I'm concerned by the amount of High Elves

Their /lie or /sleep animations are the most endearing thing in the game, and anything else is a very distant second.

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Little to work with but it tends to be enough


Are you playing on Grandmaster?

Perhaps our fascination with the “little but enough” vulpera lore is a sign that simple, easy-to-understand lore is popular.

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One of my favorite / most well-received characters came out of that very little, so I am in full agreement.

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tbh, this is most Allied races. even Void elves to some extent. As the lore is all new and few.

Vulpera rp can be vast, from pirates to nomads to scavengers to merchants.

the little lore creates imagination, and if people use that imagination to create something nasty its a problem with them and not the little lore itself.

i still dont know which direction i want my vulpera to take, im stuck between nomadic and sea faring.

that was a joke crazymon, i’m not actually going to lower myself to blogposting

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Earlier today Lucius, my pet snake, somehow managed to escape his terrarium. I think my partner left it open after she fed him some mice this morning. I didn’t even realise until I felt something brush up against my ankle. Look down under my desk and catch him ogling me with those beady eyes, what a champ. He just dropped by to say hello. Took him out for some air in the garden after.

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Which is not a bad thing at all. I think this is why people hate Shadowlands - it’s too pompous and bizarre + the new writers tainted the lore hard

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Okay, over 430 unread replies since last night… what happened in here?


Babies decided to play rp police and failed.


Why do you always ask?
Just check posts every 50 or so and you’ll get the jist. I’m not your PA!

Most people were against the original poster you know.

That’s a little too concise but fair enough!

I could, but asking the crowd is simply easier :frowning:

She may mean the OP and friends.


These are the babies, bro

The people saying “hey, it’s okay to RP a high elf?”


Yeah then people started whining about people rp’ing High Elves. I laughed at them.

Let people rp want they want to rp.


The OP asked specific questions with a disclaimer. Some started to ridicule them for that and aggressively defend this concept while belittling the others
The other side was also wild, fairly speaking, but they were a minority

Fair enough - I must’ve missed that discourse and fully admit that it’s silly to go “ew there’s too many of this race because it’s rare in lore”

Who’s gonna tell all the worgen, lightforged draenei, evokers, and demon hunters that they need to stop?