I'm concerned by the amount of High Elves

Lazaares is a good draenei name.


The statistics are from the RPG as far as I’m aware, and even then they only mention “10% of them are left alive”, which could be a thousand elves, ten thousand elves, a hundred thousand elves, a million elves…

Kael’thas in-game also says that only two thirds of Quel’Thalas were killed.

The whole point is that the Third War was a massacre for them. People get too hung up on the actual numbers because some people genuinely think that one day they’re just going to remove playable races because they don’t like how people roleplay them.


How many elves are still alive?

I would have little issue if they were unusually numerous, but each kept to the lore of being scattered remnants from the lodge / Outland / Dalaran.

Issue comes where the majority you meet pretend they’ve always been there, had never any issues with mana or magic and are part of some great alliance offensive to reclaim Quel’thalas.

The latter I ascribe to elven proximity to nörf.

Us: How many elves are still alive?
Blizz: Yes.

It’s the same as in warhammer. There’s enough numbers as the current plot requires and trying to get an accurate count is a fools errand.


The lore literally says that Stormwind was one of their main exodus points from Quel’thalas, alongside Dalaran and the Hinterlands.


The lore says they turned into blood elves and joined the Horde.

Everything else is stretching an exception to fit your want to RP a blood elf in Stormwind.

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The thing I get from Warhammer, is that wood elves seem to have fewer issues with their populace.
It’s tree power. The power of trees.

But yeah, this is the case for every race.
Most are supposed to be more than half dead.

You must be new here, this can go on for about 200 more posts considering how stubborn our friend here seems to be.

Years after the Third War, the high elves were in a state of diaspora. Most resided in human cities like Stormwind City and Dalaran. Others live in seclusion in the wild forests, often in hunting lodges such as Farstrider Lodge. Several high elves have also integrated into Theramore under the leadership of Lady Jaina Proudmoore.

It especifically mentions the elves that were in diaspora from Quel’thalas itself, meaning the High Elves who didn’t side with the blood elves. This is Vanilla lore. This is literally how it was written before the Burning Crusade was even a concept within the developers’ mind, as they wanted to do a South Seas expansion instead of TBC.

I literally play a forsaken on Horde side. Trust me, if I had wanted to play an Alliance version of my characters, I would’ve done so by about the time I saw the sixth forsaken-accepting/themed guild I was interested in interacting with disband.

I know it’s fun to go “well, if you dislike my take on the lore, that means that you roleplay this” as a catch-all argument-winner, but let’s be a little bit fr here.


According to the official WoW Encyclopedia, “Approximately 85% of the blood elves still dwell on Azeroth rather than Outland.” , meaning 15% of all blood elves went with Kael’thas to Outland itself.

Now, if we take an excerpt from the Journal of Archmage Vargoth, he said “We’ve been attacked… Kael’thas’ army… thousands of them!!!”.

Was it a panic-written statement? Something else? Idk.


Nah, mine’s going to be a musician and a bartender. Secretly an antiquities dealer that conducts most of his business in standing conversation at the harbour.

Fine, Deeth it is.

The real High Elves know that this is a futile dream and can only be accomplished through the death of all those traitors settled there. Which would only ruin the race further.

Speaking of! It’s been what, twenty years since the fall of Quel’Thalas? A lot of the elves you see in Stormwind are younger folk, you know. And I’m guessing the population of Silvermoon has been restored to an even higher degree. It’s a shame so many people like playing ancient characters.

So Vereesa, Elsharin, Auric Sunchaser, Jalinde Summerdrake, Caledra Dawnbreeze are all blood elves?

I don’t know what lore you are reading, but it ain’t right. Alliance High elves exist and they didn’t all join the horde

Never once in my life explained I wanted Quel’thalas on my alliance High elf. Neither have I come across any high elf who does. Sometimes I do joke about reclaiming Quel’thalas but it’s usually with Erevien threads.

Don’t make me look back at the old high elf models at Quel’Danil. Those that still haunt the Ghostlands. My eyes can’t take it.

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I would argue that if you roleplayed a High Elf spy that is friends to house Wrynn and is welcome both in Horde and Alliance it’s stretching the exception and kinda a red flag in RP.

But that’s basically what a fair portion of high elf roleplayers do anyways.

What lol

Kael’thas was a part of the Alliance Resistance in Lordaeron under Garithos as a blood elf already. He was calling himself and his brethren “as blood elves”. It is interpreted in WC3 campaign, in novels, in WoW itself.

Then they joined the Horde only so that they could secure the Ghostlands and because Thrall, as Warchief, saw powerful force in blood knights that could help them in the offensive in Northrend against the Lich King. -That- is when they joined the Horde.

Do you deliberately skip all this lore just to make a point or whatsup lol


If we count all the years that had passed since vanilla, including the timeskips, elves that had formed families since the tragedy would now have sons/daughters that are now roleplayable? Plus it justifies both these elves still having armies and some RPers being justified in their existance. I know how a lot people feel about rping an elf that is aged in the double digits, but my point is there are more elves than we remember now.

… and were all imprisoned and sentenced for summary execution by the Alliance which is why they clearly had a disdain.

What is your point? Kael and his blood elves became Illidari.

I don’t Roleplay that. I believe you are confusing high elves with Valeera sanguinar