I'm concerned by the amount of High Elves

What if instead of giving other classes more specs we simply remove two specs from druid?

I think that’d be pretty cool.

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Who and why? Bring in the tea!! I want to know. To me both of them behave nicely?

One could say that would unbalance the class

ah i mostly RP in the Crossroads and rarely came upon them there. Its usually orcs, trolls, taurens, and goblins. The group i met even said i was the first vulpera they met in the barrens.

I think the Dustpaw are fine, at the very least they were when I was in there back in the day.

In the past I’ve defended the Dust Scavengers, but at this point I can’t do so in good conscience. Their GM is a pervert with absolutely zero care or filter on how it reflects on them or their guild, and I can’t abide that.

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I see few share my mindset on things;

If people are complaining about something, play it harder.

Also i can’t wait to get into Horde rp and rp with vulpera.

This is turning into the pet peeves at this point, but why is everyone so freaked out about people ERPing? OH THE INDECENCYYY meanwhile bro gets the orange and black on the regular and not even the classy amateur stuff, ze german videos.

Let the vulpera do whatever they want as long as it’s in private. Where does the high horse come in? Do you win morality points for being a prude? I don’t get it, I never have.

Can’t wait until someone brings up the sensitive children. Hasn’t been a child playing WoW in ten years.

And make it Balance.

Let me assume the guise of a Blizzard 420iq galaxy brain marketing expert and answer this query.

Nonono sniff you don’t get it, right. See the hunters are DUMB bro. THeyr dumb. The BM players, they want the zero iq long range spec that can literally do its entire rotation while on the move ok. It cant be melee. And sure we could flipem and say survival is BM now and BM is survival – chugs a carton of breast milk, coughs and clears his throat – but THEY DONT KNOW HOW TO CHANGE THEIR SPEC BROOO. Im for real bro Im for real

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True, they should just keep adding classes that keep inadvertedly feeding on other classes’ already existing fantasies instead of just adding more specs so people new to the game have an aneurysm like a new Pathfinder player trying to tell the difference between a magus, a wizard, an oracle, a psychic, a sorcerer and a summoner.

Nah, in the long run, adding more and more classes just… conjures that. You don’t expand the magic system because it’s the very basis of the universe you’ve written, and you can only go so many places with the same system of magic without stomping on some other classes’ toes.

At that point, I’d just prefer it if they added new sub-classes/specs instead of me having to explain to someone why an evoker is totally different to an evocation mage, or why a demon hunter is closer to warlocks and rogues than actual hunters, and why a frost mage can conjure a water elemental, which isn’t an actual real elemental like the ones shamans can summon, and it’s also not the same kind of frost that evokers use.

i agree with this. Except ERP. dont do that :rofl:

but playing a High elf or Vulpera or even San’layn is fine.


Which week are we referring to?

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What, you’re against erp?

GUESS I’LL DO IT HARDER!!! :worried:

Big reason why I stuck to my vulpera characters this long.
Joking aside, as simple as it sounds, “just” playing a character well is one of the strongest tools against that kinda stereotyping.
's how I do it, at least.


You wound me…
But no, I did make friends in that guild who I still talk to on occassion to this day, and my brief interactions since that time have all been pleasant so I’ve nothing to complain about.

If nothing else it does genuinely feel like the only active vulpera guild on the server where people aren’t constantly talking about their character’s sexual escapades.


I don’t know about you, but I always see Dust Scavengers doing peaceful, lovely RP and telling awesome stories by the fire. No inappropriate stuff involved


In-game perhaps. Out of game you have a guild leader talking about mind controlling a worgen so she can hatebonk it, or talking about dipping dragon eggs in [redacted sexual content].

If they’re speaking about that stuff openly, then I’m willing to bet some of it’s going on in-game, and honestly the only reason more attention isn’t drawn to it is because it’s not on the same level of reprehensible as all the Keti nonsense.

I’ve defended them in the past, I’m not defending them from here onwards. Vulpera deserve so much better than to be peoples explorations into fetishes and paraphilias.

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What’s interesting is that elf culture in WoW has a lot of vague oriental cultural motifs, from naming to architecture. With Kaldorei you have the Japanese vibes, and with the Sin/Quel’dorei it’s basically like this exaggerated middle-eastern dreamscape.


yeah im well aware of the Middle eastern stuff with Silvermoon and even their ships is inspired by the Arabian dhow (arabian ships) according to wowpedia at least.

i just like the vulpera simply for the desert aspect you know, but yeah i find the real life culural inspirations of wow to be beautiful in most cases. one of the reasons i love pandairia :cherry_blossom: (East asian) and also gilneas (victorian)


damn, i should start blogposting about my jedi: survivor playthrough then

I don’t disagree with you from the perspective of a roleplayer but as someone who also enjoys playing the game and doing content, giving everyone a new spec wouldn’t be very healthy for the game in the long term. Rehauling existing ones to fit those fantasies you or others have described would be much better.

As for new classes, well they have to add -something- to this 20 year old game to keep it fresh and if it’s a good idea, go ahead Blizzard. I don’t think Evoker was that idea, at least not in the version we got it so instead that dev time could have been spent on breathing some new life into the more neglected and forgotten specs who struggle with an identity crisis.

As pitifully little as it is, yeah, same.
Blizz gave us very little to work with, which is probably why a lot of RPers do outlandish stuff with them, and hence why I can’t really fault the stereotyping to a degree, even if it is exhausting.

But hey, the good ones just shine brighter from it.


I like them for their tails and a detailed curious face, they look so animated and excited. I feel cozy around them

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