Bruh WHY with my tag tho please update your character by logging in fr
I really don’t know what to say at this point.
What am I saying? I have never participated in ERP and never will. Nor am I defending any annoying or disrupting behavior. I am only saying neutral stuff that isn’t remotely scandalous.
Fixed it for you.
Example? Proof? Or empty “funny” mimicing is all you got up your sleeve?
People emote write detailed.
San’layn refers to a sect and race of Darkfallen but it isn’t a racial term.
At this point it’s like watching moths repeatedly batter themselves against a bulb.
Don’t flatter them by calling them a lightbulb.
There’s nothing bright about them.
Doesn’t work like that.
trust me I once had my avatar unchanged for nearly 3 months despite playing regularly
the exact steps to update my avatar remains a mystery to me.
When even I have to agree on some things with the PCU you know you’ve done wrong.
Quillestra, you’re a meme at this point. Just bow out.
Hopefully the back and forth ends eventually, I feel like it’s headache inducing trying to talk with that San’layn poster.
Damn… at least she stopped posting though :O)
I don’t think anyone is holding or will hold her point of view against you just because she has (had) your guild tag.
She clearly doesn’t represent the GG’s views.
You have to log out and in from the forums other than in-game. That might do the trick.
Quite honestly, I would like to know Quillestra’s age myself. For all we know, they might be a teenager.
I hope not.
I’d feel somewhat bad for picking on them in that case.
Yeah just about every RP guild that’s had even an inkling of edginess in their concept has accidentally invited a Coldsteel the Hedgeheg player with an awful personality and questionable ideas before, and kicked them/driven them off within a week.
Nobody’s ever gonna hold that against the guild themselves.
i’m honestly concerned that i bothered to read this far
No going back now.
It was supposed to just be a quick 10min adventure, in and out.
IIRC they randomly changed it awhile ago to be based on whenever Blizzard ordains to update the armoury themselves rather than log-in. It could be 1 week, it could be 6 months, it could be a decade it just depends when Blizzard GRACES us with another tragic forum update that makes this hellish website even worse.
It changed for me right after relogging on the forums quite recently, so I don´t think it´s about the armory.
Either way, it´s worth a shot.