I'm concerned by the amount of High Elves

In Any case. Ray… And Oba. I think the Scavs should be here too. Its not right that I who are banished even. Talk in their case… And you against them who are not even here to defend them selves.

I’ll be straight with you friend.

This victim complex is not a good look nor is defending a guild that literally pushed you out a hill to die on.

The point they’re trying to say is that you can’t blame naivety on them not cooperating with the rest of the people around them. Nor can you blame it on them not doing anything to help deal with their guild members causing disruption to those around them with how they act and respond. This was the same thing we tried bringing to the other situation regarding a certain Vulpera group that is now no longer existant.

If you dive in the deep end without knowing how to swim you cannot blame the server’s community for not following the natural order or rules of the pool when you get pulled out.

They should’ve first got to know the server maybe joined another guild and built out from there once they’ve established how things work.

Instead of defending hard for them you should also be the one to know what can or can’t be done around the Community considering you’re as you say;

Defending a group that disrupts RP and causes issues in the city isn’t a good look and then you can’t play a victim card as well when you defend the same group that is causing strife.

You said earlier on that you’re RP starved because the guild won’t take you back / pushed you out. - You can find any other guild on the Server that welcomes Vulperas I know about six of them of the top of my head.

You’re literally martyring yourself for no actual reason here and making yourself look really bad.

People have stated their reasons for not wishing to interact with said group and that should be the end of that discussion.

We’ve all made mistakes in the Server it’s natural. The point is you’re claiming they’ve changed and two people in this thread have said that they haven’t.

Also, I will say this is sorely derailing the thread that people are still trying to weigh their opinions on. Stop bringing it another 50+ replies.

Edit for more addon;

This is really irking to read and see. This does not give anyone an excuse to act as some of their members have or try to high horse to other players on the forum.

Nobody gets a free pass on that.

It makes the whole argument look fake when they contribute to the same detriment and cause the same disruption and issues.

  1. Roll Void Elf.
  2. Call people N’wahs.
  3. ???
  4. Wealth beyond measure outlander.

Major S’wit move :triumph:

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I can’t decide if these Vulpera are doing a “Get down Mr President!” moment or are just masochistic.


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I deeply apologize for further contributing to the derailing of the thread.
I shall make it short and with no intention of creating a tail of follow up posts to be dragged behind.

It’s fast to hop on popular opinions in a forum that align with own expectations or past experiences.
And I won’t judge. Nothing comes from nothing and not all in the past has been handled perfect by us.
But the direction we head for at the moment is good, even if we move at a too slow pace for some people.
(ya… we do remind people now more often to not type “sorry, I had DC” or such in /s chat)

As we Scavengers grow older on the server, we also grow more eager to integrate and contribute to it’s landscape, instead of playing in a more reclusive bubble.
Our current effort obviously is to revive to a degree the currently way too underpopulated Valley with some campfire and story nights at Sunday in Orgrimmar.
To which everyone is welcome to sit, listen or share their own stories.
So I recommend for everyone who wants to have a real impression of us, to just walk by and have a sit and experience our caravan for themselves.
Because writing and interacting with people at the campfire is a lot more fun than in a forum. ; )

Thanks to all people giving Vulpera and us kind words, Quillestra, Anizah and especially Skullfox.
Thanks a for standing up for us Skullfox!
And Felentrick if there is a name of a caravan individual that brought big time problems to you with OOC behavior during IC time, feel free to tell me, preferably in private.

With that i take my leave. I hope the Vulp train reaches it’s dead end and does not derail further.

Have a nice day everyone.


As the former Guild Leader of the Dust Scavengers, let me just say this.

I made that Vulpera Caravan to be as close to the lore as possible, traders, merchants, scavengers that explore the world, set out for Adventure and sell/trade the found riches and artefacts from all accross Azeroth.

Disrupting any Roleplay at all was never the intention, and i always aimed to integrate the Scavengers as a healthy and alive part of the Argent Dawn Roleplay Society.
Even if it was hard as a caravan who did not hang arround Orgrimmar all day because, well we were out on the road.
We did return to Orgrimmar now and then but also set up camp in other places accross the worlds.

Also participating very actively in Server-Wide Events, and aiming to make our own. Never was our decission to hinder or ruin Roleplay, quite the contrary, to add to it and help it grow healthier and more active, by being part of the community ingame, on the forums and AA.

I appologize if my members were disruptive in any way. We do try to make it a welcoming space for everyone, and revive the Orgrimmar landscape somewhat.
Again I am sorry, even if i am not the Caravan Leader anymore and did take my leave from the Dust Scavengers and WoW some time ago. I just recently rejoined so i am not fully in the current loop of things.

And like Niko said, sorry for de-railing this thread, let’s go back to the Elves.
I do like the Idea of Highelves being playable, even if it ment that Bloodelves on Hordeside being a bit rare. Still there are many, Dalaran would maybe fit as a place for High and Bloodelves to meet and settle past differences? Just an Idea, i am not that deep in the WoW Highelf lore, but i am reading up on it.

With these I wish you all warm sands and rich dunes on your travels.
:fox_face: Caravan Mother Oari :fox_face:


I appreciate both of you taking the time to reply and address the points made by Felen, but personally I have more of a problem with the constant sexualization of characters by specific members - notably Kheena talking about having a non-consensual encounter with a worgen (r-wording, if you will) and talking about infusing dragon eggs with [redacted] (I can’t even think of a way to say it on the forums)

That, and just the vast, vast amount of pornography that exists of these characters. I defended the guild in the past because I thought of the artwork as something that exists in private and shouldn’t be commented on publicly, but with Kheena being a prevalent member of the guild and talking openly about her/her character’s sexual ventures, it strikes me as much more public knowledge than it should otherwise be. It’s not something kept private if it’s referred to at every opportunity.

I will say that I do owe you both an apology in assuming that Kheena was the GM and assuming that this issue has arose right from the top of the guild - that doesn’t seem to be the case, and I don’t believe either of you engage in the constant sexualization of your fox goblins (I bloody well hope not anyway given that Niko is dead.) In fact I was so certain that Kheena was the GM that I raised an issue with her that I had about Kutar, who was trying to hang about in Stormwind OOC for some unknown reason (on his vulpera with the dust scavs guild tag)


Will be with you on that in mail probably if we don’t catch eachother at an approriate time. Will also take a look through the roster to see who it was I believe it was 3 invidivuals at that time that was causing this issue. (I will emphasize this was a 3-5 weeks ago a lot changes in a guild within that time frame and with Roleplay. - If they’re still there I will be able to point them out.)

More than happy to help with the situation.

Others that took part in the mentioning may have more recent experience, perhaps reaching out to them as well.




Oh this thread is still going? Lets see what’s been po-


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Where do you guys keep finding sexual activities and &$#_$-infused dragon eggs? I almost never see anything more scandalous than elves in bikinis. And I definitely never saw naughty vulperas. Maybe it’s a secret club or something

I’ll show you the secret handshake at some point.

My worst encounters are usually in the day time, when fewer people are online.
And I never hang around ERP couples in the wild long enough to get a whiff of that stanky erotica emote action.

As someone who likes exploring the map to find secrets and easter eggs, I’ve found them in the weirdest places.

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I will say for full transparency, both of the things I’ve mentioned about Kheena occurred out of game. The worgen incident I have personally seen with my own two eyes on her Twitter after I was told me about the post, and the eggs was something that happened in a Discord that a friend of mine was a part of- either in the Dust Scavengers server, or a public Discord, I’m not sure which but it’s definitely a server and not a group chat or a DM.

I believe you, but I am also not surprised.
any remote or slightly secret area where they can be out of sight is prime real estate for degenerates who by all reason belongs on a cross.

I mean, if they’re two consenting adults who feel like they just have to do it in-game, why don’t they just do it in an instance?


Because of the most arousing thing of all.
:sparkles: I m m e r s i o n :sparkles: