I honestly don’t have the energy or time to quote like a 100 posts, point is, you try to argue that OOCers are allowed on AD because they have already infested it and tries to ruin the RP community so why not let them? Really, do you hear yourself?
Saying a point is irrelevant unfortunately doesn’t make it irrelevant and you will unfortunately need to do far better to convince me that your existence on Argent Dawn is in any way beneficial to the roleplaying community as a whole
EDIT: I’m actually going to briefly humour this point by saying that even if you consider greater faction imbalances on other servers to be irrelevant, you are then conjuring up arguments on my behalf which quite frankly I think is epic + I thank you for your service. If it’s literally “irrelevant”, why not be a reasonable person and not come to AD and pick literally any of the other 262 servers?
I have already pointed out that your obsessive intent on providing seminars in regards to the functionality of the game’s systems is, ironically enough, irrelevant in itself through an edit of my previous post
Yeah, AD is a rare example of a server where you get the benefit of being outnumbered without actually being outnumbered. Who doesn’t get that?
Is that a good enough reason to invite all and sundry here so a bunch of cowardly pve heroes who can’t handle the 30% buff in it’s authentic outnumbered context can reap the benefits and be all “heck yeah i level in warmode” no it isn’t.
Enjoy the perk by all means if you subscribe to the server label. Just because you enjoy the perk doesn’t mean you get to ignore the label.
Just because I like the seating in a Nando’s it doesn’t mean it’s okay for me to head inside and eat my McDonald’s in there. Even if there’s no law against doing so. The general commonsense thing is “If I like the ambience, then use the restaurant as intended”. You seem unable to comprehend this and think that if you like something in the restaurant for any number of reasons, that entitles you to go into there to do whatever you like. No.
And as said, there’s no law that says you can’t, but you’ll be thrown out anyway by enforcement of a vaguely worded company policy. The issue in this case is the enforcement is lacklustre, not that the intention of the server is “wrong”.
i argued this with you a while back when I was a dwarf (Dangrar) and you eventually conceded that yes the primary purpose of RP servers is RP and that the label means that Rp is meant to be supported and encouraged and it is meant to symbolise the server environment is one that encourages and sustains Rp and yet here you are again arguing for reasons why people with no interest in any of that should pick AD as a completely valid server and have just as much right to do what they will as an RPer there.
Why on why do people go out of their way to argue for this, it is so dumb. We don’t need a devil’s advocate. If the modern gaming community turned their attention away from arguing people’s rights to be a jerk or piss people off (but technically doing so legally) and instead on actual notable issues within rights and freedoms the world would actually be all the better for it. But far too many turn their “formidable” intellects only towards arguing the basest of stuff such as “my right to be an butthole” whilst pretending to defend some noble tradition.
Argent Dawn chat is pretty alive, sure here and there are a few perverts but other than that it get pretty political sometimes! Always new discussions. Also /join lookingforgroup
I did NOT concede that the “primary purpose” is RP, you specifically caveated out that we are not talking about that because I disagreed with it. I agree that the label of “RP realm” means that RP is meant to be supported and encouraged.
That RP is meant to be supported and encouraged does not mean that the server is only for RPers, it has always been my point, including in the discussions with you.
There are valid reasons for people to roll on AD even if they don’t intend to RP. I listed a couple above. I also listed some cons of rolling on AD. In my view, the cons outweigh the pros. This is why I, for example, given a free transfer option away from AD, would take it. But this might be different for other people.
You have to make peace with the notion that AD is a regular realm with some guys RPing, not the other way around. Because that’s just how it is.
Your anecdotal experience with Sha’tar means much less than the common laws of social dynamics and precedents with other activities. You didn’t even see the full picture of a single realm. I mean, what are we talking about here? “Mommy, I know, the son is eaten by a crocodile every evening, I just saw a cloud looking a crocodile do this, that’s proof.” That’s the level of your argument.
No, AD is not a “regular realm with some guys RPing” because if that were true, why are other servers where that happens not also labelled RP server.
The label isn’t descriptive, it’s prescriptive. It means there is an RP-minded purpose. You can twist it as much as you like but that’s not how it works.
A hospital isn’t labelled a hospital because it so happens that people ended up getting treated there so let’s label it a hospital. The label dennotes what it is understood to be for. Same for gendered toilets, same for age-group swimming classes, same for X and Y and Z. You cna’t just randomly decide that in this instance “no, a label doesn’t actually attempt to communicate anything about the intention/purpose of this server, it’s just a descriptor” because you’ve decided that’s the case.
The fact is it is a prescriptive label way too many people ignore because yahoos like you brush off doing so and argue up is down to convince people that a server labelled RP isn’t even really for RP in the first place.
No, it’s not anecdotal, go to the server now, no one roleplays on it, go back in time, and people was roleplaying on it, but due to the huge amount of OOCers they eventually got pushed out because OOCers all put together have less amount of IQ than room temperature.
Also, I won’t read what you write, since as I said.
Those “natural reasons” are OOCers. You keep trying to justify a bad ignorant behaviour with nonsense arguments and it only makes you look more stupid and more ignorant.
Escaping the brief bout of convoluted back and forth there, the points you’re making are ultimately irrelevant to the server because you’re attempting to provide “pros” to being on Argent Dawn that don’t circulate around the act of roleplaying to begin with, therefore they are instantly discredited as not pertinent to the topic of Argent Dawn; it doesn’t matter if they are “justifiable” in your own mind - it’s not what the server exists for
It’s a roleplaying server made for roleplaying, not for facilitating players with no interest in roleplaying whatsoever, of which is your apparent argument. The reality is that nobody is going to take your attempted arguments seriously (as you’ve seen thus far in this thread) because many of the people that actually use the server for what it is intended for have absolutely no love for OOC-based players whatsoever at the most and pretend non-roleplayers don’t exist as the least, and for good reason, as you’ve apparently neglected to think about the fact that Argent Dawn is the last remaining English-speaking roleplaying server to host a community that makes roleplaying possible on a wider scale
This isn’t a discussion about “technicalities” and “but’s”. It doesn’t matter if you CAN go to Argent Dawn to do the things you mention as pro’s in your arguments, and it doesn’t matter if you CAN exist on the server without roleplaying - you shouldn’t. I am very confident that the vast majority of reasonable people with at least semi-good intent will make the conscious decision to not make Argent Dawn their home if they’ve no interest in roleplay, and that’s how it should be
I will gladly reiterate: there is no justifiable reason to be on Argent Dawn if you have no intent to roleplay. If you don’t, it’s not a server for you, and it’s why the countless other options that exist are there; the realm tags exist so that you might be able to best discern what would be best for you as a player in regards to the content you partake in, and as such, you and anybody else should make use of them. It utterly baffles me to this day that people will consciously gloss over the “last roleplaying server” point, as if wholly uncaring to the fact that a certain pastime enjoyed by certain people actually exists and that the dilution of the realm can ultimately contribute to a decline in that very same pastime.
Hey, it’s okay though, right? I don’t personally care about the pastime of another group of players on the game, so that gives me a pass to ignore their attempts to preserve it and means I can play dumb / oblivious when people direct justified backlash towards me, acting silly and pretending like the concerns of those that actually use the realm for its intended purpose are absolutely outlandish and insane, all the while further promoting an influx of people that don’t intend to use Argent Dawn for its original purpose
Notice how that sounds a bit daft / goofy / etc when I say it? Probably because it is
Yes, people moved to AD. I say it happened because of natural causes. You say “naaaaaaa, it happened because of the OOCers”. You are saying what you are saying because of your anecdotal experience. I am saying what I am saying because of the common laws of social dynamics and precedents with other activities.