Weird argument. Do you go to the toilet assigned for the opposite gender as well because no one is there with the authority to stop you? No one apparently taught you respect or common sense. Not surprised though considering the guild you’re in.
Blizzard? Do you mean to say the same Blizzard that acknowledge that there IS a distinction between regular realms and roleplaying realms, of which is suggested by intentionally separate naming regulations unique to roleplaying servers (see:
This support thread, by the way, was updated as recently as two months ago - it’s still very much relevant and in use.
Yes, Mellinora - I really do think that Flickie should ask about the “RP” tag on the realm list. I think that he’d receive an answer that would be extremely unsatisfactory to people such as yourself given that Blizzard themselves don’t seem to treat the “RP” tag as some weak and ultimately insignificant divergence from regular realms, but instead something blatantly separated from others realms given that they’ve taken the time to make a very obvious distinction. It’s a shame that you disagree with them, though … !
Correct, there is a distinction. People on RP realms have to follow additional rules in order to facilitate RP. But the thing that you were proposing has been different - that people should not roll on the realm unless they intend to RP. The reality is - it’s absolutely fine for people to roll on the realm without any intent to RP, they just have to follow a couple of additional rules that help RP of others happen. These rules are simple to follow.
Just in case, about asking Blizzard, I suggested asking Blizzard because Blizzard have been asked already before and their answer was along the same lines as mine - it’s completely fine to not RP / roll for reasons other than RP, etc. Just follow the additional rules. So, it’s not like I am sitting here wondering what they are going to answer. I know what the answer is. It’s you and some others who had this weird headcanon that the answer is different.
Geezums I wonder of people are able to cite their sources.
Are you comparing AD to a toilet? Awkward
It’s increasingly obvious that the contention here doesn’t particularly concern the “RP” realm tag as we both agree that there is a very blatant distinction between RP realms and other realms, and as such I’m frankly unsure why it was even brought up to begin with if we were ultimately going to circle back around just to agree, but instead what constitutes as somebody that is fitting for the realm and who should be present upon it.
The reality here, whether you would like to acknowledge it or not, is that many, many people on Argent Dawn do not like the people present on the server that do not engage in roleplay, and frankly I’ve only seen this sentiment grow over the years that I’ve been on the realm (I moved here from The Sha’tar in early MoP) based on my own personal experience and what I’ve seen as a rising consensus on Argent Dawn’s specific forums. Many roleplayers - myself included - have grown increasingly tired with people that choose to actively ruin roleplay for others and those that simply don’t respect the rules that come with playing on a roleplaying server, and that elevates the tensions of the people there as a result. I’ll be frank in saying that I’m likely not going to engage further with the thread unless I’ve a change of heart following this post as, frankly, I’d really like to go and play the game now (plus, I’ve had my fun of forum antics by now I reckon
), but I will say this:
I think there is very limited things that can be done to ultimately deter those that have no interest in roleplaying from making Argent Dawn their home, but I do think there should be a very in-your-face notification when attempting to select a roleplaying server that says in more official terms, “don’t play here if you aren’t going to roleplay”, then followed by a fresh, shiny, revamped set of rules unique to roleplaying servers should the player still be interested in playing on Argent Dawn or any of the other roleplaying servers. No, this won’t turn everybody away, but I think it would do well to cut the number of non-roleplayers on roleplaying realms down, as well as deliver a more concise set of rules to those that insist on coming to Argent Dawn even if they have little-to-no intention of roleplaying.
Truth be told? I’d care very little about OOC players if I had some sort of guarantee they’d not cause disturbances, of which is ultimately impossible, and as such I do care because - like it or not - it does happen more than you might suspect.
I’m sure you’ll enjoy the rest of your afternoon telling roleplayers that their concerns are ultimately invalid, however …
Ouuugghhh Vinmar please can it bro … ! At least Mellinora is putting in the effort to try and rile people up. Trying to troll whilst also being in Goldshire Lux is not a gaming moment …
(p.s. I assume Lilynore must be in some form of therapy following the absolute travesty on Asmon’s stream a while ago - please let me know how our local Albanian is getting on bro, haven’t heard from him in a while !!!)
Some people seem really entitled to being on a RP server, despite having no interest at all in RP’ing or even being respectful towards those who do.
I imagine it the same as barging into a DnD session with no interest of joining said session, but rather to stand and gawk and occasionally come with some witty remarks to disrupt because they think it’s hilarious.
It’s really not. Argent Dawn is the last remaining RP realm used for its intended purpose. Let it stay that way.

The reality here, whether you would like to acknowledge it or not, is that many, many people on Argent Dawn do not like the people present on the server that do not engage in roleplay,
You vastly overestimate the number of people on AD who don’t like people who don’t RP. It’s mostly just a few forum toxics. For everyone else, as long as a player respects the rules - does not disrupt the RP of others - it’s all good.

I think there is very limited things that can be done to ultimately deter those that have no interest in roleplaying from making Argent Dawn their home, but I do think there should be a very in-your-face notification when attempting to select a roleplaying server that says in more official terms, “don’t play here if you aren’t going to roleplay”, then followed by a fresh, shiny, revamped set of rules unique to roleplaying servers should the player still be interested in playing on Argent Dawn or any of the other roleplaying servers.
This will never happen because that’s not what the server is.
If it did happen, then, yes, you’d have a point. But it’s the whole thing that you think this is implied, whereas it is just not. It is simply a headcanon of yours and a few others.

At least Mellinora is putting in the effort to try and rile people up.
Honestly, I tried to reason with you folks. Any attempts proved to be futile. But again, you guys won’t be able to do anything - as I said, you cannot enforce your vision of gameplay on other players.
But again and again you prove to be as delusional and ignorant as ever.
About GS Lux, I do not communicate with them much, including the GM. It’s funny when there is no argument against my points, people always bring the guild.
If you don’t communicate with the guild, why are you in it…?

If you don’t communicate with the guild, why are you in it…?
Other people have problems with me being in the guild, I do not.
That’s a non answer.
If you don’t speak with your guild, what is the point in being in it?
I don’t really owe you an answer, don’t I?
But after how much backlash and unproven accusation I received I think it’s more of a principal not to leave this guild. It would prove that toxic AD trolls have some power, and I don’t want to give them any credit.

as long as a player respects the rules
Except quite a few of them don’t. I am not sure why people are trying to bring more of such players to AD. Malicious intent? There are no ways to stop those people at the gate.
Do you have any suggestions concerning such players? Surely you can see why those are unwanted and receive backlash.
A Simple Guide to Signs, Symbols and Signifiers:
Red circle bisected in the middle by a white bar - no entry
A hand held up, palm forward, fingers straight and together pointing upwards - hand signal indicating the perciever stop.
RP - when these two letters, in this arrangement, are found in the realm typle column of a realm selection screen, they signify that the realm is for Roleplaying. This signifier can also been seen marked as ‘Roleplaying’ or ‘Roleplaying Realm’, depending on the game in question.
If you have trouble understanding this, please visit your local optometrist, or should this fail, enrole in primary school again.

Do you have any suggestions concerning such players? Surely you can see why those are unwanted and receive backlash.
Those who disrupt RP? Report them. Like usual.

RP - when these two letters, in this arrangement, are found in the realm typle column of a realm selection screen, they signify that the realm is for Roleplaying
Meaning that you can do whatever you want, in particular, there is no requirement that you roleplay whatsoever, but if you are into roleplaying, you might have a better chance finding partners on this realm than on others.

Those who disrupt RP? Report them. Like usual.
I’d rather not see them come in at all, because, you know, the GMs don’t really do anything with reports.
That said…

RP - when these two letters, in this arrangement, are found in the realm typle column of a realm selection screen, they signify that the realm is for Roleplaying.

Meaning that you can do whatever you want
The literal embodiment of
Have you ever considered that just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. Are you really so egocentric, selfish and spoiled? You have the same toxic mindset that you see in heroic dungeons where new players are screamed at for not knowing one tactic, or simply just not doing it perfectly, by some selfish jerk who only cares about themselves. Or in BGs where theres always that one person who screams and rants and then afks because its not gone perfectly for them. It’s pure selfishness. Why should you care about a server or the community, “got mine get stuffed”. Honestly it’s like dealing with a Patriotic American .
Or you condone the filth they take part in.
Silence inaction is just as bad as taking part.
Anyway, I’ll leave you to your smut ring.
Thank you so much for respecting my choice.