.
'Horde are cowards'
-quote from a Ally behind a 15 man raid group as they ganked one level 115.
Fixed it for you. Stop being salty and sucking, git gud?
Well I like the idea behind warmode. Problems really the grouping tool messing the balance up.
Was doing some WQ's on my goblin the other day and ended up stuck trained by a alliance raid group with only 1-2 alliance from my own server, so yeah even horde suffers from the gank trains.
But when i play my alliance chars It's far beyond a "gank train". Emissary zones feels like you zone into a 1v40 AV, which whould be fine... It's just to start a raid of your own to gank the raid... except that mentality cause huge imbalances in other shards.
I suggest group tool being inactive while in warmode. If you wanna group for a WQ, theres always general chat. If you want to form a gank group ask general chat. If you wanna queue for dungeons go put warmode off(and make it possible by the wartables in the new zones and any major capital city) not like it matters in dungeons anyways it also solves the issues with zoning messing up summoning other players. I dont see any problem what-so-ever with a change like this only benefits.
Was doing some WQ's on my goblin the other day and ended up stuck trained by a alliance raid group with only 1-2 alliance from my own server, so yeah even horde suffers from the gank trains.
But when i play my alliance chars It's far beyond a "gank train". Emissary zones feels like you zone into a 1v40 AV, which whould be fine... It's just to start a raid of your own to gank the raid... except that mentality cause huge imbalances in other shards.
I suggest group tool being inactive while in warmode. If you wanna group for a WQ, theres always general chat. If you want to form a gank group ask general chat. If you wanna queue for dungeons go put warmode off(and make it possible by the wartables in the new zones and any major capital city) not like it matters in dungeons anyways it also solves the issues with zoning messing up summoning other players. I dont see any problem what-so-ever with a change like this only benefits.
17/10/2018 11:37Posted by GhimrizzI suggest group tool being inactive while in warmode.
Removing WM LFG would just create new problems, and the current "issues" would still exist.
Wall of Text
Without LFG, what if one side has a group, but the other side is not interested in grouping? Any time I put a request in general or local defence for example, rarely get any group members from it. That seems the norm, a frustrating and slow grouping process - virtually impossible to counter an opposing group. But in LFG, a group forms quickly - immediate reaction to an opposing group.
You'd also have to remove cross realm grouping from communities, otherwise, you just have more LFG communities forming - you just broke communities. Many other issues too, for example what about grouping quickly to do a wq boss, etc. Fair enough to make suggestions, but it's good to look at the consequences. I've made suggestions myself, then later realized the consequences.
Removing LFG would just increase complexity, waste player time, not fix the perceived issue, annoy even more players, and the current annoyed players would still be annoyed. Thankfully Blizz don't make changes just based on forum rants :)
Any change to War Mode would have to be something behind the scenes in their shard logic - to cope with LFG imbalance somehow... but why bother? LFG works equally well for both factions. Hopefully any shard changes would not mean even more phasing in and out, that kills WPvP. It's enough as is. And I really hope Alliance don't get extra WM buff or other advantage, that's pathetic.
I doubt if Blizz are motivated to change anything. They have the data on War Mode's performance. If it was a serious issue, meaning loss of revenue, they would at least be talking about fixes. Their silence says a lot. All I've heard from Blizz is an explanation of why it is the way it is. I know myself and others are happy with it anyway, hopefully that's enough to keep it going :)
the problem is the WM itself, should have never been implemented.
I have been playing on a pvp srv since i started this game. I dont mined being ganked or doing the ganking, but WM has killed the balance.
all i am seeing is this with WM on.
this is not exactly world pvp.
I have been playing on a pvp srv since i started this game. I dont mined being ganked or doing the ganking, but WM has killed the balance.
all i am seeing is this with WM on.
this is not exactly world pvp.
I know why you don't see any to fight with on either horde or alliance, and that' because they are killing lowbies chars :/
On both my alliance chars and horde chars I have disabled WM, and not because I am a pure pve player, but because getting killed by the same lvl 120 ally/horde char the moment I resurrect, so I can't start or complete quest gets very very tiresome -_-
And on both chars, you think that getting to mid lvl zones would make WM fun... It is, for the raid party that is wooping the tails of those running around (both ally/horde).
So I don't see the imbalance, I just happen to find everyone on WM on the lowbies/midlvl areas I run around in... Go to the low lvl areas, and you'll find them :)
On both my alliance chars and horde chars I have disabled WM, and not because I am a pure pve player, but because getting killed by the same lvl 120 ally/horde char the moment I resurrect, so I can't start or complete quest gets very very tiresome -_-
And on both chars, you think that getting to mid lvl zones would make WM fun... It is, for the raid party that is wooping the tails of those running around (both ally/horde).
So I don't see the imbalance, I just happen to find everyone on WM on the lowbies/midlvl areas I run around in... Go to the low lvl areas, and you'll find them :)