I'm concerned by the amount of High Elves

What do you mean how? If you try to make a quick research you’ll see that it’s the name of a specific sect. One of the few known ones that serve as the Darkfallen’s faction/affiliation. In this case the vampiric Darkfallen formed by the fallen blood elves after the failed assault of Lord Illidan. The Sanlayn used to be and often is also used as the name of this particular species because it’s short and effective. That’s it

I’ll do what I want within the lore lol

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It takes a small town in the Wetlands and a black soul gem.

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Story, retold by orcish spies, to the Warchief about recent un-san’layn’ed sanlayns, circa current year, colourised:

If you’re so smart, then go to any WoW lore or wikipedia kind of website and show me proofs that it’s the name of the race. Spoiler: you won’t be able to, because it is clearly written there that it’s the term for the specific sect organized by the Lich King out of the vampiric Darkfallen that he created. Oops

I brought up a cross-franchise char to debunk the twitterposters’ …

“Everone roleplays what they want to”

… but I should have gone with San’layn. How the tables turn, suddenly everone is pro-moderation and pro-canon.

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Example number one. https://youtu.be/E7fVTabpyf8?t=1336

Example number two. https://i.imgur.com/qyR2Pf3.png

Example number three: Thrall telling the Darkspear to stop doing cannibalism and demonic magic now that they are a part of the Horde, with only Garrosh lifting the ban on the latter in Cataclysm because they were needed for the war effort.

Like Metzen says in the first link, some things are just gameplay components. It’s the reasoning why they have a Scarlet Crusade NPC in Stormwind Cathedral’s basement for a deprecated questline in which Stormwind discovers what the Scarlet Crusade really is, which leads to any lore outside of the start of that level 30-something quest having Stormwind declare the Scarlet Crusade as enemies.


Tbh the only part of this thread i want to touch at this point is to point out the addiction was more than simply needing a supply or being more resistant to needing another form of water or food (but not having any wont kill you).

Considering one of the side-effects is loss of sanity and devolution into becoming wretched. Losing your mind to the point that you self-mutilate to insert mana crystals under your skin for that hit.

An entire lodge (bar 1) of high elves succumbed to this post Sunwell renewal. While farstriders and those less in tune to magic seemingly are more resistant to the pangs, high elves really ain’t more or less immune to the allure and management of it in contrast to blood elves.


I think you should ask Valynria or Xotrios to coach you re: San’layn RP- It can most certainly be done well, and I have no doubt one or both of them will be happy to help you enjoy the concept.

You didn’t debunk anything though, you just browned ur pants publicly and refuse to change them

Why am I hearing six voices in place of one…

It’s the crowd laughing.


ok losaares

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Though Twitter is a hell site, some people on it make good points.
Regardless, it’s a meaningless dig.
Make actual lore abiding points or shush it.

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He cant tho, cause he doesnt even know the lore as we all have learnt here today


San’layn RP and Darkfallen RP are not the same thing. It’s like saying that if you play a Kaldorei Dark Ranger in the Alliance you should play a Forsaken RP. Bruh

You are the one who went U-turn between one kind of elf and another on your RP what you want stance. What happened to that?

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Halford Wyrmbane says: What you’re describing sounds like one of the san’layn… a blood prince.
Halford Wyrmbane says: Is the Horde really employing those vampiric elves? How far they’ve fallen.
Quest: Blood on the Sand

Another quest, where you have to kill the leader of these “no longer San’layn” who are working for Horde and seeking to join it at the end of war campaign: Ending the San’layn Threat

Quest text of An Unnaturalal Crew:

Blood Prince Dreven is here, and the situation’s even worse than we thought.

That monster’s training other [san’layn]. Every neophyte you see on this ship is another future Blood Prince Dreven.

His vile practices cannot be allowed to spread within the Horde. We’re going to tear the san’layn out, right now, root and all.
Quest description: Kill 12 Horde

And one more for the road:

Princess Talanji says: I do not trust dis Dreven, Rokhan. It is not wise to involve san’layn, of all things, in dis conflict…
Rokhan says: Sylvanas wants ta give 'em a chance. Dey got no home left. If dey can work with us, den dey got a home with da Horde. If not, dey be gone.

Not once during quests that involve San’layn seeking to join the Horde is the name viewed as something distinct from the race itself.


To continue this i’d argue that the high elven diaspora were arguably in a better position to deal with it (e.g Dalaran, Stormwind, Theramore or Allerian Stronghold) than the blood elves.


They were yeah. Even the Quel’Lithien Elves despite existing in VANILLA plaguelands had the resources to handle it; its just that one such very powerful arcane artefact caused them to spiral due to its immense arcane aura.

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