I'm taking my leaf

I got the post I got silenced for in my email.
The fun thing is it wasn’t the CoC breaking post I got silenced for.

But it would be nice if they’d show you on the notification what post you get a penalty for instead of having to check your email for it.

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It doesn’t help that their CoC is so vague. As far as they are concerned trolling is what they say is trolling.

I hope you’ll reconsider in time Leaf, sucks to see one my fav Pandas go.

Yeah I checked, but it was the same one.

Like, I’m not going to go tinfoil hat over it. But as said I genuinely do feel bad when in transpires I might have done something wrong that other people may have been hurt by, but in this case there was nothing there to tell me how to reform or what I did. It was the equivalent of a parent angrily yelling at a child “don’t do that” and not clarifying what the behaviour was.

Now I don’t run forums, but I do run and manage classes and groups at my workplace and a key ingredient in making sure people abide by the agreed rules is making sure they’re visible and that if someone violates ones, you make it clear which they’ve violated and why that is so they can reform their behaviour.

You have nothing to lose appealling a ban you feel is unjustified, it’s what the appeal system is for. :slight_smile:


The reply was essentially “you’re wrong, good day”. The wording of it was pretty much suggesting I couldn’t see what I did being wrong as being my issue.

You know how some people post “look it up, I not going to spell it out for you?” When asked for evidence? It felt like that.

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Oh hell no…

I got an 8 hour vacation for a post.

I never got an e-mail containing the post.
The post and its thread were deleted.
The reason was “It’s inappropriate”.
The post hadn’t been reported enough to be buried.



They do what they want. :slight_smile:

That’s weird but eh, it does feel like we don’t really have as much moderation as we used to.

Nono, we do. It just takes place at like 2 AM.

Because it’s done in California. Because they closed their France office.

Funniest part is that the 8 hour vacation was over by the time I woke up.


I am not the Shadowy leader of the FF Illuminati, I am more like the wizened old shaman, who holds forth “Gather around the brazier children, and I will tell you a tale, Of Wasps, of Badger Assassins, of Unfortunate old men with wigs, of cyborgs and sinfulness, Pride and popcorn, and why you cannot trust Cheese, nor it’s very motives, oh no…But first, I shall play you the song of my people”

The strains of “This Corrosion” by Sisters of Mercy waft across the apocalyptic land…

I honestly ain’t seen folks being nasty to each other there, Perhaps I am a calming influence? :stuck_out_tongue:

But yes, you still have me on Discord I believe Leaf, so you can stay in touch that way if you like.


Even before the Versailles closing it felt like no moderation.
It being done at Cali times is believable tbh

i don’t really agree with or like much of what you usually say

but theres no reason to leave, your opinion is just as valid as everyone elses


The Versailles office is not closed yet I think, and there’s another one in Cork. And afaik CS works on shifts 24/7.

I don’t think CS works in shifts 24/7 but i might be wrong.

I forgot about the one in Cork, good point.

But the Versailles office is the one with forum moderators and CM’s - and also aren’t they on strike?

No idea really. They were on strike on the day of prepatch, but I haven’t seen any new info about it.

I personally think the Discord should not influence you on the forums.

You are your own person, and if you don’t agree with some people that doesn’t mean you need to leave the forums…

I’m in the FF Discord, but it does not influence my forums at all, I will always speak my opinion even if ppl don’t agree with me.

Also please reconsider leaving :sob:


I’m sorry to see that u were banned from FF leaf, i wasnt aware of that. I dont see any reason for you to leaf forums though, its just a discord server with mostly silly topics. I never had any issues with you at least, just wanted you to know that.


I wish one day I’ll have enough energy and effs to give about what internet people think about me.

Imagine having so little to worry about.

Just… imagine.

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A good friend once told me that someone from this forum was saying bad stuff about me, I made an idiot of myself telling them off for it.

Turned out friend had lied to try and keep me from being friendly with them… I still don’t know why to this day.
I provided proof that the friend was lying, as they admitted it in discord text chat… the people involved were happy to bash me, but when I went and apologized and supplied proof they said nothing… so yeah I would steer clear of that discord too.

An 18 month friendship was destroyed over it, and I won’t be making that mistake again. Forums and friendships can be a disaster - and as my real life already has so much stress in it I don’t need any more.