If mythic+ players can spam keys for gear

Raids are side content now.

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you get quicker ilvl from m+ if you are able to do at least +11 and spam those keys. If you are a dd and don’t have a perm group, spaming keys is already very difficult.

getting high ilvl is nice and dandy but most of you gear has the wrong stats and mostly your trinkets are terrible.
Getting a weapon is also big luck.

Raid trinkets and weapons drop apparently much more often and those include some very good corruptions as well.

remember high ilvl =/= best in slot

if all die at the same point and you just get 6 stacks yes, if it gets staggered as usual, then no you all die.
Also 99% of the dds never use any def cds if they see 5 stacks bursting. Sad enough

Hmm I wonder why then raiders feel pressured to do m+ but not the other way around. :thinking:

You have spent hours wiping in a +11?

no i did not but at the same time ive never spent hours in heroic raid

You just said pugging a +11 Freehold is harder than pugging heroic Ny’alotha.

because it is

Problem was, healer didn’t heal DPS as much as he could and maybe DPS didn’t use defensives. Also Demon Hunter didn’t position himself right in the first couple of attempts.

Haven’t seen this yet. Started this reset Taking, I still need to see the marvelous tragedies Tanks suffer.
Usually I post the route before starting the run, when group is complete so they can study it while waiting for Summon.

I have. In season 2 when I was Alliance I have spent hours wiping in a Freehold +11.

Lmao go try to pug heroic Vex with average ilvl 450.

The sad thing is they spent almost a year designing a new raid that is a waste of time for 99% of the playerbase who get better and faster rewards from 2-year old dungeons.

Cheaper than token*
You clearly forgot that part, my dear fellow Horde player

Most of your posts about crying, and taking other people’s fun away. Get lost forum troll.

I agree, welfare gear must be very fun for some people. I didn’t realize it would hurt your fun for raid rewards to be balanced with mythic+.

Not everyone doing m+ raid and raiding, netither spam 0-24. M+ offers dif endgame for people who want have fun aside raiding and pvp. Not peps fault thaz blizz didnt make pvp gear and ect.

Solution would be easy if m+ gear scale down in pvp and raids, same with arena and raid gear. So you can focus on the content you want.

sometimes I wonder how a human brain works, for some it doesnt seem to work at all, where others are capable of rational thinking, others just live their own entitled dream world

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I’m not saying to remove m+ or even nerf the rewards. I’m saying raid reward needs a slight buff to balance it with m+.

Here’s my proposed fix:

  1. Increase raid drops from 20% to 30%.

  2. Make each raid boss drop a currency that can be used to buy the same pieces titan residuum can buy.

If m+ players feel threatened by raiders being able to keep up just by raiding, then that says enough.

careful you’re getting the noobs who think m+ is hard angry

Is this the reason you cleared HC 12/12 and only managed to do +14 and not even on time? lol…

wow HAHA look at you level twenty void elf who hasn’t even stepped in a normal raid talking about it? lol dot dot dot

are you actually genuinely that dumb? anyways I never said HC is hard either it’s literally a meme difficulty the only challenge in PvE is doing mythic in the first few weeks of release everything else is easy

tanking 93159135913 mobs in a as a tank in m+ while everyone mongoloid AoEs them down and then kill a boss that’s been out for more than a year and you know literally every single in and out of it’s mechanics is like peak hard content tbh hahahahahhahahaha

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This is my alt, I’ve done +14 on time with ilvl of 460 and with zero raiding gear because I stopped raiding few tiers ago and doing +16s on my main again with no raiding gear so I really wonder how come someone who is decked with raiding gear, clear HC and all he/she does is +14 not even on time yet calling other people noobs.

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the point of my first paragraph flew straight over your empty head buddy 14 on time with 460? 460 is outgear ilvl for a 14 hahaha just reinforcing the argument that m+ is piss easy on your own too :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Earth’s diameter in milimeters IQ m+ only players tbh

I’m 460… you’re like 466, decked with HC gear and you didn’t even manage to get a +14 on time yet claiming I outgear the content when you couldn’t even achieve that with higher gear and then go on talking about IQ… you scarecrow.