In regards to the recent campaign

Surely the AD forums Justice Mongers would sleep a lot easier at night knowing that the very people leading their current crusade haven’t partaken in the very vile acts they condemn!


Not surprised to see you’re jumping to conclusions as always, but no. Given that the person in question was a friend, I don’t condone it at all. The point is the double standards, both in relation to the emoji, to the language and used, and really to the ‘toxic behaviour’ that has driven people away from the campaign.

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This is all making me madly curious, but I missed all that hoo-hah. Campaign itself was fine and dandy though, but it seems to be the OOC kickoff more than anything else that was problematic. People were enjoying the actual campaign just fine.

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Never miss Chook events!

See. I don’t really think there’s an issue with person sitting at the computer wanting to competitive.

Whilst my character wants to win, is on the side of the Alliance, is winning or losing, I myself wants to win, I myself choose the side of the Alliance (Although I am not one of those that is passionate about “furrrr thurrrhurrrrde” or “furrrr thurrrallurrance”), and I myself consider it a win if the faction/character I play is on the winning side.

I wouldn’t consider it the inability to separate myself from the game and real world. It’s just…natural.

Even though I complain about nearly every RP-PvP Campaign, I still have passion for this game and for the side I am fighting for. And I am sure many people do as well. There’s just some who’s passions go a bit too far.

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Ahh, so that was the reason for all the lag…

But somehow found out about it, and that it involved drama (When has there been none?), so you decided to make a topic about it to stirr up the poop?
You sir/ma’am/whatever, are :smiling_imp:

Your concerns have already been raised much earlier in this thread by Dudflex.
Leadriel has also already refuted the claim that this is intended to stir drama, instead it’s to gather feedback/advice.
And it has.
Maybe read more than just the OP next time?

I think there is, a blatant issue that’s usually at the root of problems around RPPVP

People start blurring the lines between OOC, even if subconciously, they’ll start cheating or doing underhanded or illogical things IC just to get that win.


I’d agree. I personally prefer when the outcome is decided based upon current story factors. Horde at the moment has literally no chance of winning any engagement whatsoever based on their available resources in the story, so Horde should always lose for the time being.


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excuse me but which faction is confirmed to be at the point where they have to start conscripting farmers, again?

idk which one has two spaceships


A wrecked one that’s never leaving TBC and one with a weak spittlegun that has to get up-close, kek

the vindicaar is fully operational, and so is the -aurobus-.


I think it’s a potentially very unhealthy mindset to have and one should be careful with it.

There is nothing wrong with wanting your side to win but it’s very important to be ‘hands-off’ OOC.

RP is inherently cooperative rather than competitive - RP at all is only possible with the cooperation of your peers.


So they have two glorified troop transports. Do you think it’s reasonable for blues to make those a major part of every RP-PvP campaign? Because I can’t help but notice a distinct lack of fire support from the Vindicaar at the Howling Fjord battles.

edit: actually, nevermind this, it’s completely off-topic and something I don’t imagine we’ll be agreeing on anytime soon anyway

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nah of course not it’d be boring

The vindicaar is busy firing on full auto.

It shoots every time a lightforged pops their racial. Probably has no time at all to actually charge the shots.


I will accept this as headcanon from now on

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The game of power measuring is incredibly silly and dumb and entirely off-topic regarding this current thread, you have threads for it already take it there.

Now regarding the Campaign Chook created it was fantastic and provided reasons to go to the Old World again and fully explore the zones instead of sticking to one singular part of a zone, that was great.

The Resource mechanic in the end worked out well, however the problem lied in the fact that individuals would moan and whine when one faction used their resources far better than the other.

The RP-PVP and Camp RP were both swell, running around with Gobbert & Gang making sure they don’t die whilst executing order 66 on the Alliance was great fun and hilarious to boot but yet again this was devolved by certain individuals crying for power-nerfs or for it to be banned altogether.

At the end of the day nobody has any right to moan about this Campaign, it brought people together and took people back to the older zones for some fantastic war-time roleplay, the only reason the Campaign was cut short was because certain individuals felt they had the right/power to moan when, in reality, they had 0 right/power to do so. Community events and Campaigns rely on both sides co-operating and as we’ve seen very rarely is it possible sadly, people need to cut out their petty grudges and stop complaining about free Roleplay on a video game.


A question, out of curiosity really. Is all you ( and a few other people) do is refresh the forums and post on every single thread?