Im just tired

title says it all
Im just so damn tired of battling the community and the forums,
i just wanna play wow, honestly. but im always sitting LFG for HOURS for w/e i do, everytime i play, so what do i do ? i just play normal bgs, they don’t gvie me anything, but at least i play, how is it so hard to get a bracket with personal mmr, and make a soloq system…

why is the game so full of bugs glitches, and outdated things… there is so many things that are just wrong witht he game, and one of the worst things, is that no matter how many posts we make, about warrior being op, or hunter needing a buff, or convoke being a dumb concept, or mythic plus leavers, or item level disparity in bg… or warlock leggendary basically crippling entire teams in bg/rated bgs

we wont go past the point, where we just argue with ourselves, we make the post, someone say we are wrong, we argue the point, and then ppl start flaming, and then someone makes another post, and thats the cycle we are doing, and we get 0 answers from blizzaard, 0 attempts to adress the actual problems of this game… i can only talk about my class, since i play only mage, i wont bother trying to say what is good or bad on other classes, people playing theire class can talk about theire problems.

im not gonna sit here AGAIN to explain why i feel like mage is generally boring atm, even rank1 players have been saying it multiple times on stream.

But i want someone to realize, that w/e i argue about something, is in the hope that the game devs gets it, and that eventually something changes, and im not talking about generic stuff like buffing and nerfing.

to sum it up: You complain about your class ?

-Are you a rank 1 player ?
-no? then you cannot complain because you do not understand your class
-yes ? then what are you complaining about, clearly the class works fine.

at some point i hope everyone will just get tired of arguing with eacothers and calling names and flaming, and we will get some attention from mom blizz

and for al the SoloQ haters:
“SoloQ wont solve everything, its a community issue”
YES, but it would help ALOT, with all pro and no cons
literally, add a bracket, and play, you don’t like it ? you don’t play it, its not gonna affect you at all.
just like a new mount release, it wont affect an arena player in any way.

p.s. check out new stoopz video its 10/10, except the tinder system, don’t like the idea that much, the league of legend match making system feels just better, q, play, q, play, q, play 0 queue times, you win some you lose some.

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I don’t like the stoopz systems of soloqueue.

We want a real soloqueue, a real one.
Stoopz systems is just a LFG systems with the same issue that the current one, with only difference is you are queued offline.
People will still use CheckPvP to check your exp, are you the right spec etc

Soloqueue we want is :

  • you press a button
  • you are queued
  • you play

I made a full post of everycorner how soloqueue should be if implemented.

But i agree with soloqueue
Just not teh Stoopz systems

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Why do combatants always ask for solo q in game that is only about comp and class? combatant brains are not so good :woozy_face:

Solo q would only be about luck

Team A gets: RMP
Team B gets: Hunter Mage Druid

Who is going to win?

Solo Q would only work for RBGs where class is less important since its like PvE, not much skill involved.


A Mage complaining about accessing content? and complaining about a very niche warlock legendary. If there was a laugh reaction I would use it.

The fact Mage youtuber/streamers are saying their bored is laughable. You need to reflect upon yourself and your class and understand you got it good right now.

Please don’t abuse the OP it’s better to help the player understand why their thought process is wrong then to tear him down.

u would have to be pretty lucky to queue in a good comp, most of the games would be random specs, let the players injoy the pvp.

let them complain about comps after they are able to play, cause thats the problem at the moment, trying to play.

we have skirmishes, just make them rated…


well, mr mage wants to play rated bgs, and mage is not invited in rated bg.


Mr Warlock is not invited to Mythic+ because of Fire Mage’s.


Well, I mean, going by how players are now I can only see people blaming losses on their teammates, which got picked out by the solo q system, which will make people think twice about the solo q system, which might cause a complete player drain from the system making it dead on arrival because it becomes a factor in losing

I’m all for Blizzard trying it atleast, but I wouldn’t touch it nor expect much from it.

Why do some of you even still play?

Get cutting edge achievement before next tier ?

LFG systems or Soloqueue systems, or without Soloqueue systems, those mentallity will still happen.
But with Soloqueue it will be reduce since it will be easier to change player you are playing with, and will not wait 1 hour to queue up again.

if you have read my post i already set on my post i quoted :

I don’t delete LFG systems. If they want to stick on LFG systems they still can go on LFG systems directly.
Soloqueue is a systems that can make you play the game.

Look at my profile with that hunter i am posting with, look my winrate on RBG :

  • 67% winrate on RBG, 1640 cr
    if i got that winrate, that mean if i still play RBG my RBG CR can still go upper ( or lower if terrible case°.
    But more importantly i played only 27 game.
    Do you trust me that since December, 4 hours a day everyday, i am looking on LFG for group, and in these 4 hours i try to be accepted to play on RBG as hunter.
    1 day every 5 day i can play RBG with my hunter.
    Clearly at this point LFG systems is no longer defendable.
    LFG is supposed to make you play Ranked PvP , not to wait 4 hours day waiting.

So how many people will complain about Soloqueue systems if before they couldn’t play any game at all ? 1%< because everyone else will not post complain since they can queue up fast again to play.

Look Random battleground, it’s far from being dead.

Random Battleground is immmortal fun since the beginning.
It never had been down.
Even with the current issue :

I can agree to an extent having a soloqueue for M+0 content as this would introduce the player to Mythic+ mechanics and would provide a buffer from these same new players managing to get into a higher key and failing the mechanics because they don’t know them.

I can provide an example i decided to join a lower key a m+5 Plaguefall to get something on record with a 5 and i found this group had no clue about the mechanics on the second boss blob, I was the only dps on it and it wiped the group this was after say 12 deaths before that.

Mythic+ newcomers need somewhere to train and learn the mechanics and not torpedo other peoples keys otherwise you get the current situation with prolific leavers.

Didn’t bother to read so I’m just replying to the title: go to sleep.

Damn right :facepunch:

It amuses me greatly how much the PvP community seems to suffer this expansion.

Hopefully you will move on to better PvP games.

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gimme some names

Endgame is bad , so i level toons and hunt achievements
ATT addon itself is more fun than LFGwaitinglands

ye, and wouldn’t soloq solve this ? for both of us ? id gladly give my mythic plus spot to you. to play rbg

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