I'm concerned by the amount of High Elves

Honestly this would be a more productive use of time and effort, prophet.
It’s a shame that a lot of players already do let themselves be forced by others without even having their sub paid.

I’ve never understood the sneering derision given to both places. If you want to change the place back to being either the vibrant central hub of Silvermoon or a sleepy little village in Elwynn… move into it? If the RP community is so bothered about these places then surely roleplaying there will attract roleplay and over time discourage the non-rp elements.

If they harass you for rping, you can report them, action will be taken if enough people commit to it. Yet nothing of this ever happens, why? Because the screaming and shouting about how Goldshire rpers and what-not are evil and corrupting is just posturing and virtue signalling. No one actually cares.

Worse, actually. The regulars there frequently harassed actual normal rpers doing their thing to the point it became a no go zone.

yeah but if you enter stormwind’s cathedral as a void elf, the priest will tell you passive agressivly to get out. And the only reason you arent being attacked is becAUSE of lady Alleria. they still think of her highly, even as a void elf.

Personally I’m just burned out and tired of everything being sexualized by furries. Can I stop someone from yiffing as a vulpera, worgen or tauren? No of course I can’t. But can I state plainly and openly that it’s an issue that especially runs rampant through the various caravans full of four-foot-tall fox people? Absolutely.

People can have their sexual desires or kinks and I can’t take those away from them, but when it’s constantly thrown out in the open and normalized again and again it starts to get really, really annoying in my opinion.

When I complained about this elsewhere, someone raised a good point that there’s a big difference between being sex positive and sex obsessed. A lot of the vulpera caravans fall into the latter with their players and characters constantly talking about various escapades that clearly reflect the person behind the screen’s desires and I hate it.

And it’s not a matter of gender or sexuality. I don’t care what gender the player is, nor what gender their character is - having this nonsense consistently reinforced is just draining and feels like a massive overshare that nobody asked for, and yet here it is, plain as day.

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Accepting the void elves and Alleria back into the Alliance’s fold is actually exactly what the Church doctrine preaches under the virtue of Compassion.

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I remember the days when Silvermoon was full of activity each and every evening. It isn’t technically impossible to bring that back, provided there’s enough people willing to commit to making it happen.

Equally, it’s also possible to exploit the greater amount of role-play on offer Alliance side by bringing about the type of high elf and/or void elf role-play that someone so desires.


I saw a mudcrab the other day. Disgusting creatures.


I don’t want to comment on this. The last time I did, several people got banned.

Also it’s hilarious how Obahar can’t help himself indirectly reply to my ramblings even though he blocked me. I guess he’s witnessing THE MESSAGE from other folks’ quotations?

See, that’s exactly my point. You might be right about the Bazaar there, but in Goldshire it is not so. It’s not the hordes of trial ERPers that took the sleepy hamlet over, it’s the OOCers. Goldshire is basically the Trade Quarter just outside of Stormwind. It’s also the only place where people actually duel and the like, while waiting for queues.

You can’t chase these people away by moving in, and the ERPers literally couldn’t care less about them. I say leave it be; there are more interesting places to RP in similar to Goldshire but no one does. Lakeshire is mostly abandoned, Sentinel Hill too - but I think that’s because of the phasing nightmare that transpires there and has for eons now beyond reckoning. Eastvale, Westbrook, the Tower of Azora, etc.

It must have been a murloc or a makrura. Wake up, Champion! You’re in Azeroth now!


I am reminded of a guild of primarily confirmed bachelor Worgen that existed for quite some time until about BFA if i recall correctly.
It was very amusing to see, not because the overwhelming majority of the characters were male worgen who enjoyed male company but because it just happened organically over time, like a magnet pulling them in.

Like a Sacred Band of Thebes, but with werewolves.
To this day I do not know why the great majority of Worgen males are of the male preference as well. Are the females that ugly?

Oofh… Yeah… Erp happens. No way around that… But fear of association runs rampant on argent dawn. And it kills guilds. It kills rp hubs… and its gone too far. Its used to this point as a weapon against each other the way I see it.

But this is what killed silvermoon rp in my eyes. Fear of association.

You dont want to be associated with Bazaar goldshire lewd rp? Oh I better go elsewhere?

Oh I am not a Farstrider or a blood knight? Oh I better get out of here…

Oh? I am not a politician or a magister? Well screw me… I better get away from the spire then…

If your a casual Blood elf roleplayer… Your just so screwed if you wanna play a Blood elf…

But my view is my view alone… And not the general state of all Argent dawn as a whole.

A lot of people in the furry fandom are gay men, disproportionately so compared to other spaces. I don’t know why that’s the case, nor am I saying that it’s a bad thing - but I think it’s a definite pattern.

And also prior to the worgen update the femworg model was hideous.

Destruction warlock feels and looks powerful.
the greenfire uplifts it from 10 to 11.

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Calling alleria a void elf is truly the worst thing anyone has done in this thread :pensive:

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according to wowpedia and the novels, she is. i wish she wasnt though… the void ruined her character.

Shhh, be quiet, you’ll summon the Horde (literally).

I think this is actually happening to a degree. I already know Darkshire is still popular, even if there’s an ongoing issue with the “we are the senate” rpers rolling in recently as they do to try take over things.
There are plenty of places outside of Stormwind to do RP but i think its been touched upon here already that people generally like to leave their comfort zones.

Sounds like another polling topic question in need!

If anybody needed a reminder on how bad the pre-update female worgen model was.

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Now if they also were hunched back, forward leaning, wolf-humanoids instead looking like some weird skin-tight fursuit I might actually have played one.

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Oba’s horror link


I’d still like playable naga and/or ethereals.


Yes I don’t blame the men for sticking to their own company then.
I know I would if I had to wake up to seeing that every day!

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They tried to make the female sexy instead of monstrous like the male.
and it just does not work.

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