Impossible to tame Broken Tooth/rares

The lord is impossible to tame, unfortunately :frowning:

When I was in Badlands, doing quest with dragons, I wanted sooo badly to tame one of them.

I know BT is the best anti caster PvP pet, but I tamed The Rake at lv10 and I can’t bring myself to abandon him now. I get stupidly attached to my non existant virtual pets made of pixels. :<


Same thing is with me and my boar (Bellygrub), I just cant abandon him, dont have hearth to do it. And then I ask myself what is wrong with me?

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Nothing imo. That’s the RP bit of this game.
My loyal friend has been with me to all my travels so far. From Mulgore to Stranglethorn, from the Badlands to Feralas. The Rake has been there for most of it. I’m not gonna abandon him now.

My ancient Dwarf Hunter(first chara ever) still has his purple Winterspring Cat. Even if I don’t play him as much anymore, it’s the one pet he’ll keep untill Blizzard shuts down the WoW servers alltogether.


Its good when you see that youre not the only one. :slight_smile:

The Rake is pretty good pet. The second best cat. Hope he will serve you well for a long, long time, my horde friend.

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Same for my white bat, Ressan the Needler which I got at level 11 from far Tirisfal Glades (renamed to “Manson”, not for the criminal but for the singer). ZG will have a much better bat, but that one is rare and I’ll keep it with me.

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I hope so too.

Yeah, same with The Rake. I wasn’t even looking for him. I just dragged my Troll Hunter to Mulgore to get a little head start on TB rep as I want a Kodo eventually. I literally just completed my taming quest decided to go back to finish the last few quests and there he was. Behind TB, walking down a path slowly. I immediately abandoned my Durotar boar and tamed him on the spot. It has the same model as the Savannah Lions, but mine is The Rake
And I love that.

My boar is Pumba. Broken Tooth still dont have a name, cant decide how should I name it: Shere Khan, Garfield, Whisker, Diego (Tiger from Ice Age), Cubone (since I am Sandshrew we could be a great team, lol), Taz (like Tasmanian Devil from BB). You see? Its really hard. :slight_smile:

My Broken Tooth is named “Nuisance”… fits him well :wink:

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Easy way to change layer is just to say LFG something and when people invite you just say sorry i g2g.

Since your Boar is Pumba, why not name BT Nala?
I named The Rake…TheRake.
Since I think it’s a pretty damn cool title, and he must have done something to earn it. So he shall keep it.
My Wolf is called Fluks, after my late dog. An English Basset Hound. He was probably the furthest thing from a Wolf you could imagine, but I couldn’t resist immortalizing Fluks in this game :smiley:

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Didnt thought about girly names, I pretended to be a boy, but maybe I will name it Nala! Nice advice, thank you!

English Basset Hound is my favorite the breed of dog!

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No problem fellow Hunter. <3
BT and those model of Lion always looked like Female Lions to me.

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Boars are decent for both PvP and Maraudon, I see no reason why you can’t keep it.

Special abilities (like the wolf that did shadow dmg, iirc), yeah. Those are gone.
Attack speeds, however, are still different. And I can confirm that BT’s is still 1s.

I also have Uhk’Lok. :upside_down_face:

Fastest attack speeds (1s) are BT and the bats from ZG.
Second fastest (1,2s) are Deathmaw, The Rake, Spiteflayer, 4 other cats, and another wolf.
Third (1,3s) are Humar (my old favourite, until another normal mob used the same skin), a whole bunch of other cats, and loads of others.

Petopia. They have a new Classic section.

As for BT, he’s not bugged or suddenly gone. He’s just rare.

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