In regards to the recent campaign


7 more characters were required to post my intellectual comment


Dons his Kezan-made fake beard

Reporting for duty pal-AHEM! I mean-


Them lepper Gnomes definitely look a wee different



sweats profusely


Yeah, people buying drugs from drug dealers are operating strictly within the frames of a law

Such weak moral compass doesn’t exempt you from liability under the laws enacted in various countries


But in the end it’s only a passing thing, this shadow; even drama must pass.

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No drama rules forever, my son

Tfw you attend an event and miss all this

Literally every rp pvp where a list of specified guilds appear.

Last time I was at an RP-PvP campaign none of what has been said here happened, also none of the specified guilds were present too.

Its like :oil_drum: + :sparkle: = :fire:

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Sh*t’s getting political up in here

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All this vaugebooking and no names :rage:

People who want to engage in AD drama but are too feeble to break the ToS are pussies


Don’t @ me if you’ve never been in the forum clink before

Bad boys only


People hate losing.

But no one is losing. Your characters are. Which can lead to fun roleplay.

People are passionate about this game and the side they’re on.

Your character should have faction bias IC, not the person behind the screen. IC =/= OOC.

Believe it or not War on all Fronts was a competition. Both sides were trying to win.

Your character wants to win. Quality of roleplay isn’t determined by a loss or win.

Drama will always find a way to get into these campaigns due to calls of bias

And that is an issue. Where does it come from? Biased participants. People who want to be extra cool. People who want maximum influence in the plot they’re in.
(Not calling Fairbanks out, I just quoted it from him because he mentions a general problem, which I’m glad he did)

There’s plenty of people who in general love the idea or RP PVP, but want to do it in a mature and respectful environment where the goal is that everyone has fun. It is very stressful for GMs and their helpers to constantly deal with biased participants and people who get offended by a potential loss of a battle.
Eventually people move on and say: “Let’s not participate and do RP with those who care about the roleplay and not their ego.”


I stop playing my harmonica. I ain’t going back to the clink boys, they’re gunna have to take me in dead.


This, so many times THIS. It baffles me that people are screeching and losing their
 marbles, when they are given something they can absolutely work with, create events about, and have fun. Not just alone, but with how many people? Easily 15+


As long as the argument/debate/discussion/conversation/chit-chat/chinwag/whatever is about the events of the game, the events of the campaign, the events of roleplay or whatever; I think it’s fine to have complaints or disagreements. Simply going along with something you don’t like for the sake of it isn’t fun, constructive or useful.

But to agree with your latter point: There’s no need to feed the drama with insensitive and vitriolic comments about a person, purely because you dislike them for what they did in a game of internet dolls.

tl;dr it was a fun event and maybe some of us are taking it too seriously, myself included, i agree with fairbanks

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The question is how and why did they even have that nude to be able to create an emoji?
Something’s not quite right

Remember, kids! Don’t post your damn images online, or AD will use it against you.

I wonder who was responsible for spreading it those many years ago, indeed!


And that makes it okay
 because? But at least it’s nice to see where you stand.