If you want more socializing join a RP server

If i wanted cringe, i would simply join Reddit


So you support people wanting to disturb roleplaying ? Interesting.

Because otherwise you would not have typed like this.

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No, I don’t support people wanting to disturb roleplaying, said as much several times. People should report them.

Your “gotcha” of me not including this into every sentence is childish.

You know actions do speak louder than words, and besides, who would ever lie on the internet ?

I genuinly believe you hold genuine malicious intent by the way you are acting, we tell you a hundred different times why OOCers are bad for the server, why they ruin what we like, yet you still argue for OOCers on the servers, and then just go “Oh but report them if they do anything bad !”

  1. It is incredibly hard for someone disrupting rp to get banned/suspended/silenced.

  2. There are many hundreds of griefers, do you expect the whole of AD to mass target griefers with reports or what ?

  3. The easiest solution is that, and listen to this, they never came to Argent Dawn in the first place, you say “b-but they want to play with their friends!” Cross realm, literally cross realm.

But I doubt you can see others point of view so, I honestly do not know why I bother with you, all I hope for is that RP realms get much stronger rules, so the OOCers that disturb us, which is a great deal of them, need to either move off-realm, learn to not be a toddler, or eat suspensions.


It’s not fishing, i’m asking what the label is for, and how that differentiates it from a non-labelled server.

That is not fishing for a certain answer, it’s asking “why is this thing here”, they can answer that however they like. If that’s fishing, according to you me asking what a road sign means along the lines of “why is this sign here” is me fishing for you to answer the question a certain way to a particular purpose, absolute nonsense.

Now if I included stuff like the word “roleplaying” anywhere in my question, or player behaviour, then you could argue that, but I didn’t for precisely that reason. So no, gonna disagree with you there. You just don’t like the question i’m asking for some other reason so you’re attempting to claim it’s a poorly phrased or loaded question but that’s simply not true. It’s very straightforward and non-convoluted: “What does this label mean”.

So no, if the answer does return “it’s meant for RP” you don’t get to wriggle out of that meaning anything by attempting a “you asked a loaded question” routine. You said I should ask them. I have. You’re now engaging in games to make it look like even that won’t provide “the answer”, I imagine no solution will ever provide “the answer” in your eyes unless it’s an answer that agrees with what you think.

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Correct. I never disrupted RP of anyone. Actions indeed speak pretty loudly.

I get that you genuinely believe I hold malicious intent bla bla bla. You are mistaken. It’s simply that RP realms aren’t just for RPers, they think they have a right to tell people who do not share interest in RP not to come or, worse yet, go away. And they just don’t have that right at all.

Mate, in our clashes you are constantly interested in picking a specific verbiage, then extrapolating to the moon and back from it. I am interested in the actual meaning, whatever the verbiage.

I will agree with you right now if you want that “RP realm” means that the server is “intended for RP”. For some meanings of the phrase “intended for RP”. It’s those meanings that have consequences and are at all interesting.

All you are trying to do with your question is just getting a nod from a blue that yes, “RP realm” is “intended for RP”, without specifying what that means. Fine, whatever, but this is meaningless.

Completely false. If you asked a question I suggested - “In particular, does it mean that if I want to roll on an RP realm for reasons other than RP (eg, because my friends play there), I should not do this?” - and the reply was “Yes, you should not do this, you should not roll on an RP realm if you don’t intend to RP.” - I would have accepted that answer and admit my interpretation was wrong.

But you did not ask anything like that. Likely because you know that the answer is going to agree with what I am saying.

Which I hope changes, getting stricter rules so we can tell people who do not rp, or who do not respect RPers to go away, forcing them to either move server, by making reports actually function, eat a suspension/ban for disrupting, or learn to not behave like a kid.

Would you, or would you not like to see this happen ?

I am correct, but yes.


Of course, not, I would not like that to happen. The server is for everyone and should stay such, whatever RPers or some other group of people might want. Your rules above are pretty terrible.

How is that not malicious intent? You are actively trying to ruin the server for RPler.

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Me: The server is for everyone, that’s the rules.
You (your side): Would you not want to make it so that people who don’t RP are forcefully removed?
Me: No, I wouldn’t want that, the server should stay for everyone.
You (now you personally): You are being malicious!!!

Mate, the bad guy here is you. Sorry to break it to you.


You really seem to be unable to think about what you are actually saying.

The only thing this would punish is those that disrupt roleplay, and you are against it ? I will give you another chance to change your answer.

It’s the other way around.

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Really? You are actively trying top get more OOClers onto a RP realm so that it ruins the RP. How is that not a bad thing?

No, you said this — “so we can tell people who do not rp, or who do not respect RPers to go away, forcing them to either move server”

Take away “people who do not RP” and it’s better. But you included “people who do not RP” with those who disrupt RP. So, please don’t pretend that you are only talking about people who disrupt.

I am not. You are making this up for lack of a better argument. /shrug

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But those are the consequences of you actions. Just think 1 step further. You call for non-Rplers to join AD. What will happen? More people who are not doing RP, attracting more non-Rpler.

The consequences of technological progress include weapons of mass-destruction. So? Think about it.

This phrase of yours is a lie - “You are actively trying top get more OOClers onto a RP realm so that it ruins the RP.” Deal with it.

If a certain group of folks don’t stop regularly breaking the tos and code of the forums in their grand defence of RP realms, likely as not Blizzard will make RP realms go the same way as PVP ones.


Yeah, most ideal thing would be both being removed, but if it was only those that disturb roleplay, which is a huge, perhaps even the majority of the OOCers, you would agree with it ?