I'm concerned by the amount of High Elves

Immersion is doing it outside of a PG-13 game where segs barely exists.

Heck, get some suggestive art for your characters and dish it out on Discord or something. I’m all for segs positivity but come on :point_right:t2: PG-13


You assume this doesn’t happend?
Shall I impart onto you the cursed knowledge of something else?
they probably use mods or addons that alter the texture of the in-game character models.
you can’t see it, because it is client side only, but they exist and they are illegal.

I know some are and there’s not really much to be done about that (as long as they’re two consenting adults). These things have a tendency to get a bit witch hunty.


For sure.
but for good reason, WoW is not a platform for such degenerate activity.
in fact I could name a handful other popular MMOs, that while not designed to support this, certainly have more tools to make it more engaging.
like final fantasy and its rumoured brothels aka player houses gone wrong, turned steamy.

I wouldn’t call an alternative segsual outlet degenerate.

I will however condemn doing it in wow or anywhere there’s a risk of underage people being subjected to it.


I think in this case, it’s just the fact it’s vulpera again. Like if this wasn’t in WoW, and had just happened between two people on F-List then I’d never know and I’d find the methods of obtaining that information too invasive. At that point you’re literally looking for someone’s pornographic interests so when they appear it’s like… yeah, of course they’re gonna be on that website.

While it’s not in-game, I feel like talking about these things on Twitter and Discord is still beyond the realms of acceptability, especially given that the things I’ve mentioned aren’t just “x character bonks y character”.

I dunno. Maybe in some ways I have gone too far on this but I’m just at the end of my rope here. Almost every single time I’ve tried to offer help and advice to a vulpera guild it feels like that advice is either ignored, actively defied, or only temporarily taken on board. I shouldn’t take it personally but I do, it sucks. I’m definitely repeating myself but I hate how this race is just the go-to for creeps, weirdos, pervs and even potentially groomers (though I don’t believe the scavs are in the latter thankfully. Please don’t prove me wrong.)

Yeah no the R-word thing is 100% not okay.

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An instance, another platform, another MMO entirely. There’s plenty of alternative and more suitable venues for roleplay that is erotic for sure, but it’s not inherently “degenerate behaviour” it’s just inappropriate for an online game that minors can play.

Terms like degenerate have some real unpleasant connotations and its usage in wider society is typically weaponised and pointed at either queer people or people with alternative lifestyles as a means of chastising them. It’s something we should be careful of, even though I realise many people use the term ironically it still normalises it for those who are being serious.


So, from what I see: 1) people chase players, who want to do some kind of ERP, and then blame them for seducing minors on the game. It’s like a classic joke - Hello, I’m training in the sports club right now, can’t talk. - But you called me yourself… - Sorry, bye.
And 2) people shame others for having kinks and fantasies. Moral police, beep beep :police_car::policeman:t4:

Incorrect. If images were found on Discord or Twitter then it’s entirely possible the person just happened to occupy the same server, or follow them prior to the post.

R-word. Non-consentual ERP.

No? I even said I don’t believe that the Dust Scavengers have done that, though the Keti Caravan absolutely have.

Again, those “kinks and fantasies” include non-consentual sexual activity and infusing dragon eggs with [redacted].

I didn’t realise that having standards and desiring accountability was a bad thing.

Seems like another Quillestra L to me!

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Nah, I meant finding hidden players in remote places and banishing them into dungeons. Kinda weird

Flour and milk. Dragon pancakes.

Remote places that underage players can still happen upon.

Please don’t make this another hill to die on.

Words have the power and meaning we prescribe them.
I rather continue my use of one of my favourite words in ironic context hoping that my use or misuse will spread and as such lose its power over queer and other groups exposed to hate.
the alternative is not using it and the word remains the same, unchanged.

It was short but someone managed to turn Youtube into a slur for however long.
slangs have time and again changed meaning of words, I don’t see why we shouldn’t work towards a similar goal and defang hateful words by reducer their meaning through humor and irony.

I used to love a certain 3 letter word starting with F and ending on G.
many consider it a hateful slur against :rainbow_flag: but i’ve been exposed to so much 4chan its just a filler word, similar to another certain word used by people of a certain skin tone that I am to white to say.

Fight the hate, reclaim language.

Oh that part. Okay, maybe I was too quick to judge you there because I really thought you were defending some really grotesque stuff though yeah, people really shouldn’t be doing the digital horizontal monster mash out in public.

Witch hunt-y barely has “good reasons”, it’s the whole point of witch hunts: witches don’t exist.

The term is usually used as a connotation for a mentality that ends up dragging to the fork plenty of innocents or condemning people for crimes that aren’t really crimes.

Quite frankly, I do not engage in ERP and don’t like it myself, yet I don’t see a problem when ERP is done in an instance or in a Garrison, provided it’s done by consenting adults.

And any mentality which believes that it’s their business to peek at what two consenting adults are doing in a closed space in order to judge them is, quite frankly, very weird - to put it lightly.


I wanted to say it but Loras beat me to it. The term degenerate feels unnecessary, though perhaps the user wanted to condense his view and use a straightforward term, that term feels out of place and a little bit malicious.


New patch premise: the new primalists infuse dragon eggs with [xxx]. A plot better than the entire SL expansion.
Also, just reminded me of one NPC, press F for the pandaren fishing vendor Master Baitor. You were renamed but never forgotten.

I’m going to walk away from the computer now.


On a side note, I don’t know about you but in my country kids/underage players don’t play WoW for many reasons. Only adults and maaaybe teenagers

The Pegi rating is still 13+.

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