In regards to the recent campaign

epic 10 characters I Will Steal This

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I appreciate you defending me Sindri and I still don’t think Chooks to blame but I started screeching like a kid tbh and it was inappropriate so I’m passing this forum win to Ynaar. Sorry bro.

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The forum topic is literally asking people what could be done to improve. People shouldn’t be chastized for responding to the topic with what is valid criticisms.

The Twilight Highland Campaign have been the best campaign I ever attended to and if I recall it correctly wasn’t it already scripted so it was well aware how it was supposed to go and end?

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Which one? The Siege of Dragonmaw Port done by that Dwarf (man I’ve forgotten his name :frowning: ) during Cataclysm or some other one done much later?

The Siege during Cataclysm.

I’ve not read much of this thread because it’s pretty obvious with what’s going on.

You will never ever have a drama free RP-PvP campaign on Argent Dawn unless there’s a pre-determined winner way before hand such as the Drums of War campaigns.

People hate losing. I myself fall into that category. People are passionate about this game and the side they’re on. Believe it or not War on all Fronts was a competition. Both sides were trying to win.

Drama will always find a way to get into these campaigns due to calls of bias, unprofessional, whining, pitty points, tryharding, not trying enough, caring too much, not caring enough. Yes. I am guilty of calling people out on a few of these things.

These issues will continue to repeat themselves unless there’s an active, unbiased, transparent, trustworthy group of people making dedicated, number balanced events where there is little to no room to be called out on “Alliance/Horde bias”. And even then, there’ll still be drama.

Take the best things from these campaigns and try to improve on them. Many people had fun. The Alliance got a victory and are very happy with themselves. The Horde, even though they were defeated, seemed to have gotten some amazing RP out of this with story lines being opened up for many many people to progress their character stories.

Just remember. With AD, there’s always someone, or a group of people trying to make drama out of something.

Don’t feed the beast.


Oh that one was just fantastic. So liberating to RP in since we all knew how it was gonna end, everyone focused on the RP, little to no RP-PvP drama since, well, nobody cared if we lose or win a battle, I personally had some epic duels on the battlefield with my Ranger (one being vs the Dwarf campaign organiser on a Goblin zep).

Fun times.

Only space programs can reach the distance how far you are from the point i was trying to make, as it was meant to build the second part of my text in which that someone becoming pissed off when his friends are being insulted and attacked.

This post is about criticism, i know that, however if someone reacts agitated because of previous events regarding the subject, keep in mind that it happens with a reason, which in my opinion is a valid reason in this case, he sticks up for his friends as friends do.

Seems that Cataclysm had at least something good going for it. Wish I was there.

I mean of course, but they were attacking someone who wasn’t even insulting. Or attacking. They were extremely neutral in their presentation of their criticism. So while you may be defensive of friends who are recieving hate, it’s a good idea to read the text and glean the intent before you assume someone is having a go.

If they’re being attacked, then it’s valid.

i forgot to mention a part, my bad.
when people are agitated, which i can imagine in this case, they tend to insert this agitation into their interactions, which is actually quite common.

Sees Sinidri replying

I’ve already said I was wrong and bent the knee in apology to Ynaar, it’s OK bro!!!

Leave me in my shame


sorry drifted away abit there, so i’ll cease and
 get myself a bloody nice meal.

Just don’t be a f*ckng Virgin and accept what happens for the betterment of a character/story

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Just out of curiosity now, what was exactly this behaviour from the Alliance that the Horde guilds got fed up with and walked away from the campaign?

It’s been covered in several threads. I myself posted an inappropriate emoji in the campaign discord which I deleted, not sure if it led to them leaving directly. Definitely won’t be a repeated action from myself.

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Now lads calm down, The Three Hammers are here to make jokes about Healers.


Och laddie, is that a healer?

Fer Khaz Modan!


The campaign thread has been deleted apparently since I can’t find it anywhere around this forum. So, long story short?

According to Cheaoka’s ending post, it was a mixture of linking a naked image of another player (I don’t know who) and transphobic comments, among other acts.

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