If you want more socializing join a RP server

I might just do that and pop the response here.

I will wager it will be something along the lines of mentioning a word like “intent” or “purpose” which if true, means your argument is completely null.

How could the label be descriptive is when AD was first launched (ie no chars on it) it was labelled an RP server? What was it describing? The behaviour of the moths in the server room?

If the RP label was there since inception devoid of player behaviour to describe, then it must be prescriptive. You can’t describe an event before it occurs. Where you attempt to do such (or steer such) we call that prescription.

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Imagine that one sentence can be so hard to understand. Mental capacity below a 5yo.


“A place where people interested in RP may meet each other.”

We’ve been over that. The “RP realm” merely means “a meeting point for people interested in RP”.

Because it did.

Also the only thing I see your posts as now is

so im afraid I will just have to stop reading your posts now.

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“A place where people interested in RP may meet each other” is a prescriptive sentence much like how a hospital is “A place where one may go to seek medical treatment”.

How is this hard to understand?

i never agreed to your definition and I argued repeatedly why it was wrong and you never convinced me otherwise.

Also, you never addressed my “how can it be descriptive when the server was empty” point. What was the Rp label describing there? If it was describing hypothetical behaviour, that’s prescription, which means stating intent.

It’s not, you are bending the line for the hospital. The line for the hospital is different and will not include “may”. The line for the “RP realm” includes “may” on purpose. People “may” or “may not” want to meet there and they “may” want to meet there for reasons other than RP. Do you see it now?

The intent was a meeting point. No obligation to RP whatsoever, it’s just a flag “hey, you might want to check it out, but if you don’t that’s fine, and if you come for a different reason, that’s fine as well, just obey the rules”.

I really don’t get how YOU can not understand it after so many explanations.

I’m bending it as much as you are bending may in the sense to understand it in pure casual terms.

“A place where one may go to RP” simply states a location where one might go to do something.

The might pertains to whether they go to that location or not, it doesn’t refer to the location itself being “myabe” about that activity.

“I might go to the swimming pool” means I may go to the place where you go to swim. It doesn’t mean i’m going to somewhere where it might be used for swimming.

Engage your brain.


Can’t use something that does not exist I am afraid

I’m reasonably convinced that Mellinora’s current “debate” is more focused upon they themselves trying to justify their own existence on Argent Dawn given the “but what if this” and “okay but what if that” nature of their arguments, but the reality is ultimately the same as trying to fit a shirt on a dog; you can probably get the shirt on it, but it’s not designed for the dog, nor is it really going to serve the purpose it’s supposed to

I find it strange that the realm tag on the current server list strictly states “RP” rather than a tag that says “Could be RP, dunno, go find out I guess”


You are constantly making analogies you cannot make. You think the meaning of the “RP realm” label is stronger than it actually is. You attempt to “prove” it by making an analogy with a strong label, but that’s circular logic, you are just assuming your conclusion. That’s not proving anything.

The meaning of the label is weak. It’s a meeting point. People don’t have to RP. Again, since you don’t accept any arguments (eg, an analogy with PVP realms where you also did NOT have to PVP, you could have stayed in the city and chatted all day, it was completely within the rules, similarly on PVE realms you did NOT have to PVE), just ask Blizzard. Or do some googling, this was discussed before, I linked an example piece earlier.

tbh, the whole concept of an rp realm is to be in full rp mode as your character logs in.

I remembered reading the rules before I entered my very first rp realm as a blood elf paladin, now I know that paladins help people and i have to be in character. I found this random player leveling where I was and i came over and killed some mobs. I then said something nerdy and wise and the person just ran off ´.´i was like… ok so not quite like that then lol

and then you meet guild rpérs with their own set of rules on how to rp n stuff. i think the main issue is that these rp communities has a cult feeling to it.

I´ve met a few back in the day that would ignore me and others because we´re not part of their guild and their rp setting.

blizzard made the realm for people to roleplay as soon as they land on the realm, instead, we are divided and fighting about others ruining the lore setting and beliefs.

Who decided the label is weak? You?

So the label is there to serve as a meeting point. So it’s meant to encourage meeting or support it? So it’s “nodding” towards potential behaviour. Right, glad we cleared that up, so IT’S PRESCRIPTIVE then.

Which means it intends something or tries to intend something. You can’t argue simultaneously that “the label merely describes” but also “the label is there to act as a signpost” because a signpost is NOT descriptive where it is acting as information regarding how you may adjust or amend your behaviour.

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The concept can be as flexible as the consensus chooses it to be.

Even the most hardcore of roleplayers or story-writers can hit a block, and just want to relax and play the game for a bit as normal.

I played on RP servers for years now and I haven’t met that many people that get into a fit about you not following their rules. As long as you are not actively disrupting their scenes.

Blizzard. For the twentieth time, ask them. Your crusade is void.

I won’t rehash how facilitating RP does not mean that people cannot roll on the server if they don’t want to RP themselves. They will still perfectly facilitate it. By obeying the rules. Which are very easy to obey and not overly restrictive.

I will, but i’m done discussing with you, as clearly we’re just not going to make progress here.

We were not making progress because you tried to “prove” your point over and over again by circular logic. I have shown where the circle is in my post above:

I guess RPers just doom themselves by appealing to general player base as exclusive toxic elitists. Oh well

Yeah, I mean, aslong as you Rp every once in a while, I would infact, still call you a roleplayer, and that this realm is for you, and I don’t think there is a single person that thinks you have to constantly rp 100% of your online time, if they do, that would be stupid, as you said, Rpers also are players, and like to do content.

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I just gonna put it out there.
No player, or group of players can police others on the way how to play the game, only Blizzard can.
All people can come and join AD for what ever reason and no one is gonna stop them.
Constant rants from toxic RPers are just here to provide forum entertainment. Do not be bothered. They are useless.

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That’s funny considering the guild you are in.