Especially now when it comes to Dalaran. The place is basically one of those floating cities from that magical ancient empire in the Forgotten Realms where everything is done with magic.
Where’d they get their moonwell from?!
I believe its an ancient High Elven Spell called Asset-reuse
It’s a mana potion stew for those hard plague days.
Yeah but that’s actual canon lore, how dare u point that out?
haha nerd
And, honestly, about the san’layn stuff: nobody’s saying that you cannot roleplay a san’layn, or hell, even a san’layn you’ve done some extensive headcanon about; but doing the latter and then saying it’s canon is something almost entirely different.
Could I make a headcanon where I say that the undead nerubians have regained control of their minds and joined the Forsaken? I absolutely could, but that doesn’t mean that everyone else has to accept it, no less if I present it in front of them as canon because of those quest givers in Wrath of the Lich King.
You can roleplay with who or what you want, and agree or disagree with what headcanon lore others have written, but it’s a two-way street.
That actually sounds based as hell ngl
Anything that would bring WoW factions into looking closer to Warcraft 3 races is a massive win in my book.
Couldn’t we recruit Nerubian units back in TFT while playing the Forsaken missions?
Sorta yeah but all in all it wasn’t really fleshed out yet at the time. Those weird flying mana-regen(I think?) statues the scourge faction had also just kind of disappeared and then were made into a that race in uldum
They actually became mobs in AQ20/AQ40 first
That and I don’t think we’ve seen a single Nerubian NPC as part of the Horde since then. Similar to how eg. Dark Rangers were a mercenary unit (along with Pit Lords and Fire elementals) but we obviously havent seen those iterations since the RTS either.
The Forsaken should absolutely have started recruiting the freed Scourge (including nerubians) in a post-shadowlands world. No longer shackled to Sylvanas’ valkyr, they instead expand their ranks by bringing in others who are Forsaken by the world.
In fairness:
In absolute fairness:
I do believe that both of the factions have become more tolerant and/or accepting of warlocks, death knights, shadow priests etc.
Not to the point that they like/allow people to walk around with their demons or ghouls on the streets or openly using their powers, but certainky to the point that they can go on about their business relatively undisturbed in most cities.
Both of the examples are very old at this point, and all of the in-game examples of said classes comes mostly positive in the context of factions.
I also would not recommend using WoWpedia as a source. Not too long ago somebody had edited part of the old troll RPG lore (the bit where troll women were subservient and held no positions of power in troll society) to be part of their old, canon lore, though that seems to have since been remedied.
Going back to this link,
, it’s likely just a gameplay component. Nothing more, nothing less. I highly doubt Tyrande recruited Stormreaver warlocks when she was exploring the outskirts of the Tomb of Sargeras, or that Arthas paid for a bunch of boats to some random goblin shipwright when crossing into northern Quel’thalas.
Morelike there was no WORLD of Warcraft back then, ie. you didn’t have to iterate and expand on the aspects of these factions and how they fit into the setting and the world beyond the RTS missions.
Actually I think it should remain canon that Arthas hired goblin airships to attack quel’thalas.
I think that’s very cool actually.
Not to mention the Scourge actively attempting to reclaim Silvermoon, invading Amani, arcane sanctums breaking…
Agreed. Based.
How does that contradict what I wrote? First of all, indeed, like I said, the term San’layn is widely used as a short version of the “vampiric Darkfallen resurrected by… during the time… blah blah”. It’s sime and effective, but doesn’t reflect the current state of things.
Secondly, even the Darkfallen who still affiliate with the San’layn organization can be independent, not only Scourge-favourable. Thus, we have the group of the Sanlayn you mentioned.
If you go to WoWpedia or read more into it, you’ll see that it’s written there clearly and explicitly that a) the Sanlayn is a sect b) the race is Darkfallen / undead elf, which is now used regarding all undead elves c) the Sanlayn are officially Scourge affiliated or Independent. d) the Darkfallen’s list of faction/affiliation is, obviously, larger
You have a bit too much of hopes for Blizzard to do anything with Arthas than making him ominously appear for forty-six times and drop some quote along the lines of “you’re cringe and I’m based, get good, see you when you’re a little less cringe”, which is why Kel’thuzad should’ve died much later in Wrath of the Lich King to make the Scourge more interesting.
Hi, my name is Dreadscorch, and in today’s essay I will-