Yes & No, it depends sometimes there are groups around there near the Houses in the Military Ward and sometimes in the Commons.
Just what I said, basically. These people always do the same, they twist your words and intentions and defend their PoV no matter what. Thank you for creating this thread and making me proud, friend
Dude… What is wrong with you? Are you just looking for confirmation bias even from the most iffy of posters? You genuinely sound like one of those rabbid Anti-PCU people.
Challenge: meet a high elf character actually addressing this in their roleplay and not just in their forum reasoning about “why they aren’t void elves in disguise”.
Ideals and beliefs. They decided to cope with the loss of their Sunwell in different ways. They decided to deal with the Fall of Silvermoon in different ways. They chose differing allies.
Over the last few expacs Blood Elves have lost the cool pragmatism and utilitarianism of cosmic forces and are more cookie-cutter than their OG counterparts; fyi old blood knights were WAY cooler). But that’s down to the WoW team’s writing. I miss the vindictive, dark blood elf aesthetic of a totalitarian magic state founded on remembrance for the fallen and revenge against their aggressors.
Why do people play High Elves?
Because they want to.
You’re legit scary.
What a wonderful bait to bite.
Qouting this. I wonder if the irony escapes him.
As someone who participated in the High elf debate since 2020 I can safely say that bias and twisting of words comes from both sides, hence why it’s chaotic at times in the forums.
Sometimes it even leads to threats, which I received myself.
You cannot generalize an entire tree based on a few bad apples.
Have you heard of the high elves?
Not interested.
bro you’re meant to do your schizo posting on a classic character, didn’t you get the memo?
Why would your average high elf address this IC? It’s been an obvious fact for twenty years now.
Just wish Blood Elves hadn’t reignited the Sunwell so the split would make sense still
Void Elves were also destructive for having it make sense.
Two different editions of the same elf, just one wears red and one wears blue. Wow, so thrilling.
I don’t care you, and I don’t care to know you.
Address, in the sense of having at least some semblance of relevance in their roleplay, character or background.
You would expect something as core to a race as their literal background and solution to the elven mana-issue would come up. Never does. It’s usually pretty humans with pointy ears and that’s as far as character goes.
Even worse, the blue one lacks all the substance and nuance of the red one and the way they are majorily portrayed dab on whatever is behind the reds.
i’ve been playing a high elf myself who is exactly like that and have interacted with characters who are very much the same, so it’s not really this Holy Grail of roleplay you find it to be.
So we are at an impasse of anecdotes.
How did your high elf survive the destruction of Quel’thalas & stave off the mana addiction?