Ignore on the forums needs rework

I don’t think Daestra meant “disable” but rather “not showing up for you at all” if you have a person on ignore. Like, right now you still see a “hidden comment”, which is like “Well, you ignored that person, but sure you don’t want to take a peak into what they’ve wrote?” This is indeed like being harassed, saying no and getting asked “You sure? If you take another look at me now it’ll be your own responsibility if I go on harassing you.”

If I don’t want to acknowledge someone on the forums, I don’t want to be “tempted” by comment info about a person, who I put on ignore for a reason already. Most likely because said person has a hand for winding me up or provoking / trolling me to force a reaction.

Ignore means ignore and I expect the forum to execute my ignore choice instead of making myself responsible for following up with a forum setting I chose on purpose.


Thank you for explaining better than i could i am greatful :heart:


Posting should be policed far quicker than it is, there are some nasty posts I reported a week ago that are still on the forums. Same goes for some character names, they have been unchanged for months.

Ignore should be account wide or posting should be battletag only. Bans seem so random as well, some not getting a ban others have had a weeks ban for saying the same thing.

I’m ok with the hidden post thing, it means if I need to I can look at what they have posted if I need to report them again.

The one thing I do wish is that they get a ban for each nasty post, so if they post 5 nasty things they get 5 bans consecutively served. I think currently they get one ban for all of them.


That specific part was a response to:

Which does indicate that those who get ignored shouldn’t be able to reply and get notified that they’re ignored when attempting to do so. It wasn’t a direct reply to Daestra in this case.

The rest of your post i by and large agree with since it doesn’t make sense to have a person you ignored still be visible. Only issue may be when the ignored person gets quoted by another person and how exactly that’s dealt with.


I can see how the consequence of not being able to reply to a post by someone who ignores you might get easily abused. Like, if you want a certain clientele to be exclusively able to reply to your thread and shut out opinions on the matter other than yours.

However, not being able to reply to an OP post doesn’t necessarily indicate you can’t respond to other posters within the thread. It would only mean that you can’t be the first to respond and with it give the conversation following kind of an initial course.

Surely needs to be looked into how much admin tools allow the forum to differ between thread and post reaction. Shouldn’t be that much of a problem if they use a professional forum tool box though.


Curious how hurt and angry you are about their post, maybe take your own advice? Wonder how many posts you have made about certain types of people yourself(Hint, it’s a good bit.)

Currently the slippery slope is allowing people to post on 50 alts, use reports on 50 of alts, like posts with it, etc.

It’s not begging anything, except for said person doing such a thing begging for the hammer from Blizzard. I would like to point out a person that posted physical threats, slurs, and avoiding forum filters 13-14 days later still has their posts there so we can all see how likely Blizzard doing Anything in regards to harassment is.

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what about any MMO where you get someone going"i have a high lvl char or two let me give you some advice which is actually criticism"
yeah thats tryhards in casual content sorry but who is that suppose to be and why should i listen to someone else"advice" that i wont see in other groups
all this attitude will bring them is a ignore or a blacklist
well i too have 1 high level character(this is about alt level in ff14 where i saw this"display")
but it doesnt say much not all groups play perfectly

I too did notice that the ignore feature exists but seems to be broken. There’s exactly one person on these forums who I would like to use it on, since every time I read a topic by them it made me negative. I do read these forums for fun after all. Still, won’t be naming that particular person, and I don’t see a reason to use the feature on anyone else.

That being said it would be nice if it worked on these extraordinary people.

The basic advice one would get on wow forums would be - “here’s a link to class xxx discord”

that would be for the wow forums aye
think my post is about those"tryhards" who are that brave to criticise the new players in leveling dungeons for alot of stuff one cant blame them because they are new
curious those who criticise for even the smallest error in any game worth for perma ban
or worth to be evidence that alot of games need an account wide ignore system?

There’s also the arguably worse thing where an ignored person getting notified that they’re ignored may make them try to amp up on their pressence around the one ignoring them in an attempt to influence other posters. Or attempting to make others quote them on more personal attacks so the replies to them become visible.

Disallowing direct quoting or replying doesn’t do a whole lot anyhow since it’s set up so the person can just reply in the thread in general while making references by name if that’s their aim.
In some cases a person may be ignored simply for disagreeing with another poster on a specific topic, even if didn’t spiral into insults and namecalling. Being unable to respond with relevant counterpoints in a, relatively, public argument by direct quoting will be a bit of an annoyance. Not a major one but still one that’s bound to make the person replying go “oh, well, okay then”.

I just don’t see the positive benefits of making it so others can’t reply to or quote those ignoring them. Not when making the ignore function on an account-wide basis and more solid moderation should make it more of a non-issue.
If anything i mainly see more potential negative effects of having that kind of forum system in place.

Personally i can’t agree with the basis of negatively impacting another poster simply by ignoring them. No visibility of the ignored poster for the one ignoring is enough and the rest is largely down to proper moderation.

Which largely wouldn’t be an issue with account-wide ignore and a better working ignore function in regards to visibility.

It’s still setting up a system where an ignored person fully knows that they got under the skin of someone else. Some will just move on from it and not care but there’s bound to be others who take it as either a personal slight or their trolling duty to amp up their antics. Letting the later group know that they’re ignored is, in my opinion, not a positive thing.
The issue here is not the automated system but the moderation being lacking.

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As far as I can remember SWTOR had account wide ignore(both on forums and in game), and it worked pretty well.

Or you could just grow up and ignore them . Not hard is it

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I’m surely not for notifying someone about getting ignored. However, if you still allow the ignored to reply to the person, who ignores them, they might as well use direct reply option to insult someone without them noticing. And I’m not trusting forum users enough to always flag such insults on behalf of the one not able to see it.

In ideal, you’d have a moderating system that doesn’t treat ignore and flag seperately. Many people landing on numerous ignore lists also have a lively history of forum bans for expressing themselves inappropriately, insulting others or trolling. A proper forum moderation could easily spot such patterns and turn soft ignore into a solid block if needed. Meaning that you can personally choose between soft ignore and block-flag. If the flag goes through, e.g. for personal harassment, rl threat or discrimination, you would then be allowed to completely block the flagged person.

Don’t forget that someone’s abilities to reply can get drastically limited if more than one person proceeds with a successful block flag. It might then also make the ignored / blocked one think about their behaviour a bit more.


thats nice
would that be enough to deal with players with one of the following things:
criticise for even the smallest error,are toxic/obnoxious/rude,have big egos
can include leaving in m+ too
or even asking why in sanctum raid finder you see one player who suggests a tactic
that while a good idea the one who suggests it might have done it with a premade/or guild
in a lfr pug this wont end too well

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Yes, once ignored someone, one can never be grouped with them(or at least I think it worked that way, it’s been a while).

i agree
if we lack a acc wide ignore system we should ask for one
p.s edit

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Ignore in WoW was never account wide, and in 14 I have no idea, because I’ve never even had an alt. Harassment is too subjective to me to even comment on. It depends on the GMs/Mods and on the wording I guess.

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i dont know why people go on and ignore eachother… the drama is half the fun on these forums it would get boring fast if all people did around here where sitting and holding hands singing kumbaya


Which doesn’t exactly stop the abuser, harasser, but just allows the victim to no longer see it but everyone else still does. Doesn’t action said person, though it is ‘one’ solution.

Which making posts for the purpose of getting under someones skin or to provoke a negative reaction, should be removed/actioned as they’re against the forum rules yes.

It’s a great thing, so when they circumvent this they know what they’re doing and have no excuse and Blizzard can’t deny what they’re doing either.