I'm concerned by the amount of High Elves

For clarification the babies being rp police were people were Quillestra and Lazerrus or whatever that weird Draenei person’s name is.



debate about High elf numbers.

debate about why not play blood elf, the horde is waiting for you

debate about san’layn roleplay

debate about draenei roleplay

debate about playing races to make forum haters angry out of spite, which led to vulpera rp debate

and that is it in a nutshell. people just need to play whatever they like, and haters gonna hate. the more hate these races get, the more people would want to play them out of spite.

I see…

I’m personally of the belief that people can just play what they want. There’s nothing wrong with high elves at all.


Uhh… I promise I did some scrolling… But this thread was pretty big.

But to answer your question OP the answer is very simple… Not enough common players and casual RP to go around when it comes to Silvermoon.

Loa above knows I have tried several times.

Most Blood elves guild that get made. Die out within a few months of life time.

Silvermoon is so big its got several rp hubs in it. Some are more attractive than others.
And we as Argent dawn players judge those in the Bazaar as Goldshire rp’ers for example.

This creates a … Right and wrong kind of Blood elf roleplayer mindset… To the point of where exactly are you supposed to even rp? to the point. And it makes any new potential Blood elves fan confused…? Where Do i go? where do I rp? where is right and where is wrong?

Believe me before long. Most would be Blood elves burn out on this question alone.
And just simply return to where its safe… and where they can find their rp.

And just like that… The horde just lost any new potential Blood elf character that might have been.

Actually unless you pay their sub, they can play whatever they want.

Gatekeeping and its consequences have been a disaster for the roleplay community.


Everybody CAN play whatever they want.

You don’t have to interact with it, however.

Whinging about it on the forums accomplishes zot.


Sorry for jumping to a conclusion and being a little aggro about the whole thing. Kind of made an assumption that it was a dig at people making a reasonable point because of past transgressions rather than a valid critique in it’s own right - I’ve defo done that before with you, so I’ll try not do it again.

Apologies if this is scattered, my brain is literally all over the place rn lol

But I get why people RP as High elves. As someone mentioned previously in this thread, they fulfill that classic fantasy elf vibe. I’ve been tempted to make one several times in the past, but I’m unable to keep my focus and interest for more than ten frickin’ minutes until I find something else I want to do.

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Yeah I’m not the most eloquent of people.

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For clarification none of us said that you can’t or are not allowed to play a High elf. But the RP police are those who dictate that Sanlayn and such are not playable, so the hypocrisy here is clear and visible. Thinking so high of yourself and imagining you are a god who decides what should and shouldn’t be played

People rp High elves more than Blood elves. Couse Stormwind is more of a rp hub. Than Silvermoon would likely ever be… Sadly.

In Silvermoon. You don’t wanna be in the Bazzaar cause thats where the Goldshire happens.

You don’t wanna be in the war quarters either… Cause thats where the Farstrider and Blood knights belong.

The spire? Well thats politicians and magisters place… But I suppose thats the most casual spot for you. If your a casual Blood elf RP’er who aren’t afraid of fear of association.

No one nor did anyone in this thread lol


i dont like how Ogrimmar looks.

also, Stormwind has a few High elf NPC’s. some of them were there since classic and some of them were added in legion.

  • Caledra Dawnbreeze
  • Elsharin

being two examples. lets not forget one of the statues literally located at stormwind’s gates is Alleria Windrunner

so I would be suprised if High elves were not popular in stormwind

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Yeah no, implying shame for playing something outside of the box, or even something that has been requested for years by a high percentage of the player population is tantamount to saying
“No this is bad don’t do it.”

Again I return to my original statement.
Ask not why there are so many High Elves but
Why are there still Blood Elves?

You’ve inspired me, sorcerer. I shall now labour to enact my brilliant master plan; becoming a billionaire and funding all of AD’s subscription to make them RP the way I want to.


The goal? Well, I’m glad you asked. The goal is to make everyone conform to my aesthetic of only having one title active in your TRP - and that title actually being an actual title. Diabolical, I know.

That’s like saying people RP humans more than orcs. If Horde was the dominant RP faction, more people would be playing blood elves.

At this point it just seems like most forum goers are these sexless Catholics or something. What’s with this ERP tabooisms. I mean, you can hold whatever opinions you want but let’s not pretend like we’re some moral authority on sex. We’re gamers. RPG gamers at that. RPers at that. Come on now.

I used to. Then the spike nation attacked.

Even though you’re right in the wholeness of your argument, this is irrelevant to the conversation. That statue was to commemorate her Second War efforts, I’m pretty sure.

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Just tainted my words. The shaming was addressed to the players who a) roleplay smth without acknowledging what they are rping and why, and b) aggressively defend the race in a toxic manner without giving simple answers to simple questions

The fact that she was welcomed back in Stormwind as a VOID elf, and accepted her request to welcome the void elves into the allaince, even if it goes against Anduin and the human’s light beleifs, i would imagine they still very much respect her. Hence the statue is still there, and hence they keep talking of her highly

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Not exactly… I mean you forget that people have fandom and inspiration that they put into the races they choose to rp with in this reply… But as roleplayers we obviously wanna go where there is rp to be even had. And I am sorry to say this but there has been allot… and I mean -Allot- of Fandom for the Blood elves. But all their guilds die out in the end… In my theory and this is not a fact. Its because outside of their guild rp… there is not much casual rp to go around and about in Silvermoon.

Its not… I mean yes your right but… its not completely unreasonably unfounded :man_facepalming: The bazaar in Silvermoon has a similiar track record to Goldshire when it comes to this.

I mean, Anduin is pretty much a grey jedi and always has been. Remember when he was a teenager and he used shadow magic to mind trick those guys in MoP?

Nana don’t get me wrong, the Bazaar is definitely the Horde variant of Goldshire. 1000% agree. My point is that people have been getting their panties in a twist over this kind of thing for decades now. Most people that engage in actual RP - I’d reckon well over 90% - don’t hang out there. The only people that do hang out there are the people who are LOOKING FOR SOME ACTION BROOO.

And I say let them, who cares.

P.S. Please legalise prostitution everywhere in the world. It’s a net positive.