I'm concerned by the amount of High Elves

Why do you keep writing that to me? That’s what I’m saying

The San’layn are a sect of vampiric Darkfallen, former blood elves, who were in service of the Scourge. The race is an undead elf with vampiric traits. They are refered to as either the San’layn, the Darkfallen, the vampiric Darkfallen, the undead blood elves or the vampyr. So?

we could all learn something from Rommath, who is always right.

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You are just one sliver of an inch away from connecting the two threads. In this very comment you literally refer to their race as “an undead elf with vampiric traits”, but you somehow manage to wrangle yourself away from the obvious conclusion that should bring you to.

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Screw Rommath and his ability to allow mage to take INFINITE turns.

What conclusion? Darkfallen has recently become a term officially used for all undead elves regardless of their origin. The San’layn is a word that has double-meaning depending on what you want to imply. It may refer for a specific group withing the Scourge or to that particular kind of vampiric elves. That shouldn’t be a problem at all

OMG so it’s even worse than it appeared from the outside then. We wrangled Keti and her ilk for the obvious perverse stuff, how are they not getting the same then?

Because Keti’s RP involved child characters - possibly actual IRL children.
Even as much as I’ve railed against Kheena, and it is specifically Kheena here because I don’t know what the rest of the Scavs are like, but given she’s one of the higher ups it reflects pretty badly in my opinion.

But even with all of that, the Dust Scavengers aren’t as bad as Keti and her lot. The things I’ve mentioned are still unnacceptable and I’ve drawn so much attention to them because in a sense, I feel betrayed. I defended them, and this is the nonsense I hear a few months later for having done so - but even with all of that, it’s STILL not as bad.


There’s also a tweet by Neilson or some other former CDEV. Maybe one of the old watercoolers they used to do.

I’ll find it tomorrow.

Wasn’t there an escalation with Keti before the straight up kiddie RP? Or am I forgetting things?

Yes. Darkfallen is a term referring to all kinds of undead elves, but amongst those undead elves you have several different kinds of undead - sub races of Darkfallen, if you will. San’layn strictly refers to the vampiric kind of Darkfallen, that’s the conclusion you somehow fail to grasp when you refer to them as

It is not a sect, but a sub race of Darkfallen. It does not matter whether or not they are Scourge aligned, independent or somehow made their way into the ranks of either Forsaken or Ebon Blade. They will still be San’layn, it’s their race under the “Darkfallen” umbrella.

I don’t take him seriously after he said Spellbreakers did not exist prior to the Third War and that Zen’jin is 2800+ years old.

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I don’t remember, and at this point I don’t want to.

I’m just so tired of every damn vulpera being played by someone who has an equal or greater interest in making their character an outlet for various kinks when compared to them being actual characters.


My memories of that debacle are resurfacing and I don’t like it, I can safely say now that there wasn’t so much an escalation but more like a hit on the button of a launching space rocket.

Your battle will never be over friend.

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Cries in wasted Berber and Bedouin inspired potential.

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Dude, I had so many Caravan concepts based on class specific drives such as rapacious Mages, generous priests, greedy beast tamers, merchantile pirates… All squandered on an unhealthy obsession with furry creatures and wanting to sexualize them at all costs.


Darkfallen is all undead elves.

The San’layn are a faction consisting of the undead elves (former blood elves) that were resurrected by Arthas after Illidan’s failed assault. They are undead elves, therefore they are Darkfallen (even though originally this word was used specifically for them, but ok). At the same time these Darkfallen are characterized by their vampiric tendencies which make them a unique kind. Vampiric Darkfallen. With the term San’layn usable for the name of both the race as one of its alias and the sect.

They deserve a redemption arch… Seriously. I am good friends with one of their officers. And they are trying the best they can to change things up. Without loosing as much members in the process… Kheenah and others… After what I did… Will not change their ways. It wont happen

But their new members… and their new rp. I have seen it.

My friend often shows me snit pics of their rp. And screenshots, Since I am more or less rp starved after what happened… And their new ones are good! their rp is good! and they are not like the old Scavengers in the least!

For my friend who the Dust scavengers means very much… Other officers ways… Please give the new Dust Scavs a chance… It would mean allot to my friend. And they really are growing and changing.

Despite the past. and all the things ive said… they dont deserve to be condemned…

which are more pragmatic

darkfallen or san’layn


Jesus H. Christ…