In regards to the recent campaign

don’t drag them down by insulting criticism then, quick and simple


Debating the matter here isn’t going to make me undo the decision I’ve made. My enjoyment in this expansion is limited as-is and if limiting my signups to people I know won’t subvert and attempt to hijack my work means I get to keep making campaigns then that is what I’ll do.

You can just make your own campaigns, too.


Then come out and say it, then rectify it. Simple fix.

It’s not against ToS to name these people to Chook and have them remove the people rather than mass-exodusing the guilds. Looks more like a show of protesting power rather than being there for a friend.

In regards to the campaign topic, I personally think Chook can learn a lot from this experience and use it to better run future campaigns. I’m not saying it is Chook’s fault it turned out the way it did, but maybe criticisms shouldn’t be brushed off for the sake of making these blue-sided perps ruin it for absolutely everyone.

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Just to note Cheaoka (Chook?) is ultimately at liberty to decide exactly who can/cannot attend their campaigns. They put time and effort into making and managing them, so it is entirely their prerogative in the matter. If they feel that someone isn’t playing by the rules they decided, or are a detriment to the campaign either IC or OOC, then that’s that.


It’s sad to hear that someone put in a big efford to host a campaign, and it’s ruined by people who don’t play nice/don’t follow the rules

Don’t post opinions which actively target and judge the actions of others if you don’t expect a public discussion on it. And don’t expect such a discussion to be pleasant if you decide to start pointing the blaming-finger at the person who’s attempted to offer you a weeks worth of free RP content.

It’s not against ToS to name these people to Chook and have them remove the people rather than mass-exodusing the guilds. Looks more like a show of protesting power rather than being there for a friend.

That’s not what happened. Read my post again, please.

The reason why the campaign came apart at the end is that several Horde guilds, frustrated with these individuals’ OOC conduct, left the campaign.

Insults aren’t ‘a public discussion’, that’s just unnecessarily lashing out. Ynaar was polite enough to stay courteous, so there’s no reason for you to jump on the offensive that harshly.


In hindsight, what do you think worked really well in the campaign, and what would you have done differently, if I might ask? Knowing what you know now, of how things turned out towards the end.

Picture me, scratching at my chin, deep in thought…

Perhaps you are right, Tehya my friend… but what do you expect me to do, apologise on the Argent Dawn forums? Can such a thing be done?

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Nah just jump on to another reason to be angry, that’s how the cool kids do it.

Put a dwarf guild in charge of the Alliance


Sons of Smolderon is a pretty good dwarf guild if small

Also I’d personally change unrestricted so that if groups leave because they keep losing, theres a fallback plan.

Our short and stout friends are often as reliable as the mountains, indeed :slight_smile:

You should have seen what happened on the forums yesterday, someone is putting much time and effort with limited resources this game and addons have to offer, has to spend good chunks of time of organizing and managing a quite sizeable event on pure good will for the love of RP, people enjoy it but because of reasons some take it to the forum to go on a rampant to finger point and what not.

Bearan is seeing a friend that did his/her best to bring a fun theme fitted event to argent dawn being lambasted because of various reasons, do you find it odd that he is pissed?

Indeed Chook doesn’t owe people sh¡t, if you didn’t like the ending, be the good rper you claim to be and build an event upon that instead of coming to the forum and cry about things that people said or did, or calling people X based on the most common edgy jokes known to this decade’s internet.

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i’m sure you can at least consider trying


Just Play Nice :cowboy_hat_face: :smoking:


Keep a tight grip and control over the campaign’s story progression, make damn sure the GLs and their officers understand what you are trying to do, focus on the RP side of the campaign and try to have any RP-PvP main battles reflect said story progression.

And be ready to adjust to any unforeseen changes people’s ego bring about.

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You know what, I’m F–king sick and tired of this F–king topic. AD never changes and so does the drama, its an endless loop hole of D**K Heads sword fighting each other, and it’s not like AD to say sorry, we’re always waiting on a different Story, This Time I’m mistaken For handing you A heart worth breaking And I’ve been wrong, I’ve been down Into the bottom of every bottle, These five words in my head Scream Are we having fun yet?
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, no no)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, no no)


Shifts his gaze to Ghorek…

New target located…