The issue is elitism, This is something Mythic + has become incredibly toxic for and will probably want you to have previous achievements, I was recently benched in a guild that promised me a spot as a healer and instead of telling me ahead of time
“as they made the decision prior to the reset made a new group and had me awkwardly waiting for a invite as they were remaking the group”
What I’d suggest if you have IRL friends who play or older friends on your BNET who also play to ask them and see if you can create a core group for yourself, Sorry to hear this is happening to you as it does suck.
It has nothing to do with elitism and toxicity. There’s a million DPS queued for every key and the leader cherry picks those with the highest ilvl/rating, because why would he make his life harder…
It’s just supply and demand.
You can try it out yourself. Swap to healer and you’ll get instant invites. You can just leave with some excuse before the key starts.
To some degree yes, but this isn’t THE reason, it’s a rather simple one, wanna know it? It’s the abundance and endless choice of DPS queing for Keys. OP for example has done a handfull of keys at a decent hight, other people might not have done 17-18, but then might have done all keys at 13-15 there for still have a much higher Rating, thanks to the “First Rating” of each Key.
Depends on the leader of the party yes,so he/she is picking the dps with highest ilvl im guessing to make the run as fast as possible,and make his life easier, which makes sense but its sad,which does make a problem if theres a lot of DPS applying,why would he/she take someone who is 440 if theres people with 450+ or even 460 applying
You probably have a point, Though I have noticed that some people are also taking into account something called Parses? on the M+ fights too as a friend told me a moment ago asking them their view on this forum post.
about 80 dps players apply in about 1min to a 18+ key.
most of them have a previous rio of ± 3k and a current rating of 1.7 - 2k
the item lvl often is 460 - 470
so if you are not in that range, you will have a hard time to get picked as a DD
The requirements for these keys will go up by every week and once you are behind, you can only run your own key.
As DPS you have the only option to no life the heck out of the game the first 2 weeks or you will not get invites. If you play a bad class/spec on top of that well then it is GG, play own keys or don’t play at all
Most importantly I take it you play retribution? If so then your chances of getting into keys are lower as Retribution is a really popular spec, so if you sign up for a 14 you can guarantee that there will be atleast 5 other Retris in queue with you. If their ilvl and/or score is higher than you then you are already at a disadvantage.
People do not look at ptevious season’s score too much, and even if they do I doubt they will be impressed with 2.5k. Due to augmentation evoker it was incredibly easy to reach 2.5k.
They likely either had someone with Cres in the group, or thry already had a paladin in the group already.
I personally would recommend joining a guild or community focusing on M+ instead of trying to pug.
To be fair compared to other dps that will be applying your Gear and IO are both quite low.
It is a risk to take you in the group at your ilvl as opposed to a player with 470 ilvl and 2000 score.
Its a simple as that, you may not need the key you have but if you do it you will get another one which you might need, then you can make your own group.