[ Important? ] Building a better AD

Hmm Mr OOC I don’t appreciate your tone with my fellow roleplayer


Seems you are not interested in discussing solutions all that much then.

Fine by me, as I said, this thread is mostly fighting windmills anyway.

There is nothing to be gained by discussing anything with you, as you have demonstrated yesterday



Happy to confirm this is one more clown thread, similar to the chat one you have unpinned.

Perhaps change the subject to “random trash talk”. Just a thought.

Just don’t act surprised when none of your big goals of getting OOCers to behave or whatever ever materialize. You aren’t even going for them. You are just chatting nonsense. :slight_smile:

Fact is that there is no real solution to it (a stance I have held ever since I became jaded at the old age of 12) and what roleplayers are doing now is trying to restrict the major problem from growing even worse i.e to the point of literally every other RP realm except Argent Dawn

Your idea of free transfers is very nice and in fact I would even support it but my feelings on this refer you back to the points I made in my first reply to you: roleplayers are a zoo exhibition for OOCers and because they see nothing wrong in what they’re doing, they see 0 reason to transfer away from the ‘cool atmosphere and community’*

*paraphrased from the eighteen trillion OOCers that have said this when justifying their move to Argent Dawn


^^ Thanks for the sane reply. I agree free moves won’t solve everything, but perhaps they would help a little. Maybe it’s more complicated than that though. Ie, the mechanism has to be protected from being abused.

I still think you have 0 reason to be on this realm if you don’t RP


I personally would happily transfer, it just costs gold that I am not willing to spend.

Instead i think this thread has actually been very helpful to talk about problems we come across on argent dawn and what the best course of action towards said problems is, even if there is no real solution yet.

Not everyone uses this thread the way you do, seems you are infact just derailing it by talking trash about it.

Anyhow you should probably take off the clown mask now :clown_face:


Scroll to my post and observe that I posted on topic and the derails happened due to others.

I think your own posts speak for itself. No further reaction from me on topic of Mellinora.


I don’t think about you at all. (c )


Folk, use the ignore function and ignore the nelf druid poster and they will either go away or Just talk to a wall.


I find it very helpful to raise awareness to the bigger issues the AD community is facing.


Can we all just go back to meaningful discussion, and ignore the person who is making ‘points’ in bad faith?

Also, please stop quoteing; the Ignore function doesn’t work on quotes :stuck_out_tongue:


Free tranfers is a good idea actually.

But also Blizz being a bit threatening like: Transfer for free, or RP.

Or else…

I am the only one who posted on topic in 14 days. In a bunch of responses to my post, only a couple were on topic. Most were crying derails.

Your post is pretty ironic.

Best advice in game and out: don’t engage with the trolls. They’ll get bored and go away.

I’m still of a mind that enforcing more RP rules will help the health of the server, as well as a crack down on Coomers.


Very much agreed! Blizzard has an old ruleset about RP and I think if that was changed a little (IC in party/raid chat don’t need to be there). Then we would have a fine set of rules