I'm concerned by the amount of High Elves

yes roleplaying a concept that’s part of the setting is completely comparable to doing star wars roleplay in stormwind, oooooowaaaaaahhh aaaaaaeeeee we’re drifting awaaaaaaay

i’m glad i didn’t bother explaining my character to you, i had a feeling it was a good call :slight_smile:

Because unlike you, some people realise that the opinion is context-bound and relies on common sense - something you don’t seem to have.


Let’s approach it this way:
Who do you think should be given the authority to say who can and who can’t rp a highelf, to keep the numbers of them low enough for your taste?

Also i think you might be giving the mana withdrawal too much credit because -

According to Azeroth’s top priests and medics, the only high elves to perish due to magical withdrawal have been the very old, the very young, and elves who were already in poor health. Such a low rate of attrition might be considered an argument in favor of simply forgoing magic and suffering through the consequences. Indeed, a few high elves are said to have succeeded in taking this route through sheer willpower: they survived the process, however unpleasant.

Which means it wasn’t all that hard to survive that part of your earlier question

stave off the mana addiction?


It’s not the number much, more the attitude. You could have a dozen; if they hold to the lore of being a fallen, scattered order that was corrupted and ruined it works.

The issue with high elves is 99 out of 100 pretend they are some race in the alliance with “strongholds and settlements” as was written above.

That’s my mention of dabbing on blood elf lore and their seeking of alternatives in Azeroth and beyond.

People DO roleplay things that aren’t part of WoW on the rare occasion. And I mean fully other world based.
They want to, you know what I do in that case? Avoid/ignore. My choice is to pretend they aren’t there.

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This is the same person that wants to be the authority on who is or isn’t an OOCer and who should or shouldn’t be allowed on the realm btw.

And that is really what I am saying here. It’s not some call for RP police or RP server ban, but simply an explanation as to why I had zero good experience with high elf roleplayers and why i generally avoid them.

But at least you seem to understand the epic nihilism of “Everyone should roleplay what they want to!” is fundamentally wrong.

Yeah OOCers who declare they dislike RP and will never roleplay are unwelcome on an RP server.

  • Allerian stronghold

  • Highvale lodge (Hinterlands) they even have their own dragonhawks, the biggest outside Quel’thalas itself.

  • Silver covenant

  • many Dalaran citizens are high elves

  • a few Stormwind citizens are high elves

  • and if you know theramore, well High elves were citizens of that too. Some are portal trainers, and others are part of the theramore army.

  • 7th legion

( participated in the suramar campaign)

( blood elves called for the silver covenant’s help during cataclysm to deal with the Amani)

( the Alliance expedition in isle of thunder was made up of 90% high elf troops)

Yes. I can see how there are only 20 of them left. The horror!


And there’s nothing you can do about it.

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Did you know the Allerian Stronghold is a 90% high elf settlement on Outland?
Did you know there are many high elves in Shattrath, Dalaran, Stormwind and some civilians survived Theramore?
There is a fully populated lodge in the form of Quel’Danil, and though there’s one NPC at Farstrider Lodge, it is still there’s.

So yeah, they have settlements and a stronghold.

That genuinely sounds like a big you problem, rather than an explanation you try to crusade


I can see why they would have a negative experience with high elves as the only scenario that makes sense for them to interact with them as an Auchenai is to - as the perceived enemy - wander into the Allerian Stronghold

people who pay the subscription, don’t bother anyone and just have fun with the game are welcome anywhere, literally shut up.

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If you’re going to actively avoid a race because of perceived bad RP from some of them then you may as well ignore every race, a lot of them far before High Elves.

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I would wholly accept characters that come from there, though that was not the case with the majority, or for the majority it seemed a very random copout.

In the end, there’s three “sources” of which only one evidently overcame mana addiction. Which brings the issue of dabbing on the whole story and arc of blood elves by going “Yeah man should have just persisted and resisted”.

Yeah, I also actively avoid vulpera except from one guild. Pretty sure you also avoid some roleplayers with blaring red flags.

Literally everyone does this on some level. It’s no different from how dragon RPers tend to end up being pretty unsubtly avoided by most people, to the point that some of them just scrape every hint of being a dragon IC off their TRP


Maybe literally everyone should stop doing this with perfectly reasonable races.