NO LFR best decision for wotlk classic.
if u want it > retail this way bro.
NO LFR best decision for wotlk classic.
if u want it > retail this way bro.
How would this even help me wantoing to tank, when the reason, I do not tank is people spewing insults and worse at the least sub-optimal move?
By getting gold and pay the tank xd
so … I’m not to enjoy the last half of Wrath as it was because if Caca comes, it’ll not work out
and cata - if it comes - will be based on the last patch of course
Because with RDF everybody has a chance of running a dungeon. We wipe, we try again … we’ll make it.
I do not want G. I want fun, which is not being ínsulted, flamed … but taking our sweet time to wait for the nOObs, and clear that Dungeon.
Nah no one wants that but this baldy troll monk. Just nvm that fool.
It is exactly because of the anti-social toxic dps players that tanks (like me) don’t group up with randoms for a HC dng. But as a toxic player yourself ofc u want to have rdf so u can be toxic again and again while blaming others for your mistakes.
Exactly some thing these trash anti-social toxic players won’t do because then they can’t be there toxic self anymore, because if you are like that while tanking no dungeon will ever get completed.
Also this.
I am the one defending new guy wants to progress and I am the toxic? Tell what kind of social interaction that you are having in your 5 man groups if they are people from outside of your guild or friend’s list? Tell me what makes you not able to gather up party and use RDF after that? Also if you think that you can fail on stupid wotlk 5 man heroics well man gl on hardmodes.
F**k me and say that I am toxic, rude, meta gamer, min maxer but solve that guy’s problem or comment on it or make a suggestion about it? I would really like to hear it please
Prime example of anti-social toxic dps player, really u say it all yourself.
You are in a guild, why you are using your connections?
All I will say about this is that when I posted about refusing to do dungeons with people I didn’t know and you all flamed me, this is the perfect example of why I won’t tank any non-guild dungeon runs, and neither will any of the other guild tanks.
If your guild isn’t helping you to gear up, it is not much of a decent community tbh, even allowing for people having summer and end-of-expansion downtime.
Why are you even worried about gear currently? Just do some BG’s and get S2-S3 stuff and wait for WotLK, yes you will get horribly murdered for a while, but that is the best gear route currently because you can do it solo with no issues.
Prime example of anti rdf crew with no logic, actually not caring player base and they will be the ones that quit or heck will want to boost new comers to dungeons. I love you all when you show yourself what a tiny little hypocrite you are.
Allright then. Month ago when I was lvl 63-ish on my priest troll alt I manually gathered party to various instances. Mine friend list grew with 3 tanks, several good dps and one fun moonkin. If Priest was my main I could communicate with the further on to form heroic and maybe even Wrath 10ppl raids. With automated RDF I know I will not make any contacts, because why would I, if system finds me party on a button press after a while.
So solution would be making RDF only exclusively for the server. Done deal problems solved cheers.
I think you need to take a chill pill mate, your posts have been getting more and more trolly over the past 3 weeks.
Are you ok?
That’s just not true though, you get people on your friends list regardless of rdf. People will want to run with a decent tank or priest to ensure a run. People want to play with you if you’re just fun to be around even and not toxic.
Rdf doesn’t invalidate the advantages of having a friends list lol.
Didn’t know cross server grouping would be implemented in WotLK outside of RDF.
See now that’s a different issue altogether, you’re saying a server specific rdf would be better now.
Yeah, but that wouldn’t help low pop realms. One of the major and undeniable benefits of RDF was that those realms could also get people for dungeons.
This would just make megaservers even more the viable option.
Small servers aren’t really viable options to begin with, that’s why they don’t experience any population growth. Nobody wants to play on a server that’s super dead.
Cross server rdf could also be implemented for low pop servers and same server rdf could be implemented for high pop servers. Honestly though like I said small server will still be as dead as they were before, just that people on them could experience more content before having to pay out for a server transfer.