I'm concerned by the amount of High Elves

I think people avoiding something that leads to a bad experience 99% of the time is perfectly fine, they have no obligation to spoil their own enjoyment of the hobby.


Weird leap to go from “high elves” to “le actual dragons”. Obviously people avoid certain things, but there’s a difference between avoiding dragon RP because of the myriad of issues it involves and… avoiding a race that’s been a part of the Alliance since before 99% of current lore was actually written.


It’s not bad, but it calls upon for some massive self-reflection, when you actively avoid entire race while also playing it.


Arguably dragons have been floating around mortals long enough to be legitimate things to RP.
A large issue they run into (other than some loving power grabs) is time and place.
And even if people ignore dragon RPers, I am one of said lizard types, you’ll find folk eventually.


draenei posters


There really is no difference to speak of. If one’s interactions with a certain niche are bad the vast majority of the time, why wouldn’t they prioritize other groups who they generally have a better time with?

Dragons, elves, humans. It really doesn’t matter what group you put in ‘certain niche’.

Sure, in some cases. But there are plenty where it’s pretty clear-cut that most of the community that RPs a certain thing just doesn’t do very well at it most of the time (vulpera, dragons and void elves quickly come to mind)

Absolutely. Perfectly legitimate to RP one, all the power to you for doing so.


I think we are all entitled to our biases and to curate our own experience, however arbitrarily. We all have our opinions on certain archetypes and their appeal, or lack thereof.

What I do not understand is the point of announcing these negative feelings so publically and with such cynism. Just avoid them.



It’s like a statement to be proud of lol

Most Void Elf RPers are, in fact, RPing High Elves. Why? Because Void Elf lore is borderline ridiculous and most people don’t really want to bother with it. Okay, do me a favour and let’s conduct a mental exercise here. Imagine that instead of void elves, high elves were originally released and void elves were kept as an entity in the lore, but not playable. YET a lot of people choose to play them. They’d be stigmatised just like the dragon RPers, wouldn’t they? My point here is that the only thing that grants legitimacy to void elves is that they ARE a playable race. And there’s a reason Blizzard gave us high elf skins and keeps introducing bits and pieces of High Elf lore, as listed above. I don’t really get what’s so confusing to you.

What’s confusing to me is that 99% of Draenei RPers I ever interacted with or even saw, were just awful. It is a baffling phenomenon, actually. I’ve RPed with dragons, with Nathrezim, with liches in Duskwood, with people RPing actual vampires (like from True Blood), I’ve even RPed with worgen. But Draenei RPers for some mysterious reason just take the cake.

My only gripe with Draenei roleplayers is that the majority don’t know how to properly name them.

I’m going to make a paladin one and name him Deth.

I mean, I think we’re focusing a whole lot on the technicalities of Thalassian population numbers when Stormwind during peak hours only has about 30+ high elves and about 10+ void elves.

High Elves and Void Elves would need to have like a hundred of them left combined for those numbers to make a little too less sense, and even then, it would make sense for so many of them to just be living their peaceful lives in their current capital city during peace time.

The lore that is written for them is that they had a hiccup with the alliance, got rolled over by the scourge and except for a very limited few either followed Kael’thas and became Illidari or remained behind to be blood elves.

But I hope you knew that already.

There are fewer elves who went with Illidan than those who stayed true to their heritage.

a draenei vindicator, how very novel!


Can someone who remembers the actual Thalassian population statistics drop them here to end this charade once and for all pls?

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You mean Lady Casuundra Montaguei isn’t a good draenei name?

Anyway, if you ignore something, ignore it. It’s your time, but if you always ignore X, try giving a new X a shot rather than assuming the worst.


I’ve reached the level where even a double vowel is a win in my book.

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I take that as a compliment.

Okay so you’re all cool with my new Draenei Aamaandaa?

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