I'm concerned by the amount of High Elves

They copped out of the cop out.

High elf RP is a psyop by the Feds don’t let them in don’t let them in don’t let them in!!!


Most of the Blood Elf community weren’t interested in playing blood elves to begin with, and even alongside those that did, the community as a whole had so much spite and Methuselah levels of old bad blood against one another that a lot of people preferred not to roleplay on the same city as people they didn’t want to roleplay with than… you know, roleplay. What they pay 15 bucks a month for.

Quel’thalas RP is a shell of its former self, and to find the culprit of this, Quel’thalas RPers from those times only need to look at a mirror.



Imagine picking a race you simply enjoy RPing

Blood elf community is dead and gone, being mad at high elf RPers for that is uber cringe considering the exodus started when WoD was a dumpster fire

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The void elves are supposed to be smaller population wise considering Umbric’s group was considered to be an elite force.

Also being rare doesn’t mean they are on the brink of extinction, otherwise they wouldn’t have the numbers to purge Dalaran, join the suramar campaign, or many other examples of High elves providing their help to the alliance.

Lastly, if numbers was a factor, why are blood elf players the majority in the horde side? Why not complain about that?

It’s fun being the underdog. Playing a race that is shunned from their ancient homeland, living in lodges or alliance cities around Azeroth, and keeping old names and old ties.

Probably the same reason people play Night elf mages (Highborne) knowing how small they are.

The simple answer is, it’s just fun. And we have lots of lore to work with established since classic, with characters like Vereesa, Alleria, and Auric Sunchaser. Among others. For crying out loud Alleria has a statue in stormwind, showing how much Stormwind humans value high elves. There are also a few high elf NPC’s in Stormwind

And finally

This pretty much sums it up.

And I’m pretty sure that role playing High elves doesn’t mean you don’t Roleplay blood elves. I’ve known people who Roleplay both as with any other games, people have multiple characters they Roleplay of varies races. I don’t know how they find the time, but apparently it happens.


I’d note that they weren’t shunned since…the end of TBC, when Lor’themar invited them back.

Any shunning afterwards was purely voluntary or due to active association with the Silver Covenant/Alliance, and like, that’s not really ‘shunning’, that’s “we chose to be your enemies so you’re not friends with us anymore”.


Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing.


Fair point. I meant the ones associated with the alliance are usually not welcomed back.

Alleria was welcomed to simply visit the Sunwell, but not stay permanently.

Vereesa was mentioned as being shunned in cataclysm, when Halduron invited her, and Lor’themar was pissed about it. This was before the purge even.

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Well yeah, they’d just spent a bunch of time in Northrend actively antagonising each other.

A plot point I still think is very silly, by the by. Wild that militant veganism caused this schism.

It’s a bit more than just the vegan aspect. I believe it’s also a faction aspect as well.

Like with Vereesa she not only was against the fel use, she was also against the horde. Almost her entire family was wiped out by the orcs, her children was kidnapped and almost murdered by her blood elf cousin, and her husband got Nuked in theramore, and her sister alleria was presumed dead when fighting the orcs. Can you blame the lady?

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Since Vereesa was a malicious actor who schemed with the Kirin Tor Council of Six to imprison Kael’thas and execute him under Garithos…


( headcanon but also it’s the only interesting thing Vereesa has ever done)

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I blame the Windrunners for an awful lot of Azeroth’s current problems frankly.


The Windrunner sisters specifically *

Lirath was an angel and didn’t deserve his death :pleading_face:


Lirath is only innocent because he died too soon to start causing problems for no reason.


The three sisters of the apocalypse. :triumph:
All of them degenerates as well.

I mean…. He was a musician. Can’t be deadly with music…… unless…… he becomes a bard :eyes:

The Naaru heavily disagree with that statement.

I wish now that their places had been exchanged. That Sylvanas had died and Lirath had lived.

Yes, I wish that.


You wish that it had been the golden-haired living boy Elf that had committed galactic undeath genocide, and that Sylvanas had died?

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Don’t forget Zendarin