I'm concerned by the amount of High Elves

Oh yesss, the green fire from Kanrethad Ebonlocke for Warlocks was an amazing experience!


I love playing a monk but damn the visuals are just so incredibly outdated and lack the cool visual flair that other specs have (looks at paladin). None of the attacks feel like they have any “oomph” to them.

I think they can still do a lot more with animations considering so many of them are re-used across all the specs. I don’t get why we can’t have unlockable appearances for our spells/skills as quest rewards or something, the cosmetic game is still kinda weak in this game. What about new emotes Blizzard?

Someone hates Vulpera RP? O_O This type of RP is so amazing, always a pleasure to see Vulperas sitting around a campfire in the evening, such a cozy sight

Do not speak of the magic to me witch!

I was there when it was written.

I know what you mean. I’ve always thought that death knight spell design in particular was weak. There’s no blood, there’s no gore! I feel like there’s some directive coming from above to PG-ify the game or something. Where is the blood? Why can’t we have the ink effect from Sekiro as blood dk spell flavour?

And don’t even get me started on the monk and its paper punches. I think Shaman has the most OOMPH, enhancement at least. Maybe warlock too.

While I do agree that they need to make some class overhaul glyphs, I do think they need to make new specs as well, rather than just pump out a new class every so often and leave them as such.

For example, I personally think that a new spec for Evokers is sorely needed, because in the current state that they are right now, they sort of feel like they grabbed mage and a dash of druid and just glued it together.

If mages had a spec that allowed them to be portayed as a little bit more than just “I throw fire and frost” or viceverse, it’d probably feel a little more different, but as it stands, it really just feels like mage with a new candy wrapper.

They put a few shaman sprinkles on top.

Also, glyphs so you can look like you focus on one Flight would be nice.

Remember glyphs?!

I’d kinda dig a ranged rogue spec.
…Or some sorta melee evoker. We see the dracthyr wielding all manner of melee weaponry (like spears / polearms they can’t even use), I’d like that to be more than lore / cosmetic.
Combat engineers would be cool too, though hunter roleplayers did excellently on that front with tools already available, so, hum.

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long story but Vulpera ever since they were introduced were steroetyped as furries just because they look like foxes. Pandarens and worgens got it too, but to lesser extent.

It didnt help that one vulpera caravan acted naughty, and now all the vulpera are stereotyped badly. i remember i approached a group of horde races on my vulpera and they were creeped out before i even introduced myself .

its really tiring… makes you want to race change

Speaking of, we should probably make a new thread to talk about this. We’ve derailed the derailing of the derailing, and I actually quite like this topic about plausible class glyphs, new classes, sub-classes/specs, etc.

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Shadowflame glyph for destro warlocks, yes thank you please.


I would honestly settle for replacement spell appearances. Instead of arcane missles, you conjure flying swords and hurl them at the target. I am honestly sick and tired of arcane being the FLASHY FLASHY BANG BANG spec when you can build so much cool stuff around it.

But the problem is, Blizzard is CHEAP. They don’t want to make these things because these things cost money and now with half their new project staff leaving and the deal with Microsoft falling through, who knows what’s going to happen lol.

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Who knew that all it took was to make a post about vampire classes XD good job, Thuz the Worgen Warlock

God I wish it was just one but unfortunately it is the vast, vast majority of all vulpera RP that gets up to what one can only call ‘no good’.


It is just one, though.
But it’s the other way around - it’s only one caravan that does it correctly.

I know the Dustpaw Caravan and Dust Scavengers… That’s already two. If you’re talking about RP

i bet most of them are not vulpera mains and simply made them to stereotype them as furries! they probably are of the goldshire inn group

Hopefully me and the few remaining vulpera players can change this stereotype. but its harder than expected. especially when some roleplayers dont even give you a chance and avoid you

Yeah, I only count one of those at this point.

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what, a new spec for -every- class in the game?

please no, the game is already an inbalanced mess and I don’t want to think about how to counter 10 additional specs in pvp when I get back to it. i get that it may seem like a cool idea for roleplayers but it wouldn’t be very healthy for the game

evokers were a mistake and a third spec isn’t really going to change that. a hero class that takes away from the fantasy of already existing classes? wow, that’s never happened before!

they’re a cool idea on paper but have been executed terribly, it’s especially surprising considering how strong class design is in this expansion imho

if anything, there’s more to do with already existing specs. I still think survival should go back to being the dot boom boom ranged spec with traps that it was in wod while beast mastery should be turned into melee (hello blizzard, rexxar??? you literally added him as art background in survival’s talent tree lol)

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Few remaining? From what I see in Orgrimmar every day, the Vulperas are one of the top played races of the Horde… There are definitely more of them than some other races. And their RP is thriving and is probably the thing that keeps Horde immersive RP alive