I'm concerned by the amount of High Elves

He would’ve ended up summoning Murmur to Azeroth.

Zendarin is even crazier than all three windrunners combined considering he thought of murdering children, his own family at that.

Why do the good windrunners have to die and we get stuck with these lunatics

Let those who have not considered murdering children cast the first stone.

Not so fast there, adventurers who keep shattering dragon eggs and slaughtering whelps.

I’d trade Sylvanas and Dark Ranger customisations for Lirath and a bard class ngl.

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By your own logic, so it should be with tauren, gnomes, darkspear trolls, void elves, and so on - each one of these racial groups was brought “on the brink of extinction” or suffered terrible losses while being a tribe or a small research group.

Besides! When it comes to story-telling, numbers in WoW have always carried little meaning. For example, if HE were as rare as you claim, how come one of their factions would compete with the entirety of Silvermoon’s army in the Isle of Thunder?

They aren’t Alliance therefore can’t play alongside humans, where most of the role-playing is.

It clearly isn’t the case. What people look forward in RP are interactions first and foremost. If there are less interactions as a blood elf, then it is less convenient.

This is also a valid point to make - players don’t have to be your crib figures, with each one of them personifying the role you expect them to perform.

Most of the time, players don’t want to play average citizen, playing something extraordinary is usually part of the fantasy genre’s fascination. For this reason, I believe some leniency is to be expected when it comes to something so trivial such as high elf numbers.


The same Kael’thas who we would end up killing anyway in TBC?

This was always a big unknown even amongst the blood elves and had little bearing as to why Vereesa oppose the blood elves. If we take the lore at face value then those responsible for the aforementioned militant veganism that caused this schism are dead, seeing as those were exiled to Quel’Lithien with only a handful of survivors after they turned Wretched in Cata.


Push a man into a corner and he’ll do terrible things. If Vereesa had stood with her King instead of aiming for the throne herself, he might have had the political and military clout to challenge Garithos, and everything would be different.

Alas, another life cut tragically short by the misguided whims of a Windrunner…

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Windrunners are a Kirin Tor psyop


Dar’khan did not kill himself it was an inside job

Preach :100:

They’ve always been referred to by their small numbers, and yet we see enough of them to be playable. Like with any other small population race and especially the Void elves.

I’ve always wondered what the underlying connection is between skywalkers and windrunners

Both are a variant of airjogging
Both cause all the problems in the cosmos
Both get painted as tragically misunderstood when they’re being hyper evil

What does it mean

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You forgot the Hinterlands High elves, who abandoned the use of magic and are still very much alive today.

I also have a huge love for them mainly because they are besties with the Wildhammer clan :heart:


Unique factoid of the day, there’s not a single direct mention of fel magic in Eversong or the Ghostlands.


I didn’t forget them, they weren’t the ones explicitly said to have been exiled over their refusal to consume arcane energies from living beings.


The Silver Covenant also had a warlock trainer in Dalaran.

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I find that hard to believe, but I suppose the floating green fel crystals with evil glaring eyes speak for themselves?

Given his lack of green eyes, I always took him for a shadow priest lite.

How would you know them to be fel crystals when most people are unaware of what fel is?

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Nature magic is green too, maybe they’re floating green NATURAL crystals with evil glaring eyes? What you don’t think nature can be evil? Ever heard of a little thing called WASPS?

(but yeah the majority of people didn’t know the burning crystals were fel magic)


He also had blue eyes, which doesn’t make sense.

Anyway going back to the OP topic just play whatever you want. There is a well established lore for High elves on the alliance wether it’s the silver covenant, Allerian stronghold, Highvale in hinterlands, or a random citizen of theramore / Stormwind. The lore is there. And NPC’s are there too

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