If you want more socializing join a RP server

Such happens when your GM is a verified sicko.

If you want more socializing just go to one of those 2 websites


Look for guilds that are at your same skill/level, join one of them and instead of simply raid logging do something with the people around you like m+/pvp

You don’t need to surround yourself of people that for them playing is doing

/e I do 5 backflips in a row while shooting a Kamehameha that plays metal music

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I haven’t done RP in years, but I’ve been on AD for ages, it has a good community outside RP. I don’t know who these people think they are outright saying not to join, but if you want a chill community with nice people I’d join here, you’d have to change your ways a lil bit to accommodate the actual rpers and what not, but other than that, why not play.

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That doesn’t mean nothing else is allowed on realm tho :joy: RP is just part of it, not other way around.

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Gatekeep more lol, chats are a sh’'show on argent down like on any other server, please don’t think you are special somehow just because you play on a rp server. The RP is nice but it’s not enforced in any way, as such it’s just a server like any other.

BTW, be more passive aggressive, that does wonders for discussions lol ^^

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Btw don’t be a hypocrite lol^^
Could you explain to me the mental gymnastics to come to the conclusion that make AD just like any other server? I believe servers differ very much from each other when one is special for RP, another for PVP and vice-versa.

I really doubt she meant to come across as “special”. I absolutely agree with her sentiment and believe all OOCers should be out. Majority of OOCers just swarm the main cities, take up much of space that could be used for RP and downright disrupt it. And even when they do not disrupt. Someone running through you with a mount can be pretty annoying too just when they are going for a quest. If you’re not a RPer, just go to server more fit for your gameplay. Simple as.

Prepare to get your socks blown off.

If you are not an RPer. The AD. Might still be. The best fit for your type of gameplay. Boom.

Here’s an example reason:

Friends already play on AD, you want to play together.

There are more reasons up the thread.

Go figure.

Wish we could, to be honest. You can tell the people using that phrase as if it was a negative thing have no idea what gates are for. To defend a location in the olden days, but these days more to just protect things like farmers fields, and err, houses, and stop livestock getting onto the roads and causing accidents. These aren’t negative things. So it is always bizarre when people try to corrupt the meaning of the word, to suit an agenda.

Did you -mean- to say that people on AD are defensive of their server?

Oh totally. Because it is the last one left where there is any credible amount of RP. A lot of players on AD, a few have said so here, and I would add my experience to theirs, started on other RP realms. We saw what happened to those realms. I can even name the guild that started the influx of OOC’ers onto Sha’tar and caused the RP to die out. I won’t, because naming and shaming is against the rules, but their Initials were DG.
They started out saying “Oh no, we’ll respect the RP realms and not grief RP” and stupidly we believed them. Then more people with no intent to RP followed them, however these people made no such promises. Pretty soon, known RP hotspots were surrounded by OOCer’s either watching like silent spectators at a zoo, or actively disrupting the RP. Pretty soon, even the big raiding guild who had come there saying they would not harm RP decided to just do it, because so many other people were doing it. So the enclave of actual RP was corralled and made smaller and smaller, because more and more people just went “To Heck with it!” and started griefing RP. Eventually the RP’ers got fed up of this, as you would. And the migration started to AD, which was the largest RP realm anyway. The same thing happened on Moonglade, and Earthern RIng, it had already happened on the smaller realms.

Pretty soon you end up with a tiny amount of people RPing in places like the Sha’tar, keeping up a valiant defence of the Realm type in the face of constant harassment.

Now the OP denies this ever happened. But they do have an agenda and a grudge against RP’ers, and have kept making these threads for a very long time.
Thing is, every RP’er who moved from one of the other Servers had the same experience as I detailed above, and cite it as -why- they had to move to AD.

So you have one person with a vested interest in turning the server into an OOC realm, and a lot of people who actually experienced the events the OP says never happened. Which we simply know to be false. Then you have a second person who pops up (Not you) who is known for belonging to an ERP guild in Goldshire (Of course!) that has sent unsolicited graphic whispers to minors(I refer to the guild, not the individual. Their Guild have done this, and they never denounce it. They never even denounced it after the hilariously awkward Asmongold thing, where they tried to use a voice changer and refused to be on camera, in order to pretend to be female, rather than just being honest and using their own voice. So what, a male playing a female character? Big deal. I have about four of them myself.
But then I am not a Goldshire degenerate.

So on one side you have a person who has a track record of trying to encourage OOC players to come to Argent Dawn, to repeat the process that killed the other RP servers, backed up by someone who belongs to a Guild that is known for some -extremely - questionable activities. By extremely questionable, I mean actually illegal, and not just by Blizzard’s rules…by actual Law in pretty much every EU country.

A Match made in heaven. Neither could -possibly- have an agenda there.

On the other side you have people going “Hang on, you have a plethora of Servers that cater to your interests, we have One, so when someone starts trying to take that one apart and lie about how common RP on the server is, don’t you think we have a -right- to get defensive?”

And people -wonder- why RP’ers get defensive of their server when non RP’ers have -Hundreds- to choose from.

It’s pretty simple, really.

No…Let’s try this again.
If you are not an RP’er then by definition AD will not be the best type for your gameplay, will it? You want your 30% bonus? You know it exists on other servers, don’t you?
Admit it, this is spite…

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It’s not your location.

You are merely renting an apartment in a multi-apartment house. Yet you pretend to own it all and have the gall to be telling people coming by not to rent or buy their own apartments as long as they don’t have an interest in you personally.

That’s all there is to it.

Wrong. The definition of RP realms is different from your headcanon. It’s the entire issue that you assume it is one thing, while in reality it is something else. AD can easily be the best location for your gameplay if you don’t RP. I provided an example in the post you quoted, you wisely didn’t include it into the quote because then it would be clear that your “point” is nonsense.

The 30% bonus does exist on other servers, but these servers are also RP. You are welcome, guy #385 who does not pay attention to the actual game mechanics until they are spelled out by someone who actually plays the game rather than sit on the forums.

I think you are deliberately trying to avoid the point that several people have pointed out to you repeatedly, but sure, let us use your example there, OK, that way you cannot say that I am not trying to explain it.

Lets say there is a chess club, that rents a room in the local community centre, right? They rent it to play chess. a group of people playing chess, in a room they have rented out.

Now in come a bunch of people who go “Yeah, we know this is a Chess club, but we wanna come in and socialise”
“Umm, you know there is the community centre bar where you can do that?”
“Yeah, but we wanna do it here”
“Well, OK, but we’re playing chess”
“Those guys aren’t playing Chess!”
“Yeah, they just finished a game and are talking about it”
“SO there is no reason we can’t come in here and talk about other stuff with no relation to chess?”
“Well, I mean, why -would- you, there are like, a lot of places you can do that, but only this one room we have use of”
“Yeah but you can’t stop us”

Pretty soon the room is full of people sitting around talking about other stuff, occasionally some of them will get bored and come over and flip over a chessboard mid game.

“Why did you do that?”
“Nothing says I can’t!”
“Why don’t you go to the pub?”
“Beer’s cheaper here”
“Yeah, and also sold in the Community centre social bar downstairs, why don’t you go there?”

You see how that works, to use your very own analogy.

Not sure it is Headcanon if it is how Blizzard set out the guidelines now is it, stop being disingenuous.

Among many others. So it -is- just spite and lack of consideration for others then?

Yes, Genius. And if you activate War Mode you will be in a server for people with War Mode and get that 30% Welfare bonus, but that isn’t what you propose here. You propose people come just for the socialising with no intent to RP.

I think we are getting a good measure of the nature of your attempts here. You’re welcome guy#386 with no common empathy and a desire to harm the server, who does not pay attention to anyone else’s game apart from their own selfish desires.

When you stop sitting on the forums, you can talk. Me, I just do this between lag spikes.

MMORPG. Has no interest in the RPG bit. Yeah, I don’t think you can claim to -actually- play the game, can you. You just want to pick and choose the bits you enjoy. Guess what, so do other people.

Shocker, I know. Other people exist.

But of course, if your attitudes and intentions here were -actually- social ones, you would know that already…

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Your analogy is wrong. The situation is that there is a building (the server), a chess club (RPers) is renting a room, different clubs (various non-RPers) rent their own rooms, and then guys from the chess club go onto the street (GD) and yell at everyone - “don’t come to this building unless you want to play chess”.

What was the point that you think I am trying to avoid?

You say “if you don’t want to RP, don’t come”. You say now that these are Blizzard guidelines. This is false. Blizzard guidelines are different. They are merely “this is a place where RP might happen, so don’t disrupt that RP if you see it, thanks”.

The one being disingenuous is you.

I said that there are reasons to roll on RP servers besides wanting to RP, eg, the free 30% war mode buff for the dominating side. You objected to it and said that the 30% war mode buff is a bad reason, because you can get it on other servers. I pointed out to you that you can only get that buff on RP servers. Your “yes” above conceded that I am right. I do not undestand what you even intend to say with the rest of the paragraph. I do not “propose” that people come just for socializing, don’t know where you are getting this from.

Sum total, all you have is an old headcanon about what the term “RP server” means. Go ask Blizzard on that.

That had to be the most stupid example you could have given me, there is cross realm function for a reason.


Cross-realm is not a replacement for being on the same server. It has been discussed in the thread already. For example, you cannot gather / craft for each other, cannot give each other gold, etc.

And yet you go besides the point, this is an RP realm. That is PVE content. You seriously do not need a character on this realm for “socializing”.


Cool, so you descend back to the misinterpretation of what the term “RP realm” means, like others.

As has been said, RP realm does not mean “if you don’t want to RP, don’t come”. It merely means “if you see RP of others, don’t disrupt it”. Which is completely fine. So, if someone wants to roll on AD without any intent to RP whatsoever simply because, say, his friends are there, that’s perfectly fine.

I did not advocate for rolling a character in order to “socialize”, the examples I provided are different.

Hopefully i’ll see after work today, admittedly in my rush to grind some pvp gear and get my BG groove back on and then finish layer 3 torghast I forgot about sending the question to the blues until this morning. We’ll see though. Here’s the question I asked:

“Regarding the server argent dawn being labelled an RP realm, what exactly does this label mean in so much as it is distinguished as being different from the others? For example comparing it to a PVE realm without this label?”

I’ll update with a reply i get if i get one.

You have to wonder what kind of person tries to actively destroy the last good RP realm by telling OOClers to join it.


Not a bad question, but the answer will likely be inconclusive to the issue because it is too vague.

Maybe you should have been more specific - eg, “In particular, does it mean that if I want to roll on an RP realm for reasons other than RP (eg, because my friends play there), I should not do this?”

No, I won’t ask that because that’s not my question, my contention with you was over what the label means and why it’s there, so I asked them about that.

I’m not going to purposefully load the question into that one (which will likely generate a negative answer) when I never had that as my concern. Also, i’ve never really been of the mindset of chasing people off the realm so long as they support the RP environment and understand the server is MEANT for RP, so if you’re not doing RP, you take care to make sure you don’t undermine it or disrupt it.

So yeah, i’ll see what they say to that. If they do reply it means the server is meant for RP, it confirms what I believe and that when people are looking for a realm, they may well consider AD but they shouldn’t just ignore the fact it is an RP realm and pretend it’s not something they have to acknowledge. That’s what i’m interested in.

So you seem to be fishing for a vague reply with something like “the server is intended for RP” with no details as to what that means specifically. I am just telling you right now that if you get such a vague reply, the next question will be - what specifically is meant by “intended”?

If you want to know how things are, ask focused questions. Right now it seems you don’t actually want to know how things are. You just want to trick the blue into a vague reply which you will then try to overinterpret.