Impossible to tame Broken Tooth/rares

Respawn 7-8h and a bunch of high levels from both factions. Ive spent around 14 hours grinding the spawnpoints and hoping to get lucky. I guess ill keep on returning once and awhile, hoping to get lucky :slight_smile:
Broken Tooth is blizzards way to test the mental status on any hunter.

A rare pet!? Is rare!?



You can’t and won’t randomly shift Layers without a group invite. It’s why people spam chat for “Invite to new layer.”

So rest in peace. You can roam the Badlands and be certain that Broken Tooth is operating on your timer. And I can sympathize with your search: I spent five hours trying to tame Shadowclaw, the Rare stealthed Nightsaber just north of Auberdine. He’s not even that good; I just really wanted him.

You don’t find Broken Tooth. Broken Tooth finds you.

A couple of levels ago I was randomly farming in the area, I spotted him.
I then proceeded to kill him and got a good green item. Another priest saw me and we both remembered how we were unable to find him back in the vanilla days - we both had a hunter alt at the time apparently.

I didn’t bother looking for a hunter, as 1) i realised it after half way through his healthbar, and 2) that area is horde infested on my realm. So I rather not have them get it :slight_smile:


Damn you dwarf! :wink:


i am the happy owner of broken tooth, stumbled on him by accident, tamed him posted in guild chat the exact time i did it, other hunters in guild started to stalk spawn times and precisely 7 hours after it spawned again. several hunters in the g have him now

You absolutely will, actually just happened to me today while waiting together with another hunter for Broken Tooth. But I noticed it before too, at least I thought so, it was just not as obvious as today.
The funny(sad) thing is she waited for 4.5 hours, then when she got off reinvited me into her layer and he did not spawn after I waited out the full 8 hours.

If you logout you can get switched into a different layer as well. All in all I think layering most definitely screws with the predictability of rare respawn timers, probably more than it is abusable to switch layers and try to find them.

this is different. Rare spawns have a predictable respawn timer but layering messes with it. These layers are not a vanilla WoW feature, this is not how the game was supposed to be played.

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Brokentooth has multiple spawn spots afaik, if he spawns at one and is killed, spawns later at another and is killed again, it can take way longer than 8 hours. It’s a hard pet to get, if you think it’s too much trouble, don’t do it, if you want him, deal with it.

sure but there are several spots you can just sit down and use eagle eye to scout for all 3 spawn locations at once
the respawn timer is a fixed 8 hour max and the locations are also fixed.
Don’t try to teach your grandmother to suck eggs, ever heard of that saying?

This is about how you can’t rely on his respawn timer, when you log off after he is killed and back in 6.5 hours later for example because you may not even be on the same layer anymore. Layering changes the gameplay experience that is not true to Vanilla WoW

Mhm, didn’t know! I guess it is slightly different.

Instead of complaining how it isn’t true to the exact vanilla you had 15 years ago, embrace that it is now even more difficult to find him, and that less people will have him, that would’ve now without layering.

I don’t understand why every slight change due to layering which makes the game playable has to be branded as negative over and over. It comes down to:

The pet is harder to achieve.

Do you like this, yes or no?

Got Tidal Charm at level 43, after that I could finally play the game!

wouldnt mind b ut since blizzard have already removed the special skill that some pets had explicit to them. is there any need to tame rare’s?

Not when you can find normal pets with a very close attack speed.

Oh and I think this counts as borderline necroing.

Tamed Broken Tooth today on Golemagg.

I can call myself lucky with this tame because I said I won’t waste time camping this extremely rare beast. So what I did was every time I logged into the game i went to Badlands and check for a few minutes.

Well today I checked for maybe 5 minutes and there he was!

Luckily there was no one around and managed to tame him, but let me tell you that was the longest tame I ever did. Was constantly looking around for someone to pop out of nowhere and stop the taming process.

Remember to have fun and just get a 1.2 attack pet, BT will shine in the next phase when PvP will be all over the place so you have time.

God, listening to this, I feel more inclined to layer, entirely to kill him on each and every layer so it is closer to vanilla.

These rare pets feel rewarding because they are a pain to get, but nowadays with layers, meh.

I got mine without a problem, he wasn’t at any of the spots in the evening, I logged nearby, and next lunch break the next day he was at the spot near the dwarf fortress.
I didn’t use any layer tricks or anything other than spamming a “/target Broken” macro.
It’s possible that you are unlucky and that people also kill him since he drops greens and people don’t care if it’s a rare pet or not, they only see a loot bag.

That is a good thing to test! :see_no_evil:

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I also tamed it yesterday. It took me few hours of camping, but it was worth, for sure. Now next one is Deathmaw at level 53.

For a moment I read this as Deathwing and I thought you were getting kinda cocky.